Content Update 3.21.0 -- Path of Exile: Crucible

the ACTUAL fuck did I just read???????

NGL, some of these "changes" are insane. Like, holy moly insane.

And I don't only mean that in a good way.

Some of the interactions are going to be literally broken; which I wouldn't care about, if you guys could actually just keep your hands off the balance for at least a league.

But nooooo, it's always the same pattern:

1. Invent new insane league mechanic that grants ridiculous powercreep
2. Nerf the shit out of key mechanics/talents to preserve at least a semblance of balance
3. Ignore the 90% of the playerbase that is going to be negatively affected by this
4. ????
5. Profit (off of more/new mtx)


I like the idea of Crucible. What I don't like is having the game balance and economy upset massively every time because you are hell bent on preserving some vague sense of balance.
This repeated behaviour has led to (for me at least) abandoning/giving up on entire build types and interactions. Because the amount of (time) investment to even make it work at a fraction of it's previous power was no longer worth it. Maybe if the leagues were 6-9 months long - but I am pretty sure no one in their right mind would actually want that.

So please, for the love of god, just stop chickening out/teasing your playerbase like this. You want to make a crazy league? Good. But stop nerfing shit just for your new leagues.
Rippster wrote:
edit: I guess you quoted me on accident? Fair enough, I'll remove your comments.

There are already videos on how people are going to abuse the stance switch mechanic. In fact, there's already a name for it (Stance Dance). This mechanic should not be in the game and how it even got this far is baffling.

Jeez, you weren't kidding XD
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Rippster wrote:
edit: I guess you quoted me on accident? Fair enough, I'll remove your comments.

There are already videos on how people are going to abuse the stance switch mechanic. In fact, there's already a name for it (Stance Dance). This mechanic should not be in the game and how it even got this far is baffling.

spamming key every second is tiring and annoying..
If you are not a future racer.. do not play poe..
reservation efficiency and molten deserved to die. sure some buffs to skills would have been nice (9 new vaal skills sounds like a buff to me, some other stuff that looks like it can be abused relatively easy that no one seems to notice) but dear lord, the salt mine here.

the game is fun with shakeups. and if you aren't the dozen or so people actually able to compete for those exilecon tix who cares if seismic is still broken. play whatever you want and have fun, or go try d4. the hyperbole is off the charts here
Last edited by ohcee on Apr 1, 2023, 8:56:46 PM
Yo real talk why weren't all the item/unique changes listed under the Items section??
~ Seph
Can this game be rolled back to year 2018 version? You know, to be able to have fun in the game?
Cherd wrote:
Patch notes have become a constant roller coaster ride for me.

We've reworked Breach:
By increasing mob density (Great!)
reduced XP and loot (So what's the point?)

We've reworked Masteries:
By adding interesting options (Some of them are pretty neat!)
and removing less interesting options (Like mana reservation!?)

Breach is now influenced by IQ and I think rarity. So there is more loot imo.

Yeah the mana reservation is a bummer but at least we have mana reservation on the mana masteries.
You guys really just decided to kill chaos bow builds so pathfinder can be completely dedicated to concoction builds.

Not even any compensation for it anywhere, and on top of poison nerfs as if they needed a 15% more nerf, attack speed nerfs, and nerfed several passives in the tree.

No universe poison builds were overperforming to that degree, especially in the context of other builds.
Last edited by TheChosenWoon on Apr 1, 2023, 11:33:22 PM

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