Content Update 3.21.0 -- Path of Exile: Crucible

nice patch - all aura mana reservation, congratulation and enjoy, 25% chance to open chests when u use a spell HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH who did that cringe??? (atziri room gambling CRUsIBLE) Molten shell might be strong, because not every build have 10k or 20k, cringe. Nerfs, global nerfs, they said they wouldnt make it worse HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH, why it is so difficult to make some kind of balanced standard and not spoil what works well, make back auras masteries, make back a melee phys builds, make something good for players.
The best things about crucible:

- skill tree for items
- purple crystal monster mod changes

what I love about crucible:

- new masteries on passive tree
- ruthless race
- abyss revamp

What I like about crucible;

- early leveling shakeup
- new nodes on passive tree
- breach revamp

What I am 'meh' about crucible:

- ascendancy class changes (I did not played these and do not plan to play them)
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
love all the complaints.

there's so many new broken interactions with these changes that this might just be the biggest meta shake up in a long time.

the nerfs are minor and/or justified, the buffs are crazy and there'll be a lot of build variation the first week or two of the league before the meta settles.

the funniest thing is people complaining about pathfinder being nerfed when it's absolutely broken now, just not for poison conc.

3000 baseline leaguestart to 8000+++ hp/second when somewhat geared perma sustain on PF, let's go boys!

I'm hyped!
Mana reservation efficacy of skills (auras) = NERFED AGAIN
Pathfinder = OK?
Endless heist = DEAD
Onslought gem = DELETED
Leveling weapons recipies = NERFED
Molten Shell = NEREFED
"Bow attacks fire an additional arrow" Implisit = DELETED

Definitely not a nerf-festo patch = 100%

But hey! We will have now 25% chance to open chest.

I don't know what I did to you, but I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
Last edited by Lunaxi on Apr 1, 2023, 11:33:36 AM
As build nerfs are big, as I do not really care about them yet. We, the players, are all smart, we will figure out the way to balance mana reservation and all.

However, economy nerfs are the most troublesome, these WILL lead to players numbers dwindling down IMO.
Two nerfs are big: endless heist and endless scarabs.

Endless heist was bringing tonnes of cheap (and not) unique items and middle tier currency.
Endless heisters were purchasing specific contracts like candy, keeping contracts prices up.
Now the endless heist is gone, we might end up with the vacuum of unique items at middle levels.
It is not directly affecting me, but it was nice to sell all my contracts in small bulk.
We will see the consequence.

Endless scarabs strategy removal is directly affecting me. I am upset about it. "I don't like it, it's shit"TM actually.
I am not one of those scarab runners, but I was supplying them with harvest lifeforce as my game income (one of my currency making strategy).
What will the consequences of this - I do not know, we will see. But it will be grim IMO.

- Sanctum was my best league ever.
- "Find some other strategy" - I will play Crucible, but D4 waiting room. Nerfs push is becoming too volatile for me.

My problem is with the communication of GGG again, when they said they picked the 6 best mods for the masteries from their list, it is obviously not true - like it cant be true. Look at the cold masteries - there is not a single mastery, as a cold caster, I want to take up at all - NOT A SINGLE ONE. Dont get me wrong - they were also not super strong before, but having generig curse effect was at least useful and a dmg boost for most builds and pretty good at least for one point. Now I will probalby not put a single point in the cold mastery as a cold caster until maybe the very endgame when this boss increased dmg node or maybe the max res node is at least something kinda useful...

So again, it is the way they communicate these things where people just feel as being treated as fools - this is a very unpleasant feeling.
Fuck those Pathfinder changes and everything about them. They are the next wave of heavy handed nerfs without measure and consideration for anything but the most meta of present league meta builds.
No synergy for flask skills in the new league either. Geee thanks Chris. You say 17 weeks of development time are plenty of time to refine what you are putting out. Apparently that definition of "refine" is of a purely technical nature, because not one iota of brainpower could be allocated to more measured approaches.

Thanks but no thanks. I hope your roof leaks.
Last edited by Rakschas666 on Apr 1, 2023, 12:19:20 PM
ibims111 wrote:
Zebedin wrote:
oh yeah im so happy to beat your 5 acts (plus 5 copied) this time even slower.
even goddamned diablo 3 have story mode but yeah

im so happy you destroyed my builds but HEY !
i can now play this garbage league for 3 months and not find single usefull weapon that give me mana reservation back

which builds got destroyed?
Please open POB, unspec all the removed masteries for reservation and then add the 12% mana reservation efficiency into the config.
You should get it to work with a few adjustments, maybe an enlighten lvl 3, maybe an additional cluster, maybe decrease the level of flat reservation like vitality/precision. What is that crying about? Grow up and solve the problem.

I've never been a Miner or Trapper the whole time playing PoE, but ever since I came back for this league, I found that the QoL of Mine/Traps has increased immensely so I gave it a try.

What do you know, was it an awesome experience!

Now I don't have to play Saboteur, I'm just sad it got gutted.
(The only Saboteur I made was the Ice Nova Trapper from back in the day with Consuming Dark, and it sucked cause traps and mines was clunky to play back then tbh)

All the non-Seismic Trap builds for saboteur got trollerino'd, what the change did is push for players to create builds based on overlapping AoE to inflict Poison at a high rate (Seismic Trap)
It killed all the builds mine and trap builds that people played (Nimis Fireball, Icicle Mine, Eye of Winter, Hexblast, Fire Trap, Ice Trap) and pushed them away from Sabo to their native classes (Deadeye, Occultist, Juggernaut / Inquisitor, Assassin)

Honestly, Saboteur is a League Starter class. It's damage is too low imho so I reclassed mine into Assassin.
I also found that Occultist does a better damage than Sabo for hexblast
Inquisitor definitely is leagues better than Saboteur in running Fire Trap
Trickster is tankier than Saboteur, so it does a better job at running Hexblast, if you want a tanky Miner.

Wardlooper Pathfinder (the league starter wardlooper, since you need less jewels), possibly Steelmage's ZeroDPS DoomFinder and all the league starters that run around not having to cap resistance since Pathfinder has infinite Flasks (without having to get Balbala) so they can just run Bismuth + TopazSapphireRubyAmethyst

What this new nerf"Changes" did is kill off the Mine/Trap League starters (by killing off Saboteur in total, except for Seismic Trap) that takes advantage of Saboteur's semi survivability. (It's not much btw, just make a Trickster, Juggernaut or Inquisitor).

Please Chris, return the damage back for Sabo, they really need it.
(New) Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you change Stance

Really? So, nobody on the team saw any issues with this? These are the kinds of changes that baffle me. You're literally inviting players to defy your ToS with this addition and punish players who don't. A decade of work on this project and things like this still show up in patch notes?

The nerfs will continue until morale improves.

You guys are mixing two different things + labeling all POE player like there was one and only unified archetype for all POE players. At the same time you want to create some false representation that it's some type of paradox that people want two different things lol.

What you are mixing is:
1. Complexity of mechanics/systems - it determines the number and indepth of provided mechanics that player can use
2. Balance of players vs monsters power at certain stages of the progress

The problem people see now is not the level of difficutly. It's rather the time you need to spend on Acts 1-3 vs 4-6 and 7-10. It didn't make the game harder or at least it didn't in meaningful way. It made it LONGER for no reason. See the difference?
Last edited by Palonso89 on Apr 1, 2023, 1:15:16 PM

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