I dont know why the whole Diablo vs POE thing exists.

Thesuffering wrote:
Maybe if the beta wasnt so bad for POE players they wouldnt have had to shit post. But it is definitely different strokes.

Oh, so confirmation that PoE fanboys would die of restlessness if they couldn't say POE is superior to whatever other game for whatever reason. They need the circle jerk, otherwise how would they validate their own existence if they couldn't say they are superior by playing a "complex and fulfilling game" over a "simple and shallow one". But don't take my word for it, let's analyze those posts:
KZA wrote:
Dungeons all have the same formula: Kill something on the left side, kill something on the right side, now that gives you the key to open the path in the middle to fight the boss. Gets repetitive fast.

Lots of backtracking in the layouts. Last Epoch fixes this with monsters respawning after a short time so theres always stuff to kill. PoE fixes this (with a few exceptions, looking at you Museum map) with level design negating the need for backtracking.

The dialogue/narrative was fine at first, but it got lame and boring fast because it's the same formula over and over. I get it, demons are killing everyone and they're evil and must be stopped.

Lots of waiting around for NPCs to say their lines before the monsters spawn.

Shallow crafting/salvage system. Like d3, you just pick up EVERYTHING and break it down. I prefer Last Epoch's salvage system were you can break down only a limited amount of items (due to cost), and so you pick and choose which items are best to break down based on what affixes they have that you want. Meaningful. PoE too needs help in this department because loot just stays on the floor 99.9% of the time.

Shallow itemization. It's a step up from D3's "green = equip, red = salvage" complexity, but not by a lot. At least in the beta, the affixes on items are all meaningless. 2% fire resist? Who cares. Nothing is noticable except the DPS on weapons and armor on equipment. Maybe the endgame will change that?

Build choice (at least early on) is an illusion. I can make my tele-kick have a 3 second faster cooldown (normally 9 seconds) or i can give it a 1.5 second stun. Both don't make much of a difference, and those are the only two options. Compare that with the many support gems of path of exile, of which you can choose 5 (or more when you get into crafting insane endgame gear). Maybe this expands in the endgame, but the above is all I saw in beta.

You choose your difficulty. This removes the challenge and instead makes it a question of efficiency. Yeah, I could make the monsters twice as tanky and damaging for 20% more loot and XP, but bonus XP actually just makes monsters even harder. And since it takes longer to kill them, it makes more sense to choose the easier difficulty until you are so strong that you spend more time walking from pack to pack instead of fighting. I suspect it will turn into d3 with literally over 180 meaningless difficulty levels to choose from. PoE and Last Epoch have one difficulty for everything, as it should be.

Party-to-win. You get XP and Loot bonuses for playing alongside other players (mmo style), and the bonus doubles if you formally party with them. Not only does synergistic party power out-scale monster power making the game so much easier, the bonus XP and loot make playing solo feel punishing. And when you know the whole reason for the system is to turn players into salesmen for their friends, it feels predatory.

Maps have the same formula, kill something on the left side, kill something on the right side, now you do the Legion and then fight the boss. Gets repetitive fast.

Lots of backtracking in the layouts. Even more so if you are playing juiced maps, unless you're filtering out 99% of the loot. Fun right!

Just delete all the dialogue, PoE players are too smart to read.

Shallow rng/crafting table system. Craft the same meta items every league.

Shallow itemization. Build meta every time.

Build choice is an illusion. Cyclone, LS or TS with different conversions.

You choose your difficulty. This removes the challenge and instead makes it a question of efficiency. Why play alone when you can just 5 way to lv100.

Party-to-win. You get XP and Loot bonuses for playing alongside other players (mmo style), and the bonus doubles if you formally party with them. Because PoE 100% DOESN'T have a party system that is exploited.

So yeah, i guess i rest my case too.

Edit: It is bs how similar it is, right? I'm glad you agree.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Mar 27, 2023, 10:02:11 AM
As a poe player that doesn't splurge on games, I'm thinking: will d4 be worth those 70 euros I'm throwing its way?

And the answer is no, not really. Smells like boring casual shit over there.
Second-class poe gamer
Last edited by pr13st on Mar 27, 2023, 10:02:39 AM
pr13st wrote:
As a poe player that doesn't splurge on games, I'm thinking: will d4 be worth those 70 euros I'm throwing its way?

And the answer is no, not really. Smells like boring casual shit over there.

I'm sure it will go on sale in the distant future with all the costly expansions that will inevitably come out. And bonus for me would be potentially less people playing so you don't have to run into other people because you can't choose to play solo.

I still won't buy it, but for others, they might get more bang for their buck later.
pr13st wrote:
As a poe player that doesn't splurge on games, I'm thinking: will d4 be worth those 70 euros I'm throwing its way?

And the answer is no, not really. Smells like boring casual shit over there.

In fairness spending a few hundred dollars in optional cosmetics, and then prefacing that you don't splurge on games, doesn't exactly mesh.

And don't get me wrong, people can do whatever they want with their money.

D4 is more or less inline with AAA pay-to-play games. Hell I'd even say it's a better value because of the live service proposition, as opposed to a one-shot complete game that isn't maintained.

That said there will absolutely be a sale on D4, just not sure how long you will have to wait, or if that amount of time even matters to you. You might see something in December, 6 months post launch, in a holiday marketing situation.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44 on Mar 27, 2023, 10:16:55 AM
DarthSki44 wrote:
pr13st wrote:
As a poe player that doesn't splurge on games, I'm thinking: will d4 be worth those 70 euros I'm throwing its way?

And the answer is no, not really. Smells like boring casual shit over there.

In fairness spending a few hundred dollars in optional cosmetics, and then prefacing that you don't splurge on games, doesn't exactly mesh.

And don't get me wrong, people can do whatever they want with their money.

D4 is more or less inline with AAA pay-to-play games. Hell I'd even say it's a better value because of the live service proposition, as opposed to a one-shot complete game that isn't maintained.

That said there will absolutely be a sale on D4, just not sure how long you will have to wait, or if that amount of time even matters to you. You might see something in December, 6 months post launch, in a holiday marketing situation.

Not fair dude, I spent the money along a poe "carreer" (lol) of more than eleven years of fantastic and rewarding gaming.

Anyway I'm small fry next to many others on this forum that have enough to support poe and buy whatever (game) they want on a whim.

All I'm saying is I'm very reluctant on paying upfront the cash for d4, even though some of my non-poe-playing friends already preordered d4. I just don't have faith in it. Maybe the streamers and nolifers on youtube will prove me wrong, so I'll maybe put 30 bucks in it once all the issues are ironed out.
Second-class poe gamer
DarthSki44 wrote:
pr13st wrote:
As a poe player that doesn't splurge on games, I'm thinking: will d4 be worth those 70 euros I'm throwing its way?

And the answer is no, not really. Smells like boring casual shit over there.

In fairness spending a few hundred dollars in optional cosmetics, and then prefacing that you don't splurge on games, doesn't exactly mesh.

And don't get me wrong, people can do whatever they want with their money.

D4 is more or less inline with AAA pay-to-play games. Hell I'd even say it's a better value because of the live service proposition, as opposed to a one-shot complete game that isn't maintained.

That said there will absolutely be a sale on D4, just not sure how long you will have to wait, or if that amount of time even matters to you. You might see something in December, 6 months post launch, in a holiday marketing situation.

POE is F2P!
*Looks at myself and the thousands of dollars spent on Supporter Packs

"Free things I cannot afford" has never been more true.
Last edited by DAKKONx on Mar 27, 2023, 10:33:55 AM
Phrazz wrote:
Deadandlivin wrote:

I'm 99% certain D4 on release will be a 10 times better, deeper and more fun game than PoE was on release.

Of course it will. D4 is made by a multi billion company, PoE was, at the time of release, made by a 'handful' of people. Comparing that is also a little bit unfair. Notice I used the word 'also' there.

That's why I'm not comparing D4 Beta to PoE Beta when I enter those experiences.

ARPGs are content driven games. It's obvious that the depth of a game like PoE can't be compared to a freshly made ARPG.

Whenever I play Last Epoch or Grim Dawn I'm not running to the forums crying about how these games lack the 10+ years of content that PoE has established. I play the games and enjoy them for what they are.

Not really sure why people feel like they have to shit on D4 on these forums.
Just comes off as cope and confirmation bias. In some cases even feel like people are trying to steer other people away from D4 by expressing how bad, boring or empty the game feels.

D4 is a solid game. Majority of people who play PoE will play it and enjoy the initial launch of a fresh unsolved game. Then the season will slow down and people will ready themselves for the next PoE league.
Kinda annoying to constantly have to read these posts about how D4 is a crap game that will fail cause Blizzard did this and that et.c.
We get it, alot of people hate Blizzard cause they feel like they've been in a abusive relationship due to years of disapointments with Wow, Diablo Immortal and their workplace drama et.c.

But majority don't really care, because most people aren't that petty.
Diablo4 looks like a decent game, even solid at times. Just let people enjoy it in peace. When I enter the PoE forums I do it because I want to read about PoE. Not post after post about how I should avoid Diablo4 and mindlessly grind Crimson Temple until I hit the grave. Majority of people will just play both games and it'll be perfectly fine.
I tried D4 and I can say - believing that it is so because it is just a beta is naive.

I will start by underlining: Blizzard had over 20 years of experience from work on D2, D3 and Diablo Mobile mechanics. They had huge amount of time to plan what kind of dungeons are fun, how to make them more entertaining, how to make a customizable UI. But they didn't.

6 skills. This is how many skills we can have max. During WHOLE game (not just beta), and except basic resource generator (yes, you need to spam basic attack to get resource, get ready for serious carpal tunnel syndrome not even half what you get in PoE), you're left with 5 skills, most of them with 10s+ cooldown.

nontechnical related:
- dungeons are boring, you need to go to one corner, grab an item and bring it to the gate, go to the other corner of the dungeon to pick second thing and bring it back to the gate, with small and scarce enemy groups (3-6 mobs) on the way. Open the gate, tank and spank the boss if you're ranged, run over whole arena if you're melee because boss will put plenty of degen spots under himself.
- melee/ranged balance is, surprise surprise, even worse than PoE, especially on bosses.
- game is not respecting my effort. You walked 10 steps in last 10 min? boom, reward, legendary! Turn your game from veteran difficulty to easy? boom, reward, legendary (just quicker in easy)! Randomising your build without reading what skills are doing? boom, reward, legendary!
- lacking curses, auras and buffs for every class.
- slow movement, it takes A LOT longer to walk between packs, than it takes to kill them. I think there may be "A" missing in "ARPG".
- small amount of mods for items, most of them are ilusory variety like %dmg against poisoned/controlled/close/distant/slowed enemies.

+ graphic is quite good, not RDR2 great, but ok

those things will not be changed in 2 months. Doubt anything from the list will be changed at all. Only thing I'm interested in is PVP, but I'n not sure if it is worth 90€
PoE player: "I do not condone of profile shaming but if you have a private profile its also considered disrespectful" - I am disrespectful because I want privacy, I value it higher -_-
Last edited by Mendujo on Mar 27, 2023, 1:36:43 PM
Deadandlivin wrote:
Phrazz wrote:
Deadandlivin wrote:

I'm 99% certain D4 on release will be a 10 times better, deeper and more fun game than PoE was on release.

Of course it will. D4 is made by a multi billion company, PoE was, at the time of release, made by a 'handful' of people. Comparing that is also a little bit unfair. Notice I used the word 'also' there.

That's why I'm not comparing D4 Beta to PoE Beta when I enter those experiences.

ARPGs are content driven games. It's obvious that the depth of a game like PoE can't be compared to a freshly made ARPG.

Whenever I play Last Epoch or Grim Dawn I'm not running to the forums crying about how these games lack the 10+ years of content that PoE has established. I play the games and enjoy them for what they are.

Not really sure why people feel like they have to shit on D4 on these forums.
Just comes off as cope and confirmation bias. In some cases even feel like people are trying to steer other people away from D4 by expressing how bad, boring or empty the game feels.

D4 is a solid game. Majority of people who play PoE will play it and enjoy the initial launch of a fresh unsolved game. Then the season will slow down and people will ready themselves for the next PoE league.
Kinda annoying to constantly have to read these posts about how D4 is a crap game that will fail cause Blizzard did this and that et.c.
We get it, alot of people hate Blizzard cause they feel like they've been in a abusive relationship due to years of disapointments with Wow, Diablo Immortal and their workplace drama et.c.

But majority don't really care, because most people aren't that petty.
Diablo4 looks like a decent game, even solid at times. Just let people enjoy it in peace. When I enter the PoE forums I do it because I want to read about PoE. Not post after post about how I should avoid Diablo4 and mindlessly grind Crimson Temple until I hit the grave. Majority of people will just play both games and it'll be perfectly fine.

A lot of us arent saying D4 is a crap game but rather not for us. I will play it but i already got bored with the beta. Probably play my barb because Necro is boring.
Thesuffering wrote:
A lot of us arent saying D4 is a crap game but rather not for us. I will play it but i already got bored with the beta. Probably play my barb because Necro is boring.

I have to ask, are we reading the same "reviews"? "Build option is an illusion", "Boring dungeons", "lacks curse, aura, basically isn't poe", "shallow this, shallow that", "predictable playthrough(seriously?)","Loot is everything in an ARPG and D4 fails that badly(casually filtering 99% out, it's fine)", "repetitive(this is the most hilarious one)" is just other ways of saying "it's not PoE and therefore it's crap".
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Mar 27, 2023, 4:42:37 PM

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