I dont know why the whole Diablo vs POE thing exists.

RitualMurder wrote:
Thesuffering wrote:
The kind of player that Diablo draws and the kind of player POE draws are very different. Sure I will complete Diablo iv once and call it a day but that doesnt mean POE wont remain my main game over the years past and future.

Same can be said for Diablo players but vice versa.

They both cater to very different markets. POE for that deep mechanics and diablo for the simple mechanics. I have friends who prefer the different styles.

This who x will steal x games players is so stupid especially in regard to POE and Diablo.

Diablo competes with Fate and Torchlight.

POE competes with Last Epoch and maybe Grim Dawn.

Wolcen is a game no one should play. XD

Also you can tell a hardcore POE fan on this forum by the number of supporter packs the person has bought, if it is at least 2 or 3, you just know they are going to come back from Diablo iv to play the next season of POE. Haha.

if you dont think diablo will affect poe you are nuts

it will only affect for the first few months until people will have played the hell out of diablo 4 by doing dungeon spam and world boss spam and when hype will have died after that they will go back to PoE over Diablo 4 and when they done with the PoE league they will go play diablo 4 meanwhile while waiting for new PoE league anyone who likes PoE isnt gonna permanently quit PoE and move to diablo 4 permanemntly thats not gonna happen thats copium
Last edited by Gopstop22 on Mar 27, 2023, 1:41:02 AM
Thesuffering wrote:
The kind of player that Diablo draws and the kind of player POE draws are very different. Sure I will complete Diablo iv once and call it a day but that doesnt mean POE wont remain my main game over the years past and future.

Same can be said for Diablo players but vice versa.

They both cater to very different markets. POE for that deep mechanics and diablo for the simple mechanics. I have friends who prefer the different styles.

This who x will steal x games players is so stupid especially in regard to POE and Diablo.

Diablo competes with Fate and Torchlight.

POE competes with Last Epoch and maybe Grim Dawn.

Wolcen is a game no one should play. XD

Also you can tell a hardcore POE fan on this forum by the number of supporter packs the person has bought, if it is at least 2 or 3, you just know they are going to come back from Diablo iv to play the next season of POE. Haha.

I have been playing POE exclusively since 2016. I would consider myself a dedicated player that enjoys challenging content. Being a working and family man, my time is precious and I tend to play Standard for a sense of permanence. From a games perspective I have spent the most on this game via Supporter Packs (5x$480 Top End Ones). GGG made a good game - and they deserve to be supported.

When Diablo IV launches though - that would be my permanent game. There might be some aspects where it may not match POE (depth and complexity etc) but in other elements it shines (accessibility, combat and teamwork etc). Based on the Beta and feedback from the subreddit I have little doubt that the game would be a massive success. And make no mistake - it would definitely impact the POE playerbase.
Last edited by DAKKONx on Mar 27, 2023, 3:42:06 AM
I don't know why POE and Diablo fans exist either... Maybe because they like one side more than the other.

esostaks wrote:
Calm down guys - no need to argue! You can play both games. Play 20 hours of D4 to min-max your character, and if that's not enough for you, you can continue with a game that provides content and build variety and an actual itemization.

They are competitors for your time. Time which you have limited quantity of.
Thesuffering wrote:
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:
Especially when there are anti-PoE gadflies in every thread stirring s**t up in ways which surely must violate the Code of Conduct (re: antagonizing posts), yet persist nonetheless. If Blizzivision fans spent more time on the forum for the game they claim to enjoy, and less time here casting aspersions on PoE and those who enjoy it, this forum would be a quieter, but more pleasant place. ='[.]'=

Ironic, then, as most of those shit post were started by PoE gadflies stirring shit in their own forum over D4 in ways which surely must violate the Code of Conduct, as well, and then are shocked when not all PoE players are blind fanboys.

Maybe if the beta wasnt so bad for POE players they wouldnt have had to shit post. But it is definitely different strokes.

I loved the Beta.
I'm 99% certain D4 on release will be a 10 times better, deeper and more fun game than PoE was on release.

I think comparing a new fresh game to an established title that has flooded its game with new content every third month for 10+ years is unfair. D4 will follow a similar payment model and development cycle as PoE. If the D4 devs keep adding new content, systems, endgame improvements et.c. to D4 for years like PoE has I'm sure it'll grow deep and polished enough to rival even modern PoE.

But sure, the fresh skeleton of D4 being released now can't compare to modern PoE and will look bare bones. That's to be expected. The success of D4s release isn't being predicated on it's depth and abundance of content on release. It's predicated on being a fresh game.

It took a very long time for PoE to become a deep and fun game with lots of content. Early PoE didn't even have maps. You literally farmed Act2 Dominus runs for random drops et.c.
Last edited by Deadandlivin on Mar 27, 2023, 5:21:56 AM
Deadandlivin wrote:

I'm 99% certain D4 on release will be a 10 times better, deeper and more fun game than PoE was on release.

Of course it will. D4 is made by a multi billion company, PoE was, at the time of release, made by a 'handful' of people. Comparing that is also a little bit unfair. Notice I used the word 'also' there.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I think GGG will eventually dumbdown their PoE anyway. They have no choice. Old players will get older and drop the game. New players won't touch PoE, and they shouldn't. This make PoE a slowly dying game. For now PoE is fine, but a few more years and we will see.
Networm13 wrote:
I think GGG will eventually dumbdown their PoE anyway. They have no choice. Old players will get older and drop the game. New players won't touch PoE, and they shouldn't. This make PoE a slowly dying game. For now PoE is fine, but a few more years and we will see.

When POE dies it will die as 1 of the legendary games that all ARPG needs to take notice.

any game that is hard or needs ppl use brains will die in nex decade anyway. new generation of gamers cant handle anything that give challenge or dont cater to they fragile feelings.
anti4z500 wrote:
When POE dies it will die as 1 of the legendary games that all ARPG needs to take notice.

any game that is hard or needs ppl use brains will die in nex decade anyway. new generation of gamers cant handle anything that give challenge or dont cater to they fragile feelings.

Let's pretend spending/wasting a lot of time on a slot-machine game something deep and complex. A few months ago, GGG nerfed loot drops to the ground in an attempt to keep players wasting even more time. Well, I can't cherish such behavior from GGG at all.

Proof: "Why I Quit Path of Exile (After 10,000+ Hours)"

Apparently the guy is still playing PoE though. He had invested too much time to quit.
Last edited by Networm13 on Mar 27, 2023, 8:05:51 AM
Networm13 wrote:
anti4z500 wrote:
When POE dies it will die as 1 of the legendary games that all ARPG needs to take notice.

any game that is hard or needs ppl use brains will die in nex decade anyway. new generation of gamers cant handle anything that give challenge or dont cater to they fragile feelings.

Let's pretend spending/wasting a lot of time on a slot-machine game something deep and complex. A few months ago, GGG nerfed loot drops to the ground in an attempt to keep players wasting even more time. Well, I can't cherish such behavior from GGG at all.

Proof: "Why I Quit Path of Exile (After 10,000+ Hours)"

Apparently the guy is still playing PoE though. He had invested too much time to quit.

you talking about loot nerf that non existent to normal players and slight nerf to uber buffed party loot that 1 map run uses few divines :D yes its always funny to read complains and crying from ppl that dont even play a game :D
D4 is an MMO. It's made for console.

POE is an ARPG. Its made for PC.

Where Lost Ark doesn't hide what it is. D4 tried to hide what it really is (during the beta) and people are going to be in for a shock when people start grinding what endgame it actually has.

The warm feeling of a new diablo game will wash away when people are one-shotting world bosses and groups are hydra-spamming from across the map. Then people are camp farming 1 or 2 world events because it's the only good ones. Bots running around gathering resources.

Ladder resets are going to be filled with exploiters. Certain people claiming they won the race because they didn't use a certain skill so then they are better.

But look on the bright side. It's going to be a laugh when all this hits in June. Going to be so much fun watching it with some popcorn.

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