Yes or No


Do you code?
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
No, not anymore.

Do you garden?

Do you like Math?
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson

Are you rich?
No. Is POE the best arpg of all time?
Last edited by xtesterx on Aug 10, 2024, 4:41:57 PM
Yes, according to Twitch, I've never really played it myself.

Do you trim your nose hairs?

Have you ever seen Krillson in game?
PoE Origins - Piety's story

Do you burp a lot?

Do you like vodka?
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D

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