Please disable the Voodoo rare monster mod inside of Heists

I don't see the issue with this mod cause you either just run out of range or kill all the mobs. Both a viable option, but the later one is easier cause mobs die fast anyways these days.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Got oneshot again in heist, I didn't even see that doll until I died.

My totem build, I though totems had cleaned all mobs and flame dash forward, then died. Then I saw a doll appear in the corner of screen with a group of mobs.

GGG should fire the genius who invent this mechanics.
Pashid wrote:
I don't see the issue with this mod cause you either just run out of range or kill all the mobs. Both a viable option, but the later one is easier cause mobs die fast anyways these days.

While I agree with this in a general mapping sense, Voodoo Doll is a huge problem in heists specifically because the effigy can be created on the other side of a wall from you where you can't do anything about it, while infinitely spawning enemies swarm it, and you can't run out of range because you are waiting on a rogue to open a door. It's especially bad in the sewer heist tilesets because of how often those layouts contain switchbacks.
If you use skills which clear all screen, that is no problem with the stupid effigy.

But many times, when I saw mobs attack me, I used movement skills to dodge, then die, because there's another group of mobs attacking the effigy. Especially in narrow space, you don't have too many directions to dodge.
the correct suggestion is to

REMOVE AN MODS from non regular map mobs.

AN mods still exist and they're typically the most infuriating mods to deal with.

i find no pleasure doing blight encounters one reason being is knowing AN mods can exist in these maps.

voodoo can be harmless or total bullshit depending on circumstance. its one of the many AN mods that should only exist on regular map mobs not tied to any league mechanics.

AN mods should be considered a league mechanic. not "a group of mods to add to regular mod pool available across all POE content"
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Last edited by exsea on Feb 21, 2023, 4:14:43 AM

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