Please disable the Voodoo rare monster mod inside of Heists

It is almost impossible to survive when you run into that mod. A monster will make a voodoo doll of you and all monsters in the room will attack it and kill you instantly. Because Heist is full of monsters, it is almost impossible to react in any way and there isn't enough time to even alt f4 even if you see the doll being put on the ground (which you probably won't, because visibility in this game is not that good to begin with).

This mod is NOT balanced inside of heists. I've been playing ruthless since the beginning of the league, I have multiple characters mid 80s, with one in the late 80s, my tree is fully specced into heist so this is not a one time occurence. I've done nearly every contract that I've ever dropped and nearly every single time I die, it is that mod.

Please disable it until you find a way to balance it. It should not exist in its current form inside of heists.
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2023, 4:14:13 AM
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Hogaric wrote:
It is almost impossible to survive when you run into that mod. A monster will make a voodoo doll of you and all monsters in the room will attack it and kill you instantly. Because Heist is full of monsters, it is almost impossible to react in any way and there isn't enough time to even alt f4 even if you see the doll being put on the ground (which you probably won't, because visibility in this game is not that good to begin with).

This mod is NOT balanced inside of heists. I've been playing ruthless since the beginning of the league, I have multiple characters mid 80s, with one in the late 80s, my tree is fully specced into heist so this is not a one time occurence. I've done nearly every contract that I've ever dropped and nearly every single time I die, it is that mod.

Please disable it until you find a way to balance it. It should not exist in its current form inside of heists.

Just get rid of it in general. Here I am grinding 95 and 3 bars away down in the safest delve levels possible with lvl 83s and I open a wall and instantly die. No amount of skill can mitigate this - just instant death with no warning whatsoever.

It's a stupid mod for Heist/Delve. It's bad enough out in the wild.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D

I'd rather the effigy mod be removed entirely. GGG's been putting all this emphasis on having you use mobility and positioning to not die, then proceed to add a mod which completely ignores that to kill you anyway.

Goodness forbid you also lack the DPS to kill the monster who spawned it before the pack straight up wrecks you. This is a huge issue in encounters such as Expedition.

That's even more unfair than toxin balls, volatile blood, and herald totems spawning in quietly and sneaking up on you.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Dec 29, 2022, 8:18:07 PM
I think the idea is that if you can't handle (a portion of the damage from) enemies directly hitting you, you can move far enough away from the voodoo effigy to break the tether, instead.

A bit trickier in the confines of a Heist, of course.

I swapped my tree to ritual, was super hyped about trying a different strategy. Was killing mobs inside of a circle then a mob spawned the voodoo statue, all mobs turned, attacked it and I died instantly.

Please rebalance that monster mod. It is not balanced on any mechanic that spawns lots of monsters
Last edited by Hogaric on Jan 5, 2023, 8:02:56 PM

This is NOT ok. Every single time I encounter this mod, it is instant death. 30+ monsters group around the effigy and they all bonk it at the same time. My last 3 deaths today have been to this mod.

I have nearly 10 years of path of exile, have done 36 challenges multiple times. I am a decent poe player and I know what I am doing and yet this mod is completely wrecking me nearly every single time I encounter it.

That mod completely destroys evasion characters, as the monsters hitting the effigy don't have any accuracy checks at all, so situations like this one where an extra phys rare and 30 monsters attack the doll, there is nothing you can do if you are playing a build that isn't armor based. You always fall dead.
Last edited by Hogaric on Jan 6, 2023, 10:34:56 PM
A mod is removed easily.

Can we also have a talk on how this mod got in, in the first place?
For the love of god, just remove it.

It is especially bad in maps where there are many turns and walls and the doll is spawned somewhere behind those and there are mobs who can insta nuke it.

I'm literally speechless how you create such stupid mechanics that if positioned a little bit bad often mean death. Is it balanced?

One more f*ck you mod.
Stupid PoE2 Particle System Patch...

New mute system is another hot garbage.
Last edited by y3lw0rC on Feb 11, 2023, 3:17:38 PM
Now I know why I sometimes got oneshot unexpectedly, thank you, GGG.....

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