December Expansion Name Reveal

POG candles monster
Hot Damn! Here we go!!!
Exciting look and aesthetics appealing to the Crimson Prison inmates farming for Mageblood 😁
Lets go. I feel 3.20 will be different.
If you are going to face a real challenge, it has to be a real challenge. You can't accomplish anything without the possibility of failure.
Archritual XD
Announcement to the announcement.
RainbowAlpaca wrote:
Does new expansion = new league?

newbie here.

Yes. New league
By Kitavas fat dead ass, plz don't fuck it up (again...)

plz be awesome!

P.S. guy with a sword = melee buff confirmed?
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."

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