December Expansion Name Reveal

Lixy wrote:
Only a week and a half after the Dragonflight release?

Was hoping for a bit longer of a delay.

Or you know play a good game like PoE...first wow expansion im not playing gonna wait to see if they ACTUALLY change for the better
I am ready
"Is there such a thing as an absolute, timeless enemy? There is no such thing, and never has been. And the reason
is that our enemies are human beings like us. They can only be our enemies in relative terms."
lol actually means "lot of loot" - and i hope that sanctum has good loots :)

can't wait!
Let’s go!
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
I can't wait! :D
After the Archnemesis Mod Manifesto I can finally get excited about a new PoE league again. I missed that feeling.
... is not a troll

remove harvest plz
GGG: poe 2 will not influence poe 1
GGG: settlers league extended...offline game to merge accounts
GGG: poe 2 is released but they haven't even started thinking about the next poe 1 league
GGG: bye bye Chris Wilson...
bye bye poe 1?
ok, so LS is now molten strike, RIP
wierd name.
december name reveal.
doesnt seem very game ish.

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