What to Expect Over the Coming Months

I like cats
Last edited by Shaddrak on Oct 13, 2022, 6:03:30 PM
We're already playing Ruthless mode lmfao.
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
GG(G)! 👍
A.k.a. Sinisa / sinisasub85.
Docx_83 wrote:
Only thing I want to know is if loot goblins are staying or not?

haha no. Chris the failable doesn't like any chance in hell that people have fun. Hench we had 3.19, sadly, to chris, someone figured out how to have fun. Expect lootgoblins to get nerfed but no compensation because that's a ReReRe buff.

Someone from reddit:
So they almost downsized to ~3 leagues/year. Which is what fans wanted in exchange for better leagues. Which honestly, they cannot miss after this trash league

Yup, they downsized to 3 leagues a year and somehow managed to put even less time into each league and ignore even more feedback.
For clarity, us signaling this early is not meant to set an expectation of many and/or severe balance changes, just simply that this information is coming early and will be shared across several posts.

Okay, I think I'm done with this game. It's been a good ride, but the direction that the game is headed is just not fun for me anymore. I'll check back when PoE2 comes out. Cheers guys.
5 weeks of break...

Hope this upcoming league has an adequate amount of testing and comes out with as few problems as possible, very excited about the information being revealed ahead of the launch to set peoples expectations where they should be.
Cassia supremacy
Ruthless Woohoo!
transparency is good!
Probably still too close to the wow expansion. Besides from that, my expectations for 3.20 are very very mild, especially since they felt the need to mention it explicitly as one of the upcoming releases leading to poe2. Wonder if that means we didnt even hit rock bottom yet with 3.19.

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