PoE 1 PC servers are restarting now. They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Xbox servers are restarting now. They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 Sony servers are restarting now. They should be back up in approximately .
PoE 1 PC servers are undergoing maintenance. Some features will be unavailable.
PoE 1 Xbox servers are undergoing maintenance. Some features will be unavailable.
PoE 1 Sony servers are undergoing maintenance. Some features will be unavailable.

What to Expect Over the Coming Months

Didn't you already release Ruthless with 3.19 with loot and scarcity?
Looking forward to the events and hard mode :*)
Your build isn't even week 1 SSF HC Ruthless uber viable? lmao, just uninstall dude
And can we make stupid ass AN a hard mode exclusive content?

Nobody like it here, seriously.
Move all Archnemesis mobs to Ruthless, or releasing 3.20 will be a futile endeavor.

Nobody wants these mods, nobody. The players are now the devs.

Either heed the will of the players, or get your resumés ready.
Wwoooww nice, but don't forget the console events
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
revert 3.19 changes
IGN @SexyMilf
Can't wait for Ruthless.
My mirror thread https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2756556
Tobinator wrote:
I hope this leacue was just a hard mode demo

LOl this league was easy...so much currency :D
So if you think this league was hard, then i can recommend following streamers that shares guides, making it easier for ppl in trouble ;)
how ruthless will be?

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