Following up on Recent Feedback

I am waiting for introducement of Orbs of Anulment working like Eldrich ones (you can choose if you want to anul prefix or suffix) which will work with items which can not have Eldrich influence (jewelry) or already have Elder, Shaper or Conqerror influence on them.
That would make life SO MUCH easier for crafters without readding keep prefix/suffix from Harvest bench.

Pls GGG make that happen in 3.20!!! We urgently need crafting option like these one mentioned by me.
Good changes :D, Not changing harvest back sucks can you guys just make it so harvest crafts are not tradeable in anyway so we can have our crafts back?
i dont even know what to say anymore
Harvest was always tradable via TFT... Just because now its tradable in game does not mean you need to nerf it. IF you wanted to nerf it you should have properly communicated it was being nerfed. Please just buff the crafts that are remaining if your not gonna return the crafts that were removed.
Good, Delve monsters were so ridiculously OP that I was going to avoid it for the rest of the league.
Another post, another disappointment to be completely honest hopefully without sounding rude. I really want to play and I am playing but it is just so much bullshit that happens, dying from nothing, archnemesis....... and no drops. The uniques I wish to acquire being so rare that I need to farm half the league just to get them is just so mind boggling that I am sad you have let your game die in this way. My suggestion would be to swallow up your pride and implement changes that will make us the actual players happy to some point and to have a reason to play more than a week before quiting out of frustration. Hope you read this but I doubt it.
We understand that there is a call for us to bring those crafts back but it isn't really possible while allowing Harvest to remain tradeable.

Not possible? Does that mean that it's "impossible"? Please explain why
If the desired harvest crafts are not there, what's the point to make it tradeable?
If this level of crafting is really what you want available to the average player it cuts the fun of this game in half for me.

I just wish the game catered more to the "mid-tier" player. Not a casual, but not an expert. Just someone who wants to map and progress slowly.

Personally, these kinds of changes make it impossible for me to progress through the endgame while still having fun. Without any kind of incremental progress it's just boring until you grind enough or get lucky, and that's not something I'm going to play.
Last edited by Tani on Sep 1, 2022, 11:02:53 PM
I'm sorry but who asked for harvest to be tradeable???? Nobody I know wants it tradeable.

It must return or you must make other crafting methods better because right now most of them stink beyond belief.

How many changes have you had to make since 3.19 release? We are not your BETA testers and treating us as such is unacceptable.

Clearly, a 3 month cycle is too much and needs to be reevaluated.

This post is CLEAR in it's ineptitude and I fear for the future of Path of Exile on this path.

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