3.19.0f Patch Notes

How boring and small (c)

Harvest is gone, Kalandra Lake is unrewarding for those who can't handle 10 mods metamorph, 10 x 3 modes rares in Legion or some 20 mods essences, and most my currency drops is gated behind random AN mob which I will probably not be able to kill.
Last edited by ched_21h#3128 on Aug 29, 2022, 5:59:36 AM
Nerfing monsters is another way of buffing skills and supports. The relationship is such that realistically you don’t even need retool skill/support values every few leagues or so; just tweak the monsters. Win win.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Expedition Logbook monster also applies the shackle affixes, which makes the monster become very powerful. I use the game method of last season to fight and die all the time. My resistance and armor block are very high. Can you modify the log monster separately? I like this game method, but I can't play it now
Last edited by 一位绅士#2060 on Aug 29, 2022, 6:17:49 AM
im haveing a lot of crashed when im trading if u could look into that aswell pls
thx :)
Any news on 32:9 support? :(
I was waiting the whole weekend for the patch.this is the best you can do?
maybe you shouls spend more time working on being creative on game play instead of spend all your effort on mtx.

the league mechanic is getting cheaper and cheaper no league specific boss anymore.I'm not gonna talk about the loot i think the drop rate is ok but the magic find game play is just not well thought/implement.you end up with people find a loot goblin tp out swap gear to kill 1 specific monster .is that how you want your game to be played?

also the reward of contents also not well spread.the only 2 well reward is expedition and hiest.you are being push to play this content if u want to make some currency.I wouldn';t spend time or atlas skill ponit on breach or abyss.

I'm really sad cuz i skip last league becuase i think league mechanic was cheap and the content is bland and no passion although people said it's quit rewarding.now the lake is just a waste of time not rewarding enough to do.

thanks for fixing the archnemesis tho
BalcArrow wrote:
don't nerf them too much i love hard content...

the community doesnt give a f about difficult spikes in fights they only want free cash ...sheeps
my reasons to endorse GGG

First :
players crying about not having or finding cash ...well this was expected
now no more loot explosions the game all the sudden.... is bad? get over it....sheep.

Second:players crying about rare monsters being hard to kill;
20leagues not one not two...not three 20leagues with rare being goblins and with no hp no dmg no purpose, just a yellow name;now they have damage and defenses you cry because you cant kill them????Are you sure you know how to play the game because looks like your not.
You played for 1-2000hours and you still dunno how to kill monsters? you had 2thousands hours to learn and you don't know if you can fight something ?...oh yeah you can kill Shaper (Shaper fight is a joke ,you watch a video once and you know what to do....even a zdps build can do him)..and chimera...right and you think they have to be stronger than Rare archnemesis monsters ?maybe but if a boss is not challenging ...you can argue that is the boss difficulty the problem not the rare(which for the last decade was just the "kill me player im just a filthy yellow monster dude i give you one exalted orb for it"")

10 yearssssss 10years with a mobs not having dmg or defences 10years of players getting buffs in defense damage itemization, shrines, head hunter 10 years of players having advantages 95%of the time over monsters...and at the first sign of monster getting a serious rework you cry ....at first sign of them fonally dealing some damage ..you cry
Well you are going to cry more in the future.future
Every time a new league is released you cry because your not getting what you want is like the girl in willy wonka industry ...with her not asking her father but order him to give her this and that and this and that ...and at the end the father had enough and finally said NoNo!

3:nobody cares how much you spent for your mtx i dont care personally (talking about players with mtx and them pretending to have some voice over GGG decision because they bought a freaking mtx)period.

4:no more free loot splosion ...now you have to really work for your cash,
GGG granted free loot/cash for the last ...lets say 5years with mechanics, crafting methods, always to favour the player side and none of it to favour the enemy side.
The way you all want the game is an endless cash grind with zero challenge and i hope you dont get it what you want is not what i want from poe because yes im a single person but my opinion is like your and i really have enough of reading all of you players crying 24/7 over stupid topics .
The game is taking the right direction and i like where is it going and i want to see more nerfs on the player side because im tired of not having any hard challenge to do,you can just buy the progress nowdays ....and i want to literally fight for my progress ,i prefer to be poor and satisfied then bored and rich (and crying).
I have high standards when it come to gaming and great expectations and i follow my mind but this community is just toxic.

Dont forget....is a FREE TO PLAY GAME!

you dont like it ? leave.

As you already wrote, this is a free to play game. Therefore GGG will never listen to a dude like you, who just bought 2 supporter packs and want everything hard, while the whole hardcore-supporter community is raging about the changes.... Guess what?
best-case : GGG will revert the changes to the statisfaction of the crowd if YOU dont like it, just Leave...
Worst-case: They give a f... about their community and they will feel the slap with our wallets . When tencent knock on their door and ask whats going on with the the last season results, they get even more in trouble..Sooner or later the game might not be a f2p anymore ... maybe a p2w infested game.. Money talks baby
Last edited by luckydavid#2886 on Aug 29, 2022, 6:48:28 AM
I dont play POE until you fix loot problem. Waste of time...
Still no talk of the prismatic archnemesis modifier
loot is still pretty bad

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