Tool-assisted Pantheon Mod Farming

Hey Chris, mb take it easy. This league is such a blunder on community and design levels that I'll personally skip it, it's not the first league I skip and it's not the first time that I'll vote with my wallet ^^'. You got some rough moments in PoE, mb it is time for you to go slower in the updates and change your advertisement policies, youtubers have also limits.

Think about your teams, about the game and be sure to ship enjoyable content that doesn't contradict with itself. Tencent can understand that, you're not Riot games, your segment is not retarded teens with overweight issues. Kalandra league is not quality content, it openly ostracise EVERY players, when you rekt harvest and make it a meta currency it is passive agressive toward your player base, when you silent hardnerf meta farming methods, you actually dunk on the most dedicated and skilled players(yes in PoE the most skilled and commited players are either the racers but also the guys who are able to move as a 6-8 men compound). By dunking on those players you ruin your metagame, you anihilate any potential arguments on making the game more obscure and complex because there will be nobody to go there and figure things out and it can happen fast, in the span of 3 days you can rollback 3 years backward.

Think about the end of 3.13, league with 1ex:100c for the whole league. You ruined a state of equilibrium then since it has been a roller coaster; you can't reinvent new "states of equilibrium" for the players, what we've seen atm is also a form a large scale burnout that YOU engineered for very nasty reasons, basically that it was cheaper for you to go this route, it was the short term path of lower resistance for content continuity but everything has a cost.

Even if you faulted, we still enjoy the game, and you showed us many time how your company is able to make U turns on stuffs. I don't expect it for next week, but maybe in 4-6monthes I'd hope we return to a form a normality/status quo where others and myself do not feel insulted while playing this fabulous game. Giving less because it's cheaper than giving more is not a reasonnable long term take, we won't eat that.
Last edited by galuf#4435 on Aug 27, 2022, 8:28:36 PM
Great job and ban all abusers. I rly admire you guys protecting game as much as possible from cheaters. Most mmos fail way more than you do... thats rly job well done. Most ppl dont appreciate that but is rly important. Those dupe or print currency scandals can rly kill mood in community coz it invalidates your gameplay a lot.
VernerHolt wrote:
Whether or not GGG created the problem by the implementation of AN mods and the loot pinata mechanic is of no relevance.

Causality is relevant, my friend, and with the sudden rise of this loot goblin archenemesis, this tool gets a resurgence in interest. It's no mystery why.

And it's far from fair. So yes, something needs to be done and responsibilities taken/acknowledged, not shot down or disregarded as you unfortunately did.

The nuking of Harvest was seemingly done to attempt to take TFT out as third party resource...well, this rise in MF culler business is doing the opposite. Ironic.
Last edited by Bellaluna1722#6299 on Aug 27, 2022, 8:37:31 PM
I thought that only the economy was ruined by the currency reform, but the game itself is ruined due to several problems overlapping.
ggg how are you going to take responsibility?
As much as I couldn't believe how tremendously fucked up the last week was, I feel kinda sorry for you at the same time, having to deal with so many stupid comments telling you to just revert the last year or two of your work and do some ridiculous one-sided changes has to be really rough. May the Force be with you.

Now to the main point of my reply, the topic of loot: yeah, it was insanely bad, but I can definitely feel a positive change, we're getting back to norm in terms of long-term average loot quality (profit-wise). There are some issues I'd like to address though:

1) Harbingers got... annihilated. Up to this point they had been a fairly frequently farmed mechanic due to reasonable drop rates of Exalted Shards and the imaginary potential of finding a Mirror Shard (farmed them heavily for the past 4 Leagues in a row, haven't had a single Mirror Shard drop yet), and now not only are Exalted Shards worth approximately half a Chaos Orb each, they also became INSANELY rare. Running Delirious maps on Standard for the sake of profit-testing and killing 27 Harbingers (with all possible Harbinger nodes on the Atlas Passive Tree allocated) I have found zero Exalted Shards. That was around Tuesday. Since then three more days have had to pass for me to find my first Exalted Shard drop, and it happened on a difficulty 5 tile in the Lake of Kalandra. At this point my most cherished League mechanic feels so bad I just had to spec-out of it, making my friends question my health and/or identity. Divine orbs must get their own shards in order to make this mechanic worth while even for me, and I'm very far from being a min-maxer here.

2) We need to have more ways of obtaining Divine Orbs. It has been mentioned quite a few times already, but this point is very valid and crucial for healthy development of economy in future Leagues and SSF crafting in general. Exalted Orbs, from my experience, are about 3 to 4 times more common as raw orb drops than Divine Orbs (and it's a fairly popular observation from what I know), on top of that they have multiple different cards and various sources of shards, meanwhile Divine Orbs are very binary in accquisition and it really feels wrong considering the recent changes to metacraft recipes.

3) The accquisition of valuable currency became very binnary - this one is more about personal preferences, but I'm a bit of a technical nerd myself so I'd be willing to bet there's quite a few people sharing my point of view, and my point of view is that... it ain't no fun. Good example of a nice and smooth profit line are Harbingers (yeah, I know, blue aliens again, bear with me for a while). They used to be amazing specifically because they were popping small amounts of Exalted Shards on a fairly regular basis, and that on its own felt great. They were meaningful enough to give a hype bump, made it feel that all the additional time we had to put into killing their summons wasn't a complete waste, and they were frequent enough to keep the hype train rolling for a whole session. At the same time those small bits of profit were big enough to make a very satisfying difference in the long run because once these Exalted Shards turned into an Exalted Orb we suddenly had a very strong currency at our disposal, so we could use it for a more meaningful transaction (or metacrafting). The problem is that this smooth line of profit generation got obliterated by all the changes to drop you had made in the past few days, making it so that we either earn a lot of currency in a single loot fountain (such as 1 or 2 Divine Orbs from a single monster), or earn basically nothing in between those huge spikes, and this kind of profit graph feels really quite bad when you don't zoom-zoom 20 maps per hour at 240% movement speed while one-shotting every single mob on the map in a 400 Divine Orbs worth of a build. I see where you're going with difficulty-based rewards and I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but in my opinion there should be some middle ground where we don't get 8 Divine Orbs from a single monster but we don't have to map for 4 days to find one of them either.

P.S. No, the 50 Divine Orb fountain from a single mob wasn't real, it was a very obvious fake and I really hope it was just a joke on your end and not a serious example of a rewarding encounter.
just remove archnemesis
At least Diablo 3's new season launched, so I have an ARPG to play that's still fun. It may not be as in-depth as PoE, but at least the core gameplay hasn't changed, and the fun is still there.

You go ahead and keep pushing that Arch Nemesis. I'll just find other games to play, and support.
Last edited by BunnyFoxglove#2228 on Aug 27, 2022, 9:31:32 PM
ok but do i still need to keep making new guys every time i wanna have basic crafting stuff?

because maps are bone dry.
k ty Chris for fixes but still concept where 1 mob drop 50+ div will force cheaters to find other new ways to cheat...
so its useless

better see it
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Last edited by TreeOfDead#4438 on Aug 27, 2022, 10:06:05 PM
So the problem still exist, that 1 AN monster have all good loot from tens of maps, but you fix 3-party tool programm...
I can FLY!

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