What We're Working On

I don’t buy any of this. Bottom line, players are the lab rats in this failed experiment.
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023
I said it on Reddit, I'll say it here too...

Scourge, Sentinel and Lake of Kalandra


Ritual, Ultimatum and Expedition.

Hands down give me last year back. Hands Down. Worst part, Lake of Kalandra isn't even that bad of a mechanic, but the lack of loot, changes to exalt, Arch Nemesis TRIPLE down and then saying that red maps are fine when BOSSES DIE FASTER THEN THE RARES, is my issue.

I'm just waiting for Archnemesis mods to start being used on bosses. Thats probably going to be Zizaran's next gauntlet modifier, all bosses(including ubers) now have 4 Arch Nemesis mods randomly rolled upon entering.

Not to mention the "Spawning ON TOP OF THE PLAYER" storm crap spawning on top of the player and detonating 1.5 seconds later is stupid. The visual indicator for them is horrible. They should Grow and Glow brighter before exploding beyond the character. Also have a Cooldown baked in to not SPAM the storm apparitions.

Ritual Harvest was about 12-24 per patch, Ultimatum crafts brought it down to 4-8 on average per patch. Lake of Kalandra is 0-2 Crafts. Whats wrong with this picture. And saying there is a chance of no Harvest materials per patch...I wont touch it period. Waste of my time and a mechanic you were better off deleting it.

Lake of Kalandra...Getting 1 drop per chest aint it chief, it aint it. Hitting T5 tile and still getting 1 drop, still aint it chief. And saying you are supposed to get "MORE" loot the later into the game you are is backwards.

Leveling should be dropping about 5 items per chest and go up to about 10 per chest depending on the type of chest and difficulty. Then start increasing in Quality the harder the content is by a multiplier.
Rotgarg wrote:
If you think things are fine you have not made it to yellow maps yet.

I made it to T16 and I find the league absolutely fine.
The Archnemesis sunk cost fallacy might kill this game. There's no way all of the dev time being spent to make it 'work' is worth it.
Are we ever going to get our 3.13 PoE back? Sentinel was fairly decent since the mobs were fun and rewarding but this is a complete dogexcrement league.

I'm blown away that a league which reveals lore on a character so important her mirror is the basis for the logo of the game can be so terrible and uninteresting and non-rewarding. I'm truly saddened that PoE is what it is in its current state.

I did a heist today and got more out of a basic level 67 heist than I have running a few basic maps. Its soo janked atm.
Promote that guy, who made Empiriyan quit PoE on Day 2 of the League.^^
PROBLEM: what we're working on

Still no update or response?
Must be a New Zeland holiday guys who are we kidding.
Last edited by yurialex#1172 on Aug 22, 2022, 9:23:22 PM
120 pages of negative responses in under 24 hrs.......

Good job!

Baffling that this how you communicate and run your game these days....
Still no fix to this problems ? cmon ...

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