widescreen resolution removed from the game.

The difference between what you're listing and this is that UW only affects a tiny fraction of the playerbase and as has been pointed time and time again it's not just "quality of life" but advantageous for people who own or purchase one of these.

The obvious other difference is that the other suggestions would have more than 3 people supporting it.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Echothesis wrote:
I don't see a difference between this thread and countless other threads asking GGG to fix QoL. Poe was fine for a decade without any bars, with not a single white knight complaining about aspect ratio. And GGG worrying about T-posing mobs and/or extra server load - is their own problem, not players problem, which GGG shouldn't "fix" in such crude way.

From the top of my head, other archaic QoL on the same level as black bars include:
- No vacuum loot pickup (not even manual AoE pickup hotkey with filters).

- Way too much clicks in inventory management. GGG did add currency bulk shift to trade window recently, guess they did their good deed quota for this year.

- Map rolling clicks. Problem intensified with T17 introduction to a point chaos orbs grew in price for a time, lol. Rolling away BS mods like reflect or no regen or half T17 mod pool or specific build-disabling mods is pure tedium and 0 entertainment. Make me pay 10 chaos per map for a fixed mod pool via map crafting UI, I would even pay 20 per map to save time and clicks.

- Mass item identification. Why not place hideout object revealing whole inventory on click? You could sell MTX for it too.

- Inability to remove buff vfx from passive/ascendancy nodes even with paid MTX. Aegis bubbles, elusive, onslaught, etc. For a game marketed via cosmetics this is facepalm.

- (Standard-only) map/scarab conversion. No clarification needed here.

- Way too much clicks on crafting. Admittedly this is tough to improve, whole system hangs on current controls nature. But such tedium still has no place in the future of videogames.

- Tedious trading, this is a topic in itself. Not going into auction house, but even within the current system, why do I have to break gameplay rhythm and sift through my stash looking for requested item? Make a small window showing the item and the approve/decline buttons. Approve opens standard trade window.

- vendoring 3 to 1 and premium tabs like oil upgrades. Once again, a ton of clicks for a simple operation.

Do you guys think all those requests were also "one person pushing nonsense"?

EDIT: forgot stacked decks opening, lol. The only reason I was selling all decks I found was because of how nightmarish was the idea of opening them :)
None of this has anything to do with the topic at hand. In case you have forgotten, this thread is about how GGG fixed the broken widescreen resolutions.

If you continue derailing this topic I'll just start reporting your posts. Keep it relevant.
Last edited by Ulsarek on Jul 2, 2024, 5:45:53 PM
Are we really starting to compare QoL that would be free and benefit literally all players to a QoL that affects less than 1% and has a thousand(s) dollar(s) buy in price? Oof...
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Ulsarek wrote:
None of this has anything to do with the topic at hand. In case you have forgotten, this thread is about how GGG fixed the broken widescreen resolutions.

If you continue derailing this topic I'll just start reporting your posts. Keep it relevant.

Is this what happened to tackle70?:)
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Are we really starting to compare QoL that would be free and benefit literally all players to a QoL that affects less than 1% and has a thousand(s) dollar(s) buy in price? Oof...

Do you mean non-UW monitors are free now? Where can I get mine? :pog: Preferably 3 units at once:)
Echothesis wrote:
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:
Are we really starting to compare QoL that would be free and benefit literally all players to a QoL that affects less than 1% and has a thousand(s) dollar(s) buy in price? Oof...

Do you mean non-UW monitors are free now? Where can I get mine? :pog: Preferably 3 units at once:)

tackle70 wrote:

Yup. I didn't spend 2 grand on a 32:9 monitor to look at black bars.

RIP this game until they fix it

Since you're deflecting, does that mean you have nothing more to add to the conversation?
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 2, 2024, 6:03:31 PM
Point was, trying to drag hardware cost as an argument of why a dev shouldn't bother to adjust to that hardware - is ridiculous, sorry for being blunt. Normal devs cater to better and more expensive hardware, adding raytracing and new version upscaling support to games which didn't have it on release. And you say no need to change black bars because only a few expensive guys have the hardware:)

If GGG agreed with you, PoE would still be running DX9 or whatever it was at release time.
Echothesis wrote:
Point was, trying to drag hardware cost as an argument of why a dev shouldn't bother to adjust to that hardware - is ridiculous, sorry for being blunt. Normal devs cater to better and more expensive hardware, adding raytracing and new version upscaling support to games which didn't have it on release. And you say no need to change black bars because only a few expensive guys have the hardware:)

If GGG agreed with you, PoE would still be running DX9 or whatever it was at release time.

Missed the point again. Are you doing this on purpose? Every system needs a graphics interface like DirectX, but only a tiny fraction of machines use an ultrawide monitor. It is not required to play video games, and if you do own one you can still play the game.

It's always the same platitudes. Can we stop with the strawman arguments already, Echo? Boring.

Echothesis wrote:
sorry for being blunt.

Don't say it if you don't mean it.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Jul 2, 2024, 6:54:25 PM
DX12 and new particle system also do not required to play PoE, ask GGG why they went through all the trouble, enduring backlash on performance problems along the way.

First, UW users are not such tiny fraction as you make it to be. Second, supporting them is easier compared to adding another renderer to the game.

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