widescreen resolution removed from the game.

dk_daywalker wrote:
So when we point out that UW monitors are only used by a tiny fraction of gamers this is what it's about. Have you considered the devs don't want to add UW support to Path of Exile? Because remember, UW support wasn't removed from Path of Exile. The game never had it to begin with.

... and that is wrong and part of this complaining thread. I play PoE since 2013 and it supported UW since i have startet with the game. Then it was removed.

Community_Team wrote:
Previously it was possible to manually set the aspect ratio of the Path of Exile client to be very short and wide, allowing you to see an unintended amount of the level at once. A limit needed to be set. Because of server serialisation distances, this maximum aspect ratio is currently set to 21:9. This is the widest that we can currently go before we start hitting the cutoff where entities and effects vanish. We are looking at being able to increase this in the future.

This note was accidentally missed from the patch notes. We're very sorry for that oversight.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade#4438 on Jul 3, 2024, 4:56:57 PM
But seriously GGG should at least update if they are going to provide a solution like their post said. It has been years, and many of the people who said this was a deal breaker, left.

In fact GGG should do all manner of qol stuff instead of coyly saying, we'll get back to you, as it were.

Where are the performance upgrades that actually improve things? Performance is worse than 5 years ago.

Where are well rolled items?

Where are fixes to mtx lag?

It isn't hard to sympthasize with a player or group of players who want answers to an unannounced change. Especially when GGG said they were looking into it.

Honestly if GGG isn't going to support uw, they should just say so and move on.
roundishcap wrote:

Where are the performance upgrades that actually improve things? Performance is worse than 5 years ago.

The first big performance update happened long ago with the introduction of the Dx12 option.
along with that the rather latest patch did improve the performance heavily in a good way across the board.
Sure with exceptions to people and their weaker or old rig, but that's a problem those players create themselves by running old hardware with insufficient power for proper performance. It's not that hard or expensive these days to have a fairly "modern" system to achieve mid-top performance in games these days without having to put all settings on low.

But all of the things you've listed are hardly QoL at all tbh.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Jul 3, 2024, 7:56:36 PM
You are conflating qol with lowering the difficulty of the game roundish.

Edit: just wanna say that I also wished they'd make a clear statement on where they stand on this so we can all move on. However, I guess they don't want to because if they did, it would be a bigger topic of discussion again which I reckon they don't want. As is so often true: saying less is better for business
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade#4438 on Jul 4, 2024, 4:27:40 AM
7 days without any news from our friend, we miss you and hope to see you for the 2 year anniversary tackle :(
Last edited by tangatawhenuapai#4513 on Jul 5, 2024, 11:29:49 AM
Community_Team wrote:
Previously it was possible to manually set the aspect ratio of the Path of Exile client to be very short and wide, allowing you to see an unintended amount of the level at once. A limit needed to be set. Because of server serialisation distances, this maximum aspect ratio is currently set to 21:9. This is the widest that we can currently go before we start hitting the cutoff where entities and effects vanish. We are looking at being able to increase this in the future.

This note was accidentally missed from the patch notes. We're very sorry for that oversight.

Wait, GGG may actually lie?:) :kapp:
XeoTech wrote:
Yup. What a shame. It really provided no "tactical advantage". It just showed more of the landscape and added much more immersion. Harmless in my opinion.

Say again?
XeoTech wrote:
Any game developer who would have done 1 hour of market research on consumer monitors and cutting edge resolutions would have saw that 32:9 was popular and becoming more popular as these monitor's prices are more accessible to the average consumer.

2.25% usage of 21:9 monitors and 0.30% usage of 32:9 monitors that's not even close to be considered as popular.
Even 4k is only used 3.71% and not really popular even with gpus getting pretty powerful for 4k gaming these days.
(numbers are based of the Steam Hardware & Software Survey. Not 100% accurate but it gives a good glimpse of the low low portion of people that actually own a UW monitor)

You can say that 1440p is in fact popular these days with the slowly increasing amount of players using one over 1080p lol.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Last edited by Pashid#4643 on Jul 8, 2024, 5:28:22 PM
And even then it's among all Steam players. Ask anyone if they play PoE on ultra settings + 4K resolution. Wonder what kinda alien technology rig you'd need to achieve solid performance in endgame with that
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

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