[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

sumienie wrote:

Yes you can, 4 is baseline then you need just one corpse with +1 explicit. To have 5 in total.
Also you don't need to buy 86 ilvl corpses, it should be cheaper to go for 80-83ilvl and buy few +1 ilvl ones.

I made my armor that way. I think it took ~50 corpses to get into "I'm fine with those chances" zone.

I have a few quad tabs of corpses so I will give this a shot. Did you plan it out using the graveyard method on craftofexile?

Yes, but modified one, from what I saw current corpse calculation is always using max corpses count and its using too much of them.
For example, we just need 16 Tier corpses to get t1 on defenses and attributes, but its suggesting 24 - then all possible outcomes are tier1 (Max life needs 24).
So use it to know what to use but adjust numbers till you like weights.
I also have another question. In the PoB leveling tree for 71-90, I notice that the mastery node Cold Mastery is taken, but I do not see any small nodes leading to it being allocated.

Is that an error?

I managed a glove craft with corpses, but it was just lucky. (haven't done the influences yet fully)

Last edited by fireblankie on Apr 8, 2024, 4:10:34 PM
Bellaluna1722 wrote:
I also have another question. In the PoB leveling tree for 71-90, I notice that the mastery node Cold Mastery is taken, but I do not see any small nodes leading to it being allocated.

Is that an error?

The larger arc on the outside, which is taken, also counts for unlocking the mastery.
Last edited by Tithonia on Apr 8, 2024, 4:56:24 PM
Yeah I also crafted Helmet, Gloves and my Body Armor with the graveyard. Took a few tries in some instances, but it worked out fine and Im really happy with the outcome.

I used increased prefix chance on Helmet and Body with just +1 Explicit Modifier to try to get an open suffix.

I can try to dig up my crafts that I used if you want, but most were still in like 3-5 average tries territory.

Currently in Simplex Amulet crafting hell :/
Last edited by Maaster on Apr 9, 2024, 4:21:41 AM
supersani wrote:

1. I crafted a descent body armour any idea how to go on from here? Just slam 2 exalts or is there any better way?

there in body CWDT lvl 1 - works with requrement gems 38 or lower. In your descent body - atleast 2 gems with requrement 70+
Someone tell me what is wrong with my build please. I keep getting one shot by elites and cant progress.
blademaster48 wrote:
Someone tell me what is wrong with my build please. I keep getting one shot by elites and cant progress.

To me it seems like your sockets need a rework. Check the Sockets and links section in the guide for the Boots and Gloves setup. Even if you're not able to get all of the CWDT lv 1 - Cold Snap lv 1 - Bonechill - Unbound Ailments and CWDT - Immortal Call lv 6 - Increased Duration I think if you manage to set only one will be good enough for the campain.Also try allocating CI at this point.
I can't check your elemental resists right now, but see if there is any lower than 75%. That might be a huge issue (if you have CI igonre chaos res).
Last edited by Mumuzet on Apr 9, 2024, 2:32:56 PM
Hi guys,
Any advice on crafting clusters? I'm console and there's none to buy.
I tried alt regal had no good results.
I tried with yellow juice spam cold, no good results (around 25k juice).
I tried chaos spam, same stuff.

Am I missing something or just unlucky?
Mixerusss wrote:
Hi guys,
Any advice on crafting clusters? I'm console and there's none to buy.
I tried alt regal had no good results.
I tried with yellow juice spam cold, no good results (around 25k juice).
I tried chaos spam, same stuff.

Am I missing something or just unlucky?

Crafting clusters (especially three notables leg clusters) is hell. Alt+Regal is probably the most economical way. Look up fossil, maybe? I've never crafted with them, but it might be a more sane way of rolling them.

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