Enabling the Trade Site for Console Players
" There are only so many ways someone can indirectly say "We don't study our peers in the industry." WoW's auction searching, FF11's auction listing history allows people to spot price fixing and it's console friendly (been around since ps2), Maplestory's player stalls if you want a physical player presence, or Runescape's Grand Exchange. There are several decade+ old ecosystems to study and cherry pick ideal traits from, yet the team is content with having an unsatisfactory system leaving people waiting half-hours just waiting for a reply for that important item that'll fix their build; or worse yet waiting that time and being told it was sold already. So if the dev team cared about the community, they'd want people actually playing the game, not online and populating the servers albeit waiting around due to "friction." There is no sugar-coating trading being a mess, it's even by your own admission intentionally a hassle and trying to pass it off as thematic really doesn't sit right. It's like leaving a jewel half cut and shit whether because you're pressed for time or disinterest, then dressing it up as "thematic." |
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cross play = great idea, it's actually needed because there's hardly anything on the market
getting rid of trade market = worst idea ever The trade market is probably the only good thing about playing on console. Console is already much worse to play on, having to go to a website and do manual trades is an awful thing and I cringe thinking about having to do that. Plus party invites don't even work half of the time. Load times are longer. Awful idea. I find SCSSF boring but that's all I would end up playing if there was no trade market and I'd probably be less inclined to play new leagues. Please don't get rid of the trade market, us console players already have it rough enough as it is. |
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THIS IS MAKING THE GAME WORSE! Can we also get Makros= automated logouts/Market analyse to price things , a skill that automatically activates every 5 steps like left click is and makes it easy to survive most things? The Game is already 2 times harder on console as we play this game like it's intendended so can we at least keep our trade market? It's a place where everybody ignores our offers for 2 hours, puts chaos instead of exalts as offer and to filter means to highlight stuff but at least it's an INGAME action!!! Why would you prefere for us to spend less time in your Game and more time in a browser? This makes absolutely no sense and just shows again that you gave up trying to make a good game and instead try to beat the Players with difficult mechanics wich seems just wrong. Empyriangaming abusing mechanics isn't the way all Players play so balancing arround these group play streamers lately just looks pointless to me. SSF population will rise to the point where it feels stupid that this is an ONLINE GAME as every interaction with players will feel terrible.
Was about to buy a supporter pack as it looks like a good League since 2 years, but now this seems to be pointless as SSF is the Future and Cosmetics just cause crashes anyway :( Last edited by BBJ-SWISS#9186 on Aug 17, 2022, 3:51:09 AM
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First it sound very nice, but after 10seconds thats the worst change you ever think of.
The search will be a lot easier but there are huge downsides. The Playstation 5 for example can not open a Browser on their own, it must be opend from inside a Game or Application. So you have to trigger the Console Browser from inside your Game (not that big problem, because you can open youtube from Microtransaction market at the momemt) But to whisper you have to login, so for every trade i have to login in the webpage, cause browser on Playstation did not remember these Logins. Second the controll of the browser if not the best, it works but thats must be enough... So if you press "back" and not "last page" you will return to game and have to reopen browser and again login. So before you disable the actual Market on Console you have to implement a ingame version of this and not over a webpage. maybe code your own browser interface inside the game, that you can keep the login and such things. Buts thats your choice. I would highly prefer to keep both system. Keeping both and implement the market on PC would be the best choice. And you dont have to combine them, you can keep them as they are. So you can search Website, and then whisper or use market and scroll through all pages until you find that item the website just showed. It is an improvement if you can search on a website (without login) and then use the market even if you have to skipp 100 Pages but you know the item you are lokking for is there somewhere. But to make the website the only trade option? please i beg you dont do that. |
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" This was exactly my thoughts :) guess i wrote it a bit too emotional as this change would ruin trade league for me :/ Both systems would be great to combine as you could buy maps and fragments on the market and then search for rares in the browser so i guess this can't be the solution as players would love to trade with eachother afterwards and couldn't complain anymore ;p |
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Grasping vines drove me away in archnemesis. I decide to come back and try league starting lightning conduit and you drop this stinky deuce. Trade board needed some refinement not deletion. Selling took 1 second with the trade board. I could sell 10 items in 25 seconds at the end of a map. Buying was slower but you buy much less frequently.
Please keep both methods and add trade board to PC. After 4,700 hrs my favourite change was the atlas tree but I haven't wanted to play the game because of poorly implemented archnemesis mods and grasping vines, and now you take away my biggest advantage, my earning potential. I will not interact with other players, period. So you are forcing me to SSF. I guess I will be league starting Primal Strike Druid. This is my favourite game of all time though so I will keep checking in. Good luck everyone on league start with the new trade and hopefully it is just my opinion that is the stinky deuce. |
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" This is a golden rule of GGG creating elements of friction, in trading systems, pick up items, identification etc. While the problem with instant trading is obvious due to the trading bots. However, instead of creating solution they posing the goal of creating friction, making the game less enjoyable but more time-spending. Points from old manifesto: " Solution could be disabling accounts with unusually high activity on trading request(several in one second)or limiting it for example to 1 trade request for 5 seconds, other solutions and combination of them. " That's not true because trade involves exchange of the items which are equally rare, currency do not appear in the players chest by itself. " It will be balanced by demand. Players will be hunting same good items as they are doing it now has no relation to trading system. " The description of the point emphasizes that top 10%(called traders) will have advantage. The opposite is true, it will help players that spend little of their time on the market to snitch good items. To sum up, the manifesto is focused on different game issues attempting to solve them with the trading system while they need a dedicated approach. In the meantime changes that were made to the trading systems do not improve it, basically, moving the friction part from one side to another. Last edited by 1primeman#5560 on Aug 17, 2022, 5:22:41 AM
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Third Party Tools on or for Console.
Interact with other players by using a controller. Which Master Brain thought this out? GGG: Here are some ancient PC tools for future PoE (2). Me: Thank you soooo much, but no. This is a gaming experience I am going to skip. GGG if you want me to stay please respond with a Controller in whole sentences while doing a map. |
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This will be the thing that makes me quit the game. Its already bad enough you hardly support playstation as it is bug fixes take months but ps5 doesnt have a browser and im not opening up my laptop or browsing a trade site on my phone. Dumb idea whoever thought of it didnt think hard enough.
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If that's the big trade change that was promised, I'm really disappointed. Having to have both poe and trade page in browser open is really inconvinient. I was hoping that you'd move it in-game somehow but apparently you are doing the opposite for consoles
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