Enabling the Trade Site for Console Players

Last edited by Will_GGG#0000 on Aug 17, 2022, 12:50:19 AM
No!!!!! I hate PC trade system it's garbage
Im excited about the changes since there are changes coming to console trade, and thats a big big plus.

I can already see a couple of big advantages:

Live search
Tab pricing?
Ignore list so I can ignore the pesky price fixers since I can see who is selling and chose to not interact with them
More convenience in finding items

Add to that the statements of how Path of Exile needs to be on both platforms( pc/mac + console), cross platform vision etc

Thanks again

It will take getting used to but being able to direct whisper utilising the login to my xbox profile on the website, resulting in a whisper ingame where i can get invite etc = nice !
trading on console so much better than pc

who want to trade 1c item when you are doing map and guys keep spamming whispers
just look at this all step you should to for trade 1c
1-get out the map
2-invite the guy
3-find item
4-click on profile for trading
5-put the gear and accepting
imagine between this steps guys stuck in loading screen or......
how much time you waste for trade 1c item and awful is
so many time i just ignore ppl whisper for 2c-10c item because not worth the time or...

but in console all you should do is just open your offers and accept that's it you done and how quick is that

for years i really hope they bring console trade for pc not take backwards steps for destroying console.....

dont do this GGG you gonna lose so much player on console

PC trade system is so BAAAAAAAAAAAD
Potentially this is the best change to PoE console trading. But it has to be well executed:
1. We need some kind of Awakened PoE Trade integrated into the console (loot filters were integrated so we know that it's possible)
2. The speed of merging Playstation and Xbox trades and further merging with PC trade markets.
fix PlayStation port
Welp, looks like im switching to ssf for good then. No way im doing PC trade with the added benefit of being bugged amd/or harassed by xbox, goofball, message spam.
Last edited by I AM SQUINT#8343 on Aug 17, 2022, 1:21:18 AM
Please, please, please for the love of the lord Jesus, do not take away the trade market, I really love Path as it is on console, having an auction house is so fucking great, just playing in the market is fun, please do not make it some backwards ass browser/message and take a billion years for each transaction.

I sell tons of things a day, listing loads of things for prices in all different catagories, while mapping, getting to manage other things going on in my life and still getting to have a say in a fun market in a fun game, please don't kill this, this takes away content and makes the game worse.

that will absolutely annihilate the current market and a great deal of my interest in this game sadly, the trade market is required for the way I plau now.

This change would be an abysmal nightmare for me, I cannot live in this game to run a trade league, I have other things going on. This will destroy my ability to craft, my ability to make builds, basically every way I am capable of playing the game.

This effectively shuts me out of path of exile, I just wanna participate, I love the game, please.. please do not do this.
new meme
Do you guys not have phones?
Do you guys not have pc?

"GGG: we hate the console community"
So I just got this news from sirgog on YouTube. I’m in no way a veteran player and this is the first post I’ve made. I’ve really gotten into POE this league and have been playing at least 8 hours a day and really excited to see where I get on the leaderboards next season in hardcore and really loving the game and the culture surrounded it. I play on Xbox and accept that I scum, so my opinion is essentially worthless but regardless I’m not looking forward to this change, I prefer to do things in game on the Xbox and the trade market has been working great for me. Obviously it could be improved quite a bit and I understand the aim to move towards cross play and that makes me leak a bit semen with excitement. I would like GGG to consider leaving trade market in game as well as new system so pc and console players could use either or both methods of trading.
"console" once again ... year by year console destroying computer gaming experience..
we're supposed to play full assisted game in the future just because of these 8 buttons console kids..
Last edited by mordawf#5376 on Aug 17, 2022, 2:15:31 AM

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