Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

al3xro wrote:

MisterAbsence wrote:
Can I ask GGG few questions:

1. How many builds are capable to do hard core content and kill most of content?
2. How many builds will be able to kill all content in softcore?
3. How many people will be able to gear those builds referred in previous 2 questions?
4. How many builds that are not capable to do most of content are affected by the nerfes in this character balance manifesto?
5. Do you think is a good practice to dismantle some structural parts of all builds just to nerf those top tier builds (i think 6 meta builds) that were able to do all content?
6. Is it normal for a game with so many combination of skills and items to have only a few builds that are capable to do all content?(with god tier investment?)
7. Moreover, when talking about trading, 99% of the players have no idea what those meta builds are and what items are needed for all of them, and so the 1% who usually zoom through acts in 3 hours get most of the expensive items, and start to price fix the market. So, if you are a casual player wanting to try lets say a build with frenzy charges, by the time you get out of maps with a crappy build, and start getting some currency, the frenzy items are already 20 ex. and they grow in price every day. Is this what is wished from trade?
8. There will always 20 builds that mostly played. Why do you always nerf the top performers? Is this what balance means to GGG?
9. Why not work to make changes so more skills are able to do the uber bosses?
10. I am literally curious of how many players were capable to kill the uber bosses? (and not the ones that have 20000 hours - because they will always play the meta, the players that were not playing the 6 meta builds)
11. What i wonder, is it possible to take one skill at random and make a build that is capable to do all content? If not, maybe you should work on that.
12. Why is it, that most of leagues, when someone shows on youtoube a build that looks amazing, can do all the content and it is tanky, most of us see it and say "that looks really cool, maybe I should try it next league" - the one who made it says that the build is about several mirrors, and the next league GGG destroys the build? (what is the thinking behind this? you have about 30 people getting the actual currency to be able to make the build - that takes a shit load of time, and usually the people who play 8 hours a day or more can get that -, and you have 20000 people that watched the video on youtoube, never had the chance to even try to gather the currency to put the build together, because not many of us can have that time/currency investment and GGG already destroys the build, and more than that, when they nerf that build, they nerf globally most of builds for the losers that struggle to get to level 95. Not only the ones that dreamed to play a build that looks awesome, have no chance because it is financially impossible, but now the builds that they were struggling to get some currency with will not work).
13. How do you imagine casuals that play lets say 1 hour a day, will ever get the currency to buy mirror tier items? (they make 1 - 2 ex per hour for 90 days, that is 180 ex. I really want to know what kind of build will you have with 180 ex that will be able to kill uber bosses? - how many builds cost that much? - so basically lets say that is 1 build, by the 90th day he will have a chance to kill uber bosses)
14. Lets take the new players, most of them try builds on their own, and they struggle with the acts. They see the youtoubers playing awesome builds into a league, and next league that build is destroyed. What idea do those new players get?
15. Lets assume that you give every player in the game at the start of the game, a mageblood and Ashes. How many builds will those players make with those 2 starting items capable to do uber bosses? 10? 20? (my bet is they will play 5 of the most op builds, because the rest are not capable to kill uber bosses and do all content)

Quite valid questions meant to bring them to common sense.
Btw on question 13, you broke league deadline by 90 days extra.

As for myself...
The following is not a result of this manifecto. It is a culmination result of your past leagues.

Defenses were picked because they're mandatory thx to Archnemesis mods and obnoxious mobs health and dmg.

Of course, this is not the result of last manifesto, it was a mistake to start (8 leagues ago?) "slowing down" gameplay like they did(reducing player damage and increasing monster damage), and not, for example, reducing the damage of players, monsters and approximately equivalent reduction of all sustains.
It is hard to believe in a positive outcome, I think the management again find the right words to prove to itself and the higher management that everything is done right.
I see alot of players say that melee is in a bad spot but isnt spectral helix technically melee? It seems pretty strong (Havent played it myself yet tho)
so what i understand is the top builds are still top but shittier?
Pretty sad to see such nerf-only manifesto after spending half of the year thinking about balance changes.

It's very disappointing to realize that the development team is so far away from a common player and no one understands "their vision".

I've used to be a PoE fan for a while, but now it's like meh, what the heck they are doing.

You don't want us to play minions/trap/whatever? Open the gates for the whole class of melee builds which are kinda forgotten right now.
Last edited by sergei_serebro#2782 on Aug 4, 2022, 4:52:36 PM
Aias_o_Telamonios wrote:
GGG keeps nerfing things with the same reasoning. Build diversity. When was this diversity EVER achieved?

Even if a build is 1% stronger than the others people will play that. You can NEVER have everything balanced so GGG will just keep nerfing everything that's popular so that people are forced to play other builds.

Build diversity was a thing in harvest league.
Do you know what is ridiculous? Not only monster dmg. But they never ever changed this auto aim and how monsters shot at same time. When u get rekt by a pack most of time is coz they all shot you at same time, so u get hit by dozens at once. And this auto aim that some monster spells have is sooooo annoying and lame.
But thats small details i guess.
Innomen wrote:
tetomobile wrote:
BigBadWolf1776 wrote:
Problem - GGG kills any and all viable builds

Solution - get a life and forget PoE

Just do not buy packs or mtx.
If everyone does it, it hurts more than complaining on forum

Boycott fallacy. One pampered little yuppie larvae with enough forum tiles to redo my bathroom erases the need to listen to 3000 average players, and that's exactly the plan.

And that's the point. They don't want to run The People's ARPG. They want to run Uncle Pennybag Acres ARPG country club and fishing resort.

Don't you get it? The boat league is them doubling down on whaling. They aren't very subtle or creative.

That's why they had to copy FF and D2 in the first place.

This gave me a good laugh.
I don't know... you guys say "Class Balances", I see nerfs, nerfs, and more nerfs. When I play a game, I like to have fun but you guys seem to enjoy taking the fun out of your own game, for some sadistic reason, or something.

All these nerfs only impact mid-level and beginner players. For the top-tier guys who simply obliterate this game, these are zero. Also, they are pretty smart too and if the game seems too easy for them, they know how to challenge themselves. There is hardcore for that, and they will play some crazy meme build and make it work. And if that's too easy as well, they'll use some silly hardware like a freaggin' guitar controller...

I only play 1-2 characters per league, because I really hate leveling and gearing up. So, if my 1st build is a failure, I usually roll something with pets because those builds have always been fairly strong, and fit my playstyle that lacks in some aspects (i.e. I'm not too good at attacking a boss directly and also dodging stuff, so pets always help). Pets were always my "safety net". But it would appear that you're going after pets too. So, if I'm going to fail at pets too, I really don't know what's left for me... Earthquake Gladiator was ok, I used to play that too, but it was already nerfed into the ground.

Now, I understand a game being challenging. But there is a fine line between "challenging" and "pain in the ass". All these nerfs don't make the game challenging, because "challenging" is usually fun. Nerfs just make those builds a pain in the ass to play, the opposite of fun.
So the solution to Jugg being shit.. is nerf Jugg.. awesome, really brilliant strategy there..
Morte1 wrote:
Aias_o_Telamonios wrote:
GGG keeps nerfing things with the same reasoning. Build diversity. When was this diversity EVER achieved?

Even if a build is 1% stronger than the others people will play that. You can NEVER have everything balanced so GGG will just keep nerfing everything that's popular so that people are forced to play other builds.

Build diversity was a thing in harvest league.

Not really. It was better than it is now but the utopia that GGG is trying to achieve never existed. It's probably the closest the game ever came to that impossible goal. We all know what happened next...
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