Fix the premium map stash tab

Clarify "nearby":

See what Animated Guardian is wearing:

Bestiary needs massive improvements:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3396567/page/1#p25009111 (good idea)
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3380585 (good idea)

Pick-up-range should be larger:

Harvest craft that allows implicit on cluster jewel problem:

Highlight unwanted map mods on maps (filter system):
Check this out if u want to have something similar: PoE Regex https://poe.re/#/maps (not sure if it still works)

Allow making notes on items:

Tab upgrades instead of more tabs:

Additional Inventory slots for Wisdom and Portal scrolls and corrupted Essences:

Give us an opt-out from "copying tab set-up from parent league":

Guild premium tabs. The delay when adding/removing items or stacks is too long:

Time setting for displaying new messages in chat:

Separate Ignore list for chat and PM:

Upgrade oils inside premium blight tab (improve and increase quantity):

Incubator visibility improvement for when you re-apply (for instance, put icon in item corner): (finally done by GGG in Dec. 2023. Incubators were introduced on June 7, 2019.)

Drop all breach splinters (in a regular map) at the end of breach in front of your feet:

Ally Direction Indicator

Confirmation dialogs in PoE: Button order is inconsistent

Add mod name to sextant mod so that we can tell which by which for Charged Compass

Allow editing of price-drop-down-menu to personal preference

Add a "whois" button

character creation does not offer enough letters that are unique to some languages (examples of some unavailable letters: ä, ü, ö, ß - and many more):

Tainted Blessing still has no slot in currency tab:

Give us stacked decks affinity in tabs:

Show time/date when item was listed/re-listed with new price on mouse-over:

Spectre Bank QoL support

Problem with right-click currency in public tabs

Add optional duration-timer-bar for minions and totems (etc.)

The ignore list needs a massive update

Improve item visibility when placed in Quad tabs

and some more:

1.) Split the hotkeys for "compare with currently equipped item" and "show advanced item details" (They are currently the same).

2.) With your stash open, the "Home" and "End" keys should skip to the first/last stash tab; similarly how the arrow keys now move to the next/previous tab. Pressing a letter or a number key should skip to the next tab with a name starting with that letter/number.

3.) Ctrl+Shift click a stack of currency in a stash tab or inventory, then type in a number X to transfer that much of the currency into your inventory, stash tab, or trade window.

4.) Ctrl+right click when applying a currency that increases quality, then type in the desired amount X that will instantly be applied to that item, making it faster to get 20% quality weapons and armour.

5.) Allow targeted deletion of a specific spectre that is not desired instead of having to start raising them all again if there is a wrong one in between the bunch.

6.) Remove all currency fragments. Or at least remove them for all low-end-currency and adjust drop-rate accordingly.

7.) Instead of having to vendor a skill gem with an orb of regret/scouring, allow us to use the orb on a gem directly to lower its level.

8.) Keep Holy Relic alive after logout.

9.) Give us an option (on/off setting) to keep toggle skills active after character death. (Auras, etc...)

10.) Show possible quest rewards when starting a quest, not only at the end.

11.) Under “Advanced Item details” please add a remark for unique items which game-version they are from. Some legacy uniques can we worth a lot in standard and this might help a bit with being more careful with them when deciding whether to keep one or throw it away.

12.) Make the Item-level of the item visible by default.

13.) Give us an incubator stash tab or add it to an existing premium tab.

14.) Allow us to draw/add notes on our passive skill tree and atlas skill tree

15.) After the end of a league, add all merged temp league tabs at the end of the standard stash. Or give us that option.

16.) Give players a “search all tabs and folders” option that shows only tabs and folders containing matches

17.) Give players a “vendor entire tab” or "delete entire tab content" option (and "lock tab" option, to prevent this by accident).

18.) Inform players how many portals a map has left. (maybe put that info in the top right corner together with the zone information)

19.) Add a function that allows us to auto-level-up skill-gems to a certain level, or a hotkey, so that we don't have to do it manually every time they level up.

20.) Add the ability to log-in from log-in screen directly into your Hideout if you have one.

21.) In the character selection screen:
a) allow us to filter/sort our characters by level, class, name, etc.
b) when you click on one of your characters in the character selection screen – show a 3D model of the character off to the left with the equipped gear as he/she appears in the game. Players should be able to choose if they want to view the char with or without equipped mtx.

22.) Show Ascendancy options available to the class you are choosing at the character creation screen.

23.) Make it so that when we hover over a map in the Map Atlas a little window pops up which shows what kind of divination cards can be found in the respective map. This pop up menu should be optional to the player (you can switch it on/off).

24.) Reduce visual screen clutter. Many mtx and skills are obstructing the view.

25.) Improve currency stacking from currency that drops from mobs so that it's not so scattered anymore. You tried to fix this already but it's still pretty bad!

26.) When using advanced item details, please make the pre- and suffixes of an item easily distinguishable. (color-code them)

27.) Dramatically improve the information we get about our DEFENCE, OFFENCE, MISC, CHARGES, when we press (C). The information is inaccurate, badly displayed and in many cases incomplete. Maybe implement Path of Building (u hired him already). Just one of many examples: Bleed Avoidance is not shown.

28.) Once a player has entered (clicked on) a portal the mobs should not be able to kill/damage him anymore. (yes, this is not a QoL request, I know)

29.) The minimap is inaccurate and often displays openings that are actually closed (see pictures)

30.) Folders should give us the same top down menu option as the regular folder menu.

31.) Make Stash Tab Folders Colorable

32.) Please give us a premium Jewel stash tab.

33.) Betrayal: make it so that we can access our stash directly from a betrayal-workbench (just like harvest was before the latest changes to it). Having to portal back to HO to grab stuff is unnecessarily troublesome.

34.) Overlapping Info boxes in-game are becoming problematic. See picture in spoiler for reference. This is just one of many examples.

35.) Remove exclamation mark above Alva: After Alva temple incursion is done an exclamation mark appears above her head. That should not be the case. It is confusing and misleading to see an exclamation mark above an npc although that incursion has already been completed and there is no mission to be gained from her anymore.

36.) Reduce Backtracking. Almost nobody likes backtracking through empty areas. It is almost always perceived as a waste of spare time.

37.) An option (on/off button) to have tabs and inventory sorted automatically to make best use of available space.

38.) Give us a death recap so that we may understand what killed us.

39.) Give us a dps-testing target dummie in our hideout with adjustable mob stats

40.) Increase currency stack sizes across the board. (raising the chaos stack size to 20 was a first step in the right direction). Related to this: Please give us an option to type in the amount of currency we want to move instead of using the slider. Allow us to chose which method we prefer - slider or typing the amount.

41.) There are too many game mechanics that prevent you from answering a trade or make trading extremely troublesome because you can't just leave or if you did it would be negative for you. Please do something about it. Some examples: Labyrinth, Sanctum, Delve, Heist, Breach, etc.

42.) Allow us to open stacked decks easier/faster. Opening a lot of stacked decks is very troublesome.

43.) Allow us to upgrade maps in our premium map tab (3 to 1 of next higher tier).

44.) Reduce the amount of essences to 3 tiers just like you have done with breachstones. Adjust rolls accordingly.


P.S.: If some of these points have already been added to the game and I have missed that please let me know.

“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3279646
Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on Feb 13, 2024, 8:09:39 PM
Last bumped on May 1, 2024, 6:12:04 PM
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“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3279646
Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on Jun 6, 2022, 2:17:09 AM
Some very good points up there; few more recently from my head if You do not mind extending it:

1, Essence monster's map icon shall not disappear after unfreezing them; just like metamorphs.

2, Kirac mods shall have a remembering toggle like exarch eater maven are having already.

3, Eldritch altar mods shall be summarized altar by altar just like done for expedition.
All-time non-streamer luckless dropless rewardless tons-of-time-playing non-TFT-er 100% solo player.
So, it just turns out, we were lied to for years with the promises of a two-storied one PoE 4.0.
All these worse and worse beta leagues, all these braindead changes, all lead to this.
Last edited by Mike_84#0026 on Jun 6, 2022, 3:36:34 AM
Hi Mike_84,

I'm happy if u add some!

I always collect ideas I like and then, once in a while, post a collection of them in the forum.

Thank you for contributing
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3279646
I HAVE to add that map tab and fragment tab should already being added as free-core-stash tabs. Atlas and endgame bosses ARE the game. I mean, beside maps you also need elder fragments, shaper fragments, sirus fragments, invitations, this, that, and the list goes on and on and on. We shouldn't be paying for those tabs anymore (good amount of streamers and content creators have speak in the same way about this). I can undestand if they want to make money from essence tabs, delirium tabs, blight, delve tabs, etc etc... but maps and engame bosses?? I couldnt make my friend keep playing poe bc they realized very soon thay have to spend also, almost obligatory, on those tabs after buying a bunch of other tabs. At this point its kinda a "blizzardy" move from GGG. It feels kinda akward and dissgusting.
premium to quad conversion?
Stroggly disagree.
I want to add, ability to see how long an item has been selling for in stash. That way I can either just vendor or lower the price on items that haven't sold for a while. Trade site already has this. Please add it in-game.

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