3.18.0c Patch Notes

I know I don't have any damage yet, but come on, I've spent a LOT on defense and still get one shot from a few magical or random "lucky" rare. I probably didn’t die like that from the Met-h League >:
I'm a bit disappointed with myself and GGG (well, at least we don't crash on every map, huh?..)
Cant and wont play until better balance.
Fix HH, its useless and rare at the same time
Players: Rare monsters are now more challanging than map and act bosses.

GGG: We hear you.

Patch notes: Act and map bosses can now roll Archnemesis modifiers.
i feel like everytime i play something whats fun for me, i got stabbed to the back by GGG ... finally i farmed for HH, was having a blast, chilling on standard, farming and now its gone... all the effort was useless :(
btw. i dont like Archnemesis mods at all... whole league was 1/10 and now we have it in core... pfff
Can take on the end game bosses just fine. Have near capped physical reduction and evasion without flasks, have all resistances (even chaos) capped at all times and have flasks to further reduce elemental damage, defiance banner, permanent fortify and intimidate. Yet, somehow, a random magic monster can one shot. Be nice to get the pob on that monster's build lol.

The mod that spawns electric mirages has been a huge bane. They are so frequent and very little visibility with everything on screen. I'm pretty sure they spawn on top of me sometimes instead of running to me. If this is supposed to be the case now, it makes using lightning skills an issue as you can't see that they are on you.

Sentinels (the mod) feel like they tank more than rares and the bosses as they seem to block constantly. I'm starting to skip them as they as so tedious and don't want to run Block Chance Reduction support to more easily take care of them.

Really would love to be able to see essence monster archnemesis mods before releasing a 6 essenced twined god upon myself.

I have really been enjoying the new atlas keystones and the sentinels! The archnemesis mods have been sullying the experience a bit. It feels better than day 1. I do look forward to further changes.
Are we to expect more changes? or is this league dead already from GGG's point of view. Effigy seems so unfair, yet no talking from Chris, Bex, Anyone. Ive donated so much money to this game for them to just fucking abandon every league after one week lately. Then Chris basically threatens the player base on the pod case saying that if we want more in league balance that it takes away from future content. Ill tell ya this, keep making these great balance decision, and you will not get anymore money from me. The only way I can speak to GGG is through my pocket book, which as of right now is firmly closed.
Cottage wrote:
i feel like everytime i play something whats fun for me, i got stabbed to the back by GGG ...

i agree 100%, happens to me every single league since 3.0 (btw i didnt played any meta builds back then and those builds were nerfed to the ground even not being broken or OP, meanwhile metashit was on top every league til some huge core game changes)

for me this league is disappointment and i have no reasonable goal to continue playing bcz of 2 things:
1) HH is trash now, have about the same QOL value as 2 IL
2) Archnemesis in core game, well, it's not hard, it's just stpd and bcz of archnemesis HH got nerfed, so i hate this thing x2 times more
Last edited by superiorhelox#7308 on May 23, 2022, 12:26:55 PM
Surely GGG has to be joking with the level of astounding ego they are displaying at this point. You’ve already lost half the player base for the league, and are just determined to let one of the best league mechanics ever be the least played league ever because of Chris’ ego and desire to relive his D2 glory days. Remove archnemesis from the game, literally almost no one enjoys it, if Sentinel wasn’t good then this would be the least played league ever.

You had a home run, arguable would have been one of the best leagues ever, but we had to take a fat crap on the enjoyment of the players by making them miserable. In the GGG office their mission is: “frustration = fun.”
Slick3152 wrote:
Surely GGG has to be joking with the level of astounding ego they are displaying at this point. You’ve already lost half the player base for the league, and are just determined to let one of the best league mechanics ever be the least played league ever because of Chris’ ego and desire to relive his D2 glory days. Remove archnemesis from the game, literally almost no one enjoys it, if Sentinel wasn’t good then this would be the least played league ever.

You had a home run, arguable would have been one of the best leagues ever, but we had to take a fat crap on the enjoyment of the players by making them miserable. In the GGG office their mission is: “frustration = fun.”

Disagree , I think it's just Chris Wilson and his vision of "hard" or "Extensive testing" or "stability"..

I think he should re-learn what they mean.
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