3.18.0b Hotfix 1

Why couldn't AN mods be something that dropped and used to juice entire maps or mods on Sentinels? It would make the mechanic it so that players could avoid mods that would completely shut down their characters, but still add the risk and loot boosts. It wouldn't have to be single mods, but could have mods that cover a short range of 2-3 mods that could populate based on each tag, with multiple tags possible. Just a thought.
Please just remove Archnemesis
The changes feel much better! Thank you guys for working to keep the game balanced and enjoyable.
Parob86 wrote:
Suggestion for next league introduction:

Chris is playing live a red map (alch and go) & delve 200 & heist 80 contract

No words needed and we all can see if the balance is right and the game fun


This little golden nugget is in danger of not getting enough attention, so I feel obliged to inconspiciously BUMP it.

And double BUMP.

as a sidenote - exactly this is actually good and common practice with not exactly just a handful of maybe more serious developers. ;)
"Boah, is echt lächerlich, wie schnell das hier lädt, wenn nich irgendwelche Penner mit MTX hier rumhängen."
This league and this decision of making those mods "core" clearly shows me that you're basically trolling whatever is left of the playerbase..

Most of the people don't like the way you're going dev's.. yet again you're going blindly because you have to pump content every 3 months and the streamers will carry your bad decisions..

For a while now I think dev's need a reality check first then a creativity check later..

You're going to keep losing players like you did when you nerfed flasks. On steam ALONE you already lost 60k players in less than 3 days..

The mods are not balanced on endgame by any means.. nerfing them 5-10% isnt going to magically make everything better when you have other multipliers around.. (map mods + atlas passives + league mechanics)

Again reality check is needed for the dev's..
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Last edited by 1451815#7252 on May 29, 2022, 3:34:04 PM
I'm really trying to stay positive because

1. I'm all for spicing up the end game and making rare monsters interesting.
2. I really want the challenge armour set, at least the 24 challenge set
3. I'm really quite enjoying sentinel league and the juicing of monsters

With that being said I have to come out and say that I really believe that adding Archnemesis to the game in this way is the worst change I've ever experienced in this game so far.

It's not fun.
There's no challenge to overcome and no reward.
Either the mods don't affect you and you kill the monster like usual or it bricks your map content.

Why weren't breach timers extended to make up for the longer time it takes to kill rares?

Why weren't Blight towers buffed to make up for the modifiers which make them useless? (This one really bugs me because the mechanic already tells you which towers will be ineffective for the monsters that come out of the portals. You can build around this but then still get gut-punched by rare monsters that are immune to the towers you DO build).

What do you expect us to do when multiple rares are running around a ritual and you can't kill them? You can't end a ritual. Is my only choice to die?

Metamorph is beyond a joke and is really rather disappointing considering you made it a challenge.

Delirium fog dissipates at the same speed even though the Ogre-type enemies can spawn rare and become unkillable walking bricks (?)

I don't mean to be rude but there's NO WAY you had enough time to design a new league mechanic, add new nodes to the atlas tree, add uber bosses, implement and test fan-made uniques AND test these modifiers over a 3 month period.

Once again, I'm in no way against tougher rares but why was this pushed out of the door in such a rush/
the idea of archnemesis mods are cool, but even in the league.. i hated running into them. and they usually only had 1 modifier at best.

now they are everywhere.
it doesn't really slow me down, they fucking obliterate me and it makes me sad. cuz i'm not sure how to go about doing better.

it's not even that the mods are hard.. the fact when multiple rares with different cancer mods are around you.. and then "dodge this" like what?
this would be cool if there were less monsters, but the more monsters there are the harder it is to see what's happening exactly.. and it's not really a skill game it's just waiting for something to randomly 1shot you, cuz it decided to have 4 archnemesis mods that are completely broken with each other.
Invulnerable: Can no longer appear on Magic Monsters, or Rare Monsters that aren't part of a Monster Pack (such as those spawned in Blight encounters). We plan to review this modifier further and make it more similar to the Benevolent Guardian Nemesis modifier.

Found a pack of invulnerable minions, had to search for the Invulnerable rare (which took almost 2 minutes to kill). The pack of invulnerable minions remained and were still following me while I searched for a cause that I didn't even know if it existed (or if it was just another bugged out mechanic). I later found another Invulnerable rare (that took another 2 minutes to kill).

To sum it up for you: This is not fun. Maybe I'm more stubborn than you. Maybe I should've done what the others are doing, that is to just forget some rares and move on (which to me makes absolutely no sense). These 5+ minutes made me want to punch somebody in the face.

It seems to me you're clinging on to some philosophies that are still pissing people off. Sometimes it's nice to cling on to your own visions, but when it's pushing so many people away from your product it doesn't seem like a good thinking pattern at all.

Good job with some tweaks, but maybe just get rid of some absurd mechanics until you find the right way to implement them.
Last edited by darko07#6859 on May 17, 2022, 10:40:01 AM
archnemesis mods effectively discourage new players. this mods should be only on RARE maps. they are too much stronger than maps bosses. and drop from them is like ...

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