Upcoming Improvements to the Archnemesis Panel

This turned out to be a really long rant, but I want to talk about my experiences with inventory space with this mechanic:

I don't think we need hundreds of slots or a huge quad tab to put all of them in. Just give me 9 for each base type, give maybe the original 25 for all the t2 onwards. Let the pieces go to their respective 3x3 spaces. I want to play the game normally and when I flip a piece I know I need to burn it and if I open the inventory and see that there is a 3x3 square that is full, I know that I want to start burning those. That is it.

My biggest frustration with the system is that as we pick up more stuff it piles up on top of everything else and makes sorting impossible. If I even attempt to do that and make the current inventory organized and separate things by zone, it becomes a mess after a single map. When you pick pieces they are placed automatically in the stash and you aren't stopping in the middle of 30 league mechanics to swap things around. Picking up loot while you kill things is easy, but moving things around with an haast throwing ice spears at you is not. Then you think you will organize them when you leave the map. You leave, press ' or ~ and you have no idea where the wrong pieces are because all of them look so similar that you can't even fix it easily.

The system only leaves me with two options:

a) Keep mapping and focus on a single piece at a time, ignoring everything else that drops.

b) Just put the reward you want on the first slot, put random things in the other 3 to get more of the same drops.

I want to get to a point I can do B, with occasional treant assassin mirror image combos. I feel like it is the healthier way to go about the mechanic. But, right now, I am doing the Defeat Archnemesis III challenge and I can't do B because I need to save a bunch of pieces for all sorts of recipes for the challenge. And the more pieces I save, the worse it becomes. And, to do the challenge, I am pretty much forced to play like option A and do it line by line, because otherwise there are too many things to keep track off. A lot of times I ended up skipping pieces that I needed or ended up putting pieces for combos I thought I had everything but I didn't. Or, even worse, put combos that the game baited me into putting because of incorrect highlights (there is a bug, I'll discuss towards the end of this comment).

Here is a expectation vs reality of the whole situation:


I am mapping, I have a few pieces that aren't in any of the needed recipes, I use those pieces as throwaway while I wait on the other ones. Every couple maps I am like "oh hey, I have X and Y, I should do the combo now". Everything easy to keep track off and all icons are easily distinguishable from eachother, so I don't have to think much about it or stop in front of the statue for too long


I have a few pieces that aren't in any of the needed recipes. But I also have pieces that are in the needed recipes.

Finding the pieces that I can use as throwaway is difficult because everything is mixed together with no sorting and all the fucking icons are skulls with horns and very discrete colored details in the background. And the center of all icons are mostly white and they share the same shape (it is an skull after all) so looking at it to grab stuff at quick glance is way harder. The icons are so bad that I bet that if someone were to upload each image to an website and make a quiz people wouldn't even be able to guess over half of them.

People in this type of game are used to the mentality of hoarding until there is a signal to use things. Biggest example is delve. When the sulphite is full, some players think to themselves "well, I guess I should to delve now". And when you make that decision, you are rewarded (if you like delve, that is). Earlier today I had a bunch of unpriced scarabs, boss fragments and random rares. I took an hour pricing them and doing trades like crazy in my hideout. I was rewarded with multiple exalteds when I did my big sale.

You know what happens when I flip an archnemesis piece? I think to myself "I am fucked".

It is unfortunate that once you give players things, it is very difficult to take it away without backlash, but at this point I would be down to give up rewards if engaging with the league felt better and easier. I feel like this level of micromanaging is pretty much unacceptable for an action game. Too many pieces, too many combos. We can only keep track of so many things simultaneously. I think that the fights are great, the combos are satisfying but engaging with it just feels terrible.

Also, about the bug with the highlighting, if I do a 2-piece recipe, the piece in the 3rd slot thinks it can combo with the first 2-pieces and highlight itself despite the fact it can't.
Last edited by Hogaric#6038 on Feb 20, 2022, 8:55:32 PM
niiiice !
No Stacks? :( but thanks its a huge improvement
Thank you for adding these changes but THEY NEED TO STACK or its just a shit show thx
well that solve a very small problem, the biggest issue is being full and leaving 3-4 very common parts in the floor and the worst part doing maps without interacting with the actual league cause u cant

but i guess is better then need check a external site all the time
Last edited by Mokurp#2464 on Feb 16, 2022, 5:43:48 PM
I'd much rather have more space
Please make the Archnemesis item stackable
+1 for more space
great one

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