[Solution found!] Even more CPU spikes after the patch; the game is unplayable.

If you are like totally irritated just set sound effects to zero and it will help with stutters but all in all I imagine servers getting shout down as less people are playing. Also in preparations for next league nobody is paying attention to something that will be obsolete.
Last edited by nEVER_BoRN#3512 on Jan 31, 2022, 2:45:45 AM
Casie0046 wrote:
maybe try to upgrade your ancient hardware. future is now.

Ah yes this old robotic response.

Shame people with good PCs running latest MMO on max settings still have stutter and performance issues with POE.

This game has always had a bad reputation for poor optimization.

Imagine thinking people should have a current or last year PC to run a graphically outdated isometric game.
Last edited by poeGT#1333 on Jan 31, 2022, 5:22:58 AM
Performance is getting worse every patch ...
GGG just remove redundant clutter from the screen and cut useless loot by 90% etc.
Multiplayer and/or blight maps are unplayable for me ..

It would be 100 times better than new league or atlas ...
Last edited by Rakiii#5559 on Jan 31, 2022, 6:41:39 AM
Maybe this will help. At the moment I am playing the game on an high end gaming laptop. And befor that, I played the game since Alpha/Beta on a couple of different systems over the years.
PoE had always been the only game, that does not run as polished as other games. I dont want to shit on the devs, but I guess the whole game is not programmed in a proper way...
adding new content to the game seems more importent for the devs then fixing performance issues...I guess.

But what helped me a lot:

- external tool to lock your frames at 60 fps. Then the game will no longer try to push for crazy on your performace
- switch from fullscreen to windowed fullscreen. I dont know why, but then most fo the spikes in the game are gone. Runs ways more smooth then.

I am playing on high setting and resolution, with mostly locked 60 fps. Sometimes the frames will drop down to 50 or 40, but thats ok, the game still runs smooth enough.

Overall, for an indie game I can live with it.
Last edited by odds#2938 on Jan 31, 2022, 10:06:19 AM
odds wrote:

- switch from fullscreen to windowed fullscreen. I dont know why, but then most fo the spikes in the game are gone. Runs ways more smooth then.

This helped me a lot on my old machine.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Speaking of cpu "hiccups", it also may be worth to check for any background processes as poe seems to be quite sensitive to anything with more than zero cpu load; a couple leagues ago while working at home i tried running some tasks in backround like database shenanigans and collecting data from sensors (almost zero cpu load and lately even sleep() between operations) - the game didn't liked it at all. Compiling something or running a device emulator on a single core in background caused it to literally shit bricks.

My cpu is kinda old (i5-4570), but other games somehow manage to coexist with background tasks, more or less.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
idk what's causing it but it's been bad the last couple days.
The game is unplayable for me on directx11 but the moment i switch to vulkan my fps is smooth and stable and im just using ryzen 5 3600x
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Jan 31, 2022, 5:54:19 PM
I think something changed around patch 3.16.3. I wasn't getting the cpu stutters in the December events.
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
Since the update I get regular CTD entering portals or when I try and do a blight.
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