Game Balance in Siege of the Atlas

IHellBoundI wrote:
Noko193 wrote:
CoC is completely dead now Sadge

Are u sure? From what I see they are just nerfing the value cause of the increase (+- 40% ) on base spell damage. So at the end it should remain more or less the same. Please math genius pob warriors help me here hehe

When self cast is suddenly 50% better and trigger is the same, its still technically worse comparatively than it was before.

Like I'm going to be hard pressed to play trigger now when self casting is 50% stronger
Another nerf league PainChamp
Ah yes the ever present this will seem like a Nerf to but it won't be because we are increasing the power of the base skill... you know excluding the what ~15% loss from losing one of the few sources of extra X

Totems got hit with the ole cluster trap change
"toxin rain is too strong"
[Removed by Support]
Toxic rain single target damage already nerfted to the ground like 40% after Heist league due too overlaps nerf

And now you decide to nerf ít another times

At this point i don't really know what to say anymore except tremendous amount of disappointment on balance teams

And also people spending hundred of exalt to double corrupt Voidfletcher would be so "happy" if you nerf it
Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Jan 24, 2022, 5:42:14 PM
mrexileguala wrote:
"toxin rain is too strong"
[Removed by Support]
Toxic rain single target damage already nerfted to the ground like 40% after Heist league due too overlaps nerf

And now you decide to nerf ít another times

At this point i don't really know what to say anymore except tremendous amount of disappointment on balance teams

Toxic Rain players are complaining. LOOOL.
I have seen everything on this forum at this point.

Last edited by Kane_GGG#0000 on Jan 24, 2022, 5:42:56 PM
mrexileguala wrote:
"toxin rain is too strong"
Please Devs, do you even know what you're doing?
Toxic rain single target damage already nerfted to the ground like 40% after Heist league due too overlaps nerf

And now you decide to nerf ít another times

At this point i don't really know what to say anymore except tremendous amount of disappointment on balance teams

ok so it had a 40% nerf and still strongest bow skill for lowest price by far and u dont see this is a problem?
lessss go
3.17 Purifying Flame "staff" self cast Inquisitor.
The new flat values in weapons are new tiers or are its the same tier is divineable?
I started in 3.15 and played some random raise zombie build and only pushed to map tier 7. In 3.16, I tried toxic rain and eventually could do t16 maps but couldn't kill any bosses (sirus, elder, maven...). I didn't understand why a lot of guides were saying 3.15 and 3.16 were "not fun" because of nerfing...

And now I understand. GGG just loves nerfing popular builds. If some random player could do t16 map with a build, it must be wrong and should be nerfed, right?

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