Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas Teasers

Can someone tell me what armour the witch is wearing in the sudden dawn teaser, i realy want that
amandeo wrote:
Can someone tell me what armour the witch is wearing in the sudden dawn teaser, i realy want that

Atlantis armor from the Atlantis Mystery Box
"An it harm none, do what you will"
Copy/paste some names from D2 and LOD.
@execreth - @eledhyr - @arthasspaw - @edherisctf - @douchebagontheway_hd

@the_pest - @ioneshotbosses_eightkai
jsuslak313 wrote:
lol Rekikyo, you just can't win can you?

The "less" multipliers are not so easy to overcome, even with 400% INCREASED recharge. You are misunderstanding and misrepresenting the numbers. Your mention of the Armor/ES mastery would only add 40% ish increased recharge rate with heavy tree armor investment.

Think about running a regen character in a map with 60% less recovery rate mod. Your recovery becomes crap, and is practically unsustainable even when you stack every possible source of regen.

This would be 73%, which is even worse than that.

I guess you COULD stack regen to counteract the recharge decrease AND stack increased recharge rate but then you are shooting yourself in the foot for no real benefit.

**not to mention its an "on kill" effect, so its useless against bosses

Less multipliers aren't addative with each other, they are multiplicative.
If you have a 40% less and a 33% less that wont end up at 73% less but actually only 60% less overall. (100% x 0.6 x 0.67 = 42%)

because its so rare that you need to play as much as a streamer to even have a chance of it dropping.

guess you havent been keeping up, streamers get their own login realms to bypass queues, and likely have their own drop tables.
rekikyo wrote:
So let me get this straight; After you go into Rampage with Dancing Dervish, you now have to fight Unarmed while your sword fights beside you?

Well, the only solution is "Hollow Palm" since they delete one minion of the Duo,with the continuing nerfs to summoning builds. It is OBVIOUS that you cannot regard it as a summoner item any more.

Chris: "Well, it is not bad, you can EVEN get 6 extra sockets (to level your gems) and RAMPAGE for free!!! It is rather a HUGE buff!"

A bit late, but in case you didn't notice yet:
In patch 3.17, the item called "The Dancing Dervish" is more or less the same as "The Dancing Duo" in 3.16.
The only thing that changes is that you can easily get the required Rampage stacks to spawn the minions.
Prophecy will be removed and so will many fated uniques.
You will no longer be able to obtain the weaker version of the two.
Last edited by Chill on Jan 25, 2022, 12:01:05 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Just did the math: so you could pretty easily get 500% or more increased recharge rate from the amulet + tree + armor mastery. After all the negatives this would result in 1.5 x typical recharge rate as REGEN provided you have 100% uptime on the shield proc. {x * (1+5) * .27 where x is 20% of your maximum ES} That is an incredibly large amount of regen to have while mapping, especially if you are approaching 10k ES.


The cost is losing huge shield and amulet slots for gear. Tons of better pathing on the tree. Complete loss of regen that could achieve similar numbers without the handicaps. And of course, none of this would be active on a boss unless you run 4 writhing jars for a near-100% chance of getting the on-kill effect.

Please tell me if I'm missing something

I mean, you could forget all about the tree and do normal pathing, and simply rely on the shield + amulet which would be a pretty tanky setup for mapping. If you have 10k max ES, that combo nets you 2700 regen if you've procced the shield. Nothing to sneeze at, but is it really worth it?

I'm generally looking at Recharge as a supplement to other ES gains without taking the drastically changing mod of Ghost Reaver and having a functional Leech.

Even if the Helm part of the mod isn't in use at a boss, Wicked Ward + the other parts are available at bosses.

P.S. You can also have Vaal Discipline. You can gain 6 Souls per 2% of Unique boss life lost, so you can generate Vaal Discipline once per 18% of a Boss's Life.

P.S. What do you mean, denying a shield? Aurora Aegis can fit fine in a shield slot with recovery, and is a third layer of recovery.

Divine Shield Keystone also works REALLY well.

In other words, unlike Life which generally only has Regen and Life Leech to some extent, ES can have Divine Shield (Recovery based on how much Phys damage you mitigate), Recharge (which has mechanics which can't stop it), Regeneration (Zealot's Oath), Leech (which doesn't require Ghost reaver), and Aurora Aegis' unique ES on Block based on Armour.

That's a lot of ways to recover ES that can be built into the same set, without actually specializing.
Last edited by rekikyo on Jan 25, 2022, 3:53:45 PM
Nice staff XD
Staff looks nice
that staff

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