[gamebreaking] HUGE lags in random maps (into d/c's) [COMPILATION]
Hey - thought i can contribute to this post because i have a unique perspective on this, hopefully a ggg dev sees.
I recently moved from NYC to Delaware. Completely different ISP and obviously a different connection each time. Both times I have been connected to the Washington, DC realm. I am now having this exact issue, random maps are completely screwing my game up, spiking to tens of thousands of MS as i approach mobs, and making the game literally unplayable. | |
" But same computer ? |
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"this answers the question I asked on page 27 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3201675/page/27 In red at the end was the question: " I think now it's with GGG 📦
https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/rhzfyj/please_ggg_allow_master_missions_be_traded_with/ ✅ https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/paymx2/suggestion_stack_on_map_device_so_you_just_put/ |
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Jesus Christ, fix your goddamn game. Im sick of the latency issues, disconnects and losing maps with some investment in it. If i would work this way i would be fired right away. It is more than two weeks now since this thread started and even before there were several threads with that issue hier in the forum. What the heck is going on besides "we are working on that... zzZZZzZzZZZZzz"
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Yep same here since the update today on nov 17th the game isnt playable lag spikes acting like a saw from when im in my Hideout to maps but in town its fine
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I also am now receiving game breaking lag spikes. Game worked fine this morning, updated Nvidia drivers to latest drivers released a few days ago, latency spikes started occurring. Thought it was a bad driver, reverted my driver to previous version and issue still existed.
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Just wanted to chime in that I'm experiencing these same problems as well on the Washington gateway, which I have always used no issue. I switched to Texas and everything is back to buttery smooth.
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I've been experiencing this issue since I started the league also. Not usually one to post on forums (as you can see), but this is ridiculous. I can't do a single map and like many others here have never had performance issues prior to this league. Levelled to end game fine, go to enter maps, and haven't got to complete a single one. When entering it basically instantly lags and freezes till the game crashes. A few times I've managed to get half a map cleared or so first then it happens. I've been checking back to this forum nearly everyday waiting on some sort of update or fix. Sad to see that mods have only posted two updates and neither recent about this issue with no actual update to steps taken to fix it or any idea of what the issue may be outside of it could be ISP which most have pointed out that it isn't with such a wide spread issue over countless ISP's. I'm officially quitting this league and probably the game for a decent while because I'm tired of checking for updates that don't come on the situation. Bye fellas, best of luck to you!
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" I had no issues yesterday other than obviously PoE performance issues on my 2070 RTX and 4670k i5. Came after work today to play some PoE and all my maps, all leagues etc I get latency spikes shown on the graph. No disconnects or crashes. Just spikes that make the game unplayable. I died couple times on 2 maps I did before I decided to just quit it until the issue is fixed. Some people here said they have it in NZ and other areas. I'm from Ontario, Canada and get that issue on Washington, D.C. server. |
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First time poster here too.
I have played semi consistently for years. I have had occasional technical issues from time to time but never anything like this lag/latency spikes. I have a good computer with up to date drivers and a great internet connection. I have rarely had connection issues and they have always been explained by launch or ISP factors. I played the first 3 weeks of this league with no issues and 2 days ago started experiencing the same issues set out in this thread. I get periodic unplayable latency and lag in maps. It can vary from map to map and sometimes from portal to portal in the maps. For example - today I was in the Maze which seemed to be fine (69ms latency on California Server). I then stepped into a Zana mission in the Maze which was another Maze map and the latency was spiking from 69 to 400+. The next map I ran was a Courtyard. Fantastic with 69ms on the first portal. Stepped out to sell and when I went back in it was the same 69 to 500+ yo-yoing. There just does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to when it will occur. Initially I thought it might be ISP related given some weather issues where I live but today my connection is good for other games and programs. I will note that I do not run the Scourge Content as this seems to make it worse (also because I play Hardcore and that content has killed me 6 times already) Some follow up or feedback from GGG on this issue would be great. |
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