How many significant PoE streamers / content creators are left for them to interview?

Nubatron wrote:
I guess the interviews with streamers resonates with some people. I personally don’t get watching streamers. Just always seemed odd to watch other people playing games, when I could be playing them.

I don't watch actual streams, but quite a few of them come out with some really good content on Youtube. I mainly know of them from that as well as the chatter about them.

Anyway, we're upto 27(!) so far. Damn, that's enough for GGG to keep this up all the way through to the end of 2023 even if they did just one a month...
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Sep 22, 2021, 11:00:34 PM
ChanBalam wrote:
I want to hear from Suitsizesmall and all about hqw she does the labs so religiously.

It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (
Imaginaerum wrote:
Nubatron wrote:
I guess the interviews with streamers resonates with some people. I personally don’t get watching streamers. Just always seemed odd to watch other people playing games, when I could be playing them.

You got a favorite football team though don't you lol

I do but that’s a false equivalency. If I could still play football, I would. When my kid wants to go outside to play catch, I do. There is nothing stopping me from playing video games.

I’m not saying there is something wrong with people. I just don’t personally get the appeal. My dad used to watch fishing shows. Same deal.
Thanks for all the fish!
Really looking forward for an interview with ЛАМЫЧ( iLame ), he could roast Chris and GGG for 3.15 changes pretty hard.

Only unsencorsed version, ofc.
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
Last edited by Anngrat#4621 on Sep 23, 2021, 7:08:40 AM
Foreverhappychan wrote:
Nubatron wrote:
I guess the interviews with streamers resonates with some people. I personally don’t get watching streamers. Just always seemed odd to watch other people playing games, when I could be playing them.

My kid likes to though. I guess it’s entertaining.

I like watching curated stream highlights but I think that is an essentially different thing to being a part of the parasocial culture of actively watching and chatting to a livestream.

I think it depends on the genre too. I could play For Honor for years just farming bots to buy and unlock Fashion and still learn more watching a few competitive duels or matches. But with an ARPG, we started alone and we play alone (mostly). It feels weird watching someone else play alone in a manner not too unlike how we would do it ourselves. I just never thought they would be as much a spectator game type as more obvious esports but eh, I honestly think it's as much about being 'part' of the scene as it is actually watching the play. me it's inherently hipster, given my early experience of actual hipsters was one where it was of utmost importance to be seen in the scene but not seem it. But eh, that word gets thrown around way too much by linguistically lazy boneheads who want it to simply mean 'doing your own thing, trends and optimisation be damned'...when, in a way, it really meant almost the opposite. For the hipster, trend was everything...especially saying otherwise.

Anyway yeah. There are some games I really appreciate watching when it's someone playing it in a way I never could AND wish I could. PoE though? Sure, they play the high high end, but it doesn't look like much fun to me. YMMV naturally.

I guess I view watching highlights and snippets of things differently. You're watching for something specific, like how to beat a boss, or the mechanics of a skill.

Watching someone just playing the game though, that's where I get lost.
Thanks for all the fish!
*significant* none of them really are....sooo they can interview anyone...
I laughed. Because it's not true. They're more significant to PoE than you or I, fellow official forum user.

But do let us know when GGG invite you to be interviewed for their news. Hahaha.
FATE: Reawakened is exactly the sort of rng-driven dungeon crawling arpg I have missed. Surprisingly prescient with its roguelite features.
PoeDan79 / Uber Dan / DirtyDan79 depending on the platform.

Been a while since Ive seen him stream but he's posted a little but on youtube recently. So good at this game.
We tested it extensively
They should interview SsethTzeentach. Not a PoE streamer, but he has one of the best videos on PoE which I would unironically link to other people to get a grasp on how the game is.
Last edited by MECHanokl#1095 on Sep 24, 2021, 3:32:11 AM
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