How many significant PoE streamers / content creators are left for them to interview?

Every time there's a streamer interview post, you'll see people being hostile to it. Its mutually beneficial though, so we all might as well accept that they're not going to stop. So perhaps we should be asking: How many are left?

Of course PoE has lots of small streamers, but how many more remain who are either large / are significant content creators / repeatedly successful racers / do other significant stuff for the game besides streaming (like make tools)?

If my memory serves, they haven't interviewed Nugi yet (correct me if I'm wrong). They've covered the other Baeclast crew, but Piebypie remains from the Baited Expectations podcast. I think DSLily has also been missed so far? What about highly successful racers? I think Steelmage and Darkee are still left?

Let's compile a list of how many more are left to go. I'll add them below:-

c9q9md / eirikeiken (infamous meme build creator)
Arthur Von Schreyer (major hideout creator)
FallMakesHideouts (major hideout creator)
DonTheCrown (streamer, popular build creator)
OMGItsJousis (infamous meme build creator)
LocalIdentity (Path of Building author)
CatmasterOP (streamer, host of Fated Connections)
Karvarousku (streamer, Path of Exile encyclopaedia)
Kay Gaming (major summoner guide maker)
Joe Duncan (popular community artist)
Sie Sayoka (major hideout creator)
Steelmage (streamer, racing champion)
mbXtreme (streamer, popular build creator)
havoc616 (streamer, racing champion)
Kammell (streamer, event organizer)
Piebypie (streamer, host of Baited Expectations)
Alkaizer (streamer)
Nugiyen (streamer, member of Baeclast)
Tie23he (streamer, racing champion)
Woolfio (streamer, build experimenter)
Waggle (streamer, racing champion)
LeShor (major hideout creator)
Darkee (streamer, racing champion)
Grimro (streamer, known for his money making guides)
Enki91 (creator of the most popular beginner's build guide)
NieNie (streamer, popular community artist)
dslily (streamer, racing champion)

P.S.:- And yes, I realize they can always do repeats. No point stating the obvious. That would look even worse though, so for now let's operate on the assumption that each of them gets one moment in the spotlight.

Edit 1:- Added OMGItsJousis, c9q9md, Waggle, Woolfio, mbXtreme, CatmasterOP, Karvarousku, Havoc616, DonTheCrown, ItsYoji and Alkaizer to list.

Edit 2:- SuitSizeSmall interview done. Removed from the list. Added NieNie and Joe Duncan to it.

Edit 3:- ItsYoji interview done. Removed from the list.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Nov 4, 2021, 5:41:53 PM
Last bumped on Apr 4, 2023, 2:56:39 AM
Cool. How about actual player numbers and not people who hit record while playing like anyone can set-up in 10min?
sirgog would be nice
obey - consume - marry and reproduce - submit - watch t.v. - trust the internet - conform - do not question authority - sleep - buy - do not think - die

Force always attracts men of low morality. - Albert Einstein
___Hengist___ wrote:
sirgog would be nice

However - people that actually play and have an opinion on what to change and how.

P.S.: oops, quoted myself instead of editing...
obey - consume - marry and reproduce - submit - watch t.v. - trust the internet - conform - do not question authority - sleep - buy - do not think - die

Force always attracts men of low morality. - Albert Einstein
Last edited by ___Hengist___#0189 on Sep 22, 2021, 9:11:51 AM
what about nervyr - mtx guy

we need an interview talking about mtx. real endgame is path of fashion
Its more pr-safe to resurrect some streamers from ded, than to bring alive and kicking ones! ;)

Just think about that.
A little.
They need more popular mmorpg players to review the game. I still liked Asmongolds interview the best with Rich. I still enjoy Lazy Peons content review. Other than that, I like comedy reviewers like " Dunkey " or " Bedbananas ". Also " Josh Strife Hayes " talks about rpg games like a gentleman / philosophy.
20vs20 group pvp updates (for the main game, not royal). Siege vs siege maps. Randomized & shuffled passive trees. Bigger trees +30 point updates.

Large towns hosting 100+ people; bard taverns. A field near town for guild events. Not hideouts like WoW-Garrisons. Outside like Ragnarok Online.
Not sure if ThisIsBadger has ever been interviewed by GGG themselves. If not, he'd be a good addition to the list.
Bird lover of Wraeclast
Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía
Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar
vartakinator wrote:
real endgame is path of fashion

Yeah nah but if so I won years ago but if endgame fashion is your gig the best way to win is find a better game for it (hardly difficult)

GGG would be straight up self-owning to highlight PoE's mtxes. Yall don't even have a preview function and most of the armour doesnt even look that much like the shared concept art.

You would have to really, really love this game to play Path of Fashion instead of the official endgame of Soul-sucking Atlas Completion ('Once you are mapping we own your soul') but hey, if you do feel that way, GGG have plenty of costumes to indulge you. Some don't even cost a week's worth of groceries.


Does Ghudda still play? His game breaking was brilliant.

Does Reaper still stream? He is the only genuine PoE whale (5x diamond) streamer I can think of. Guess he didn't have much of a following but I do know he streamed at some point.

Surprised they haven't tapped Steelmage yet. His rise to recognition with the advent of not-shit internet in Melbourne is an interesting prelude. And I think the guild that knew about him all along deserve a little shout out for their role in making PoE a great experience for a lot of us Aussies. They had probably the first consistent hardcore league overachiever in their ranks and didn't even make a big deal of it. I don't really read these interviews (I skim and find them oddly repetitive) but his I would.
FATE: Reawakened is exactly the sort of rng-driven dungeon crawling arpg I have missed. Surprisingly prescient with its roguelite features.
I want to hear from Suitsizesmall and all about hqw she does the labs so religiously.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
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