Server providers for South-Africa

SwitchZA wrote:
In3vitability wrote:
Jake_GGG wrote:
Hi all, thank you for the feedback. I've removed the Provider 2 servers and will be adding more Provider 1 servers for 3.18. We'll have a lot more capacity than previous releases.

Is anyone else unable to login to the SA servers at the moment? Been having extremely long loading times and am now totally unable to login :(

Edit - Can now log in again, sweet <3

Able to login again, but pushed to Frankfurt when loading into game. Too many players, Or (non-auth) servers down?

Don't know man, I bought the cursor pack on my steam account just now to show support for our SA server.
From what I can see is that some of the South African servers are still available, but others are not.

I started the game this morning and was on SA server, but in Evenings are on Frankfurt

So I believe 1 of 2 things might be happening. It has almost been a month since league start so they believe the player base of SA players is lower and have shut down some of the instances or 2 some of them turned of/crashed and needs to be restarted.

For example, I can ping and get ggg.jnb.003 as the last Hop and get a latency of 4 back but if I ping which should be ggg.jnb.010 I do not get a result back.

I really hope just some crashed and that they have not reduced the number of instances

[EDIT] The other alternative is that more people are playing now than on league start, because I didn't get put on Frankfurt at all at league start so highly doubtful
Last edited by Kilerhotdog on Jun 13, 2022, 3:38:49 PM
Well that's disappointing. Finally got some time to play some PoE but instead I took an instant trip to Frankfurt instead. Even more disheartening is that this seems to be the status quo for multiple days now.

@Jake_GGG mind stepping in and letting us know what's happening? Surely this isn't at capacity this far in to a league?
Kilerhotdog wrote:
From what I can see is that some of the South African servers are still available, but others are not.

I started the game this morning and was on SA server, but in Evenings are on Frankfurt

So I believe 1 of 2 things might be happening. It has almost been a month since league start so they believe the player base of SA players is lower and have shut down some of the instances or 2 some of them turned of/crashed and needs to be restarted.

For example, I can ping and get ggg.jnb.003 as the last Hop and get a latency of 4 back but if I ping which should be ggg.jnb.010 I do not get a result back.

I really hope just some crashed and that they have not reduced the number of instances

[EDIT] The other alternative is that more people are playing now than on league start, because I didn't get put on Frankfurt at all at league start so highly doubtful

Oh God I hope GGG didn't use those G-Core guys for hosting, their prices are horrifying. $593 US (without tax) p/m hosting in Johannesburg while Afrihost gives you the same specs for $186 US pm (Tax Included). $593 they smoking their socks! I genuinely hope this isn't what GGG are paying currently, crazy.

@Jake_GGG Have an honest look at Afrihost, they really are great (support) and prices are comically less than these EU sharks.

I sound like a shill but don't care, they're my personal ISP, 10/10 service from them. World class stuff.
Last edited by Yskas8345 on Jun 13, 2022, 6:21:15 PM
Is there any update the issues with the south african servers?

They were inaccessible the whole weekend and since then it's been the last two evenings from about 19:30 to about 22:00-23:00 where we are redirected to Frankfurt most of the time, and only occasionally put on a south african server.
I just lost 4 instances in a row? like not me disconnecting, i got logged out and portals dissappeared from hideout. Wasnt even on South Africa because our server numbers have apparantly been slashed to double digits
And still no update / answer on this issue of getting bumped over to Frankfurt.
It's currently 22:45 and there is no capacity for SA players right now.

Seems a bit silly to me that we finally got a gateway but can't use it in prime time, instead getting relegated to the other side of the world with 10x the latency. As you can imagine, this really sucks with lockstep and not knowing if your next zone will be one or the other.
still keep getting pushed to Frankfurt
Last edited by _FruitFly_ on Jun 15, 2022, 5:04:35 PM
KryptykZA wrote:
And still no update / answer on this issue of getting bumped over to Frankfurt.
It's currently 22:45 and there is no capacity for SA players right now.

Seems a bit silly to me that we finally got a gateway but can't use it in prime time, instead getting relegated to the other side of the world with 10x the latency. As you can imagine, this really sucks with lockstep and not knowing if your next zone will be one or the other.

If the local servers are up and you're getting overflow that's a great sign at least, they just need to find local partners for hosting that won't make operational costs unsustainable.

My vote is either Afrihost or Cool Ideas.
The experience thus far with regards to the server hosts (other than Azure) indicate that their options are limited in who they choose.

I have also had prior interactions as well via another forum thread where it was explained by Fitzy (at the time) that they would only open a South African server if IBM or GCP opened up hosting here. This was due to a requirement of being able to seamlessly switch from one gateway to the next and/or how traffic in general would work (think global chats / visiting another players hideout, etc)

From this I can only derive that their choices so far seem to have limited them with bare metal hosting, choosing international companies with hosting in SA rather than sourcing from SA run providers.

It makes sense to us, as we can clearly see the price difference and think that the choice would be obvious. Seeing that they actually made it official now, I don't see them changing as the servers themselves have been very stable and running without issue (other than now where it seems intentional, likely a policy of reducing excess capacity after the initial league start).

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