Server providers for South-Africa

This is honestly the biggest game changer for since finding out. the quality of life is so great, I can use flame dash without being dragged back everytime. My pc keeps way more frames and overall is just a great exepreince!
After doing some testing tonight I got 0 laggy instances. Tried tp'ing around for 10 mins 2 hours apart and every single instance was stable 6-7ms. Either I got really lucky or the crappy instances have been fixed.
procrastinate_ wrote:
After doing some testing tonight I got 0 laggy instances. Tried tp'ing around for 10 mins 2 hours apart and every single instance was stable 6-7ms. Either I got really lucky or the crappy instances have been fixed.

Not fixed for me. Logged in with 700ms and coast has 90ms and then next area has 500ms :(
procrastinate_ wrote:
After doing some testing tonight I got 0 laggy instances. Tried tp'ing around for 10 mins 2 hours apart and every single instance was stable 6-7ms. Either I got really lucky or the crappy instances have been fixed.

Same for me, also had 0 laggy instances tonight when playing.
falagar112 wrote:
procrastinate_ wrote:
After doing some testing tonight I got 0 laggy instances. Tried tp'ing around for 10 mins 2 hours apart and every single instance was stable 6-7ms. Either I got really lucky or the crappy instances have been fixed.

Not fixed for me. Logged in with 700ms and coast has 90ms and then next area has 500ms :(

I am also still getting Lag on psychz networks.
How do I connect to South Africa on console?
Please make South African servers live!!! :D
There is so many of us playing on 150+ ping, this is my favorite game to play!!!
Would be awesome if we could have a local server GGG! :D
Much love, peace out from the Western Cape!!

love from Gauteng
Jubilee1991 wrote:
Please make South African servers live!!! :D
There is so many of us playing on 150+ ping, this is my favorite game to play!!!
Would be awesome if we could have a local server GGG! :D
Much love, peace out from the Western Cape!!

Punkprincess98 wrote:
love from Gauteng

Guys and gals, the South African servers are already live! They are experimental but they are live!!

Just throw in southafrica into the gateway box and click on login...
Fitzy_GGG wrote:
Capacity has been tripled for testing over the 3.16 Scourge launch.

Fitzy, from your side, how is the server stability and community that is building in South Africa looking? We are so amped to 3.16 launch.

Thanks again for all your and GGG's efforts to get us playing as the game should be played.

I am also seeing a lot of lag and spikiness when it connects to Psychz, baseline of 60ms and then spiking into 140ms. Azure is pure goodness, getting 15-25ms constant.
Last edited by OuBoet#4888 on Oct 19, 2021, 2:33:18 PM

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