Poe has stayed around for 10 leagues or so too long. Its time to stop putting lipstick on this hundred year-old grandma. Wigs and prosthetics didn't help, and slowing everyone around to this grandma's speed ain't the solution either...her time is up.
Posted byАstyanax#5473on Jul 20, 2021, 5:33:45 AM
What you're doing with flasks is terrible.<br>
Also what you're doing by repeating these boring league mechanics is also terrible.<br>
What's next? Sitting at one spot telling Sirius to bring you milk then selling it for profit?
Posted byPat0k#3654on Jul 20, 2021, 5:34:25 AM
Аstyanax wrote:
Poe has stayed around for 10 leagues or so too long. Its time to stop putting lipstick on this hundred year-old grandma. Wigs and prosthetics didn't help, and slowing everyone around to this grandma's speed ain't the solution either...her time is up.
Posted byPat0k#3654on Jul 20, 2021, 5:34:52 AM
Delete aurabots :)
Posted byFurpict#3776on Jul 20, 2021, 5:34:52 AM
Indeed we won't
Posted byPat0k#3654on Jul 20, 2021, 5:35:08 AM
delgar89 wrote:
Finally. Give me some damn challenge, not this games for babies that like to run on maps with their eyes closed.... About time this game goes back to its roots. League after league it was getting more ridiculous. Slow it, slow player movement, make mobs harder. Make the game viable in coop not a damn rat race on maps we have now. Thank you!
man dude you´re speaking out of my soul :)
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Posted byDafii#7418on Jul 20, 2021, 5:36:10 AMBanned
Transparent & fair - looking forward to it ;)
Posted byBooMFlodYo#4325on Jul 20, 2021, 5:36:20 AM
i'm just here to drink the tears of the people that quit last league and the one before that, oh and the one before that and the one before that and one before that and so on. games direction sucks, everything always nerfed, quitting the game, reeeeeee makes new character for the next league that obviously sucks while hating the game reeeeee...
Posted byIznuts#2110on Jul 20, 2021, 5:37:20 AM
Piacevole wrote:
Why ppl are so angry about it? Its just a game you don't have to play...
...nice business strategy. Imagine walking into your local store and there is only horse shit on the shelves, and the store manager is like "man, what are you so angry about, its just some shit on the shelves you don't have to buy".
Posted byАstyanax#5473on Jul 20, 2021, 5:38:16 AM
Pat0k wrote:
MackBesmirch wrote:
Sakadi wrote:
In short this game isn't hard, what is "hard" for players is the continual 1-shot BS this game seems to favour... And I do not know about you, but being 1-shot for no apparent reason isn't fun nor does it make a game "hard"
Reading all of the patch notes I would like to know how many extra skill points are we getting to combat the loss of survivability? Or is the intent of this patch to make the players create multiple characters to combat a certain situation faced in a map? Because come next league there will be no way mitigate the encounter with out 10 mirrors or being a streamer who plays 16hrs a day with 5 of his/her jobless friends?
- Nerfing movement skills isn't a good for the game and a emphases should be put on making them more rewarding for evading enemy attacks.
- There needs to be a rework on defence. As before mentioned getting 1-shot by an off screen bin-chicken isn't fun nor does it make the game "hard" it just forces the community to play 1 style of game play.
- Crafting needs to become more accessible for the common players or an emphases put on rewarding the crafter of an item though a buff or de-gen for someone else who uses that item (GGG should explore this)
- If Crafting won't be improve or the above won't be explored, then please make crafting materials more common so people will be more willing to give it a craft before turning to POE.Trade crafting needs to be more engaging if you're focus is on making it stupidly hard without an taking advantage of an exploit.
- Nerf steamer group play before decimating the average players experience. The buff for a 6 man group should be removed before even considering the changes you're about to make GGG.
I guess we as a community will find something to exploit just to get into red maps this league.
I don't know about the rest of you... But I'm not exactly looking forward to
*** PATH OF EXILE - The League of: Dark Souls... ***
hahahha +1 to this
No but seriously, over the past few years there isn't even a pretense that GGG doesn't simp for Streamers and the 0.01%
This league has already shown itself to be worse than Talisman as the design decisions seem to be going into a death-spiral, as it's actively already making the game worse and you can't just ignore it either.
Posted byShotgunkiwi#2151on Jul 20, 2021, 5:39:17 AM