Path of Exile 3.15 Expansion Teaser

Am i still going to have to drag my way through 10 acts of the same shit again in order to actually play the game
phlaistar wrote:

As Harvest is/was a mechanic within PoE - probably I play PoE I guess ... Taking this even further - Harvest enabled the whole PoE "Universe" for me ... Let's break this down... as a semi casual:

Without Harvest:
- League start - Leveling / Questing Phase -
We do this - probably no one really enjoys the every league 10 Act speed running. For me it takes about 10h on average.

- Early to Awa. Lv.8 Mapping -
As I am slow and not able to push really hard it takes about 1 Week for me to grind all 32 Watchstones. I probably spend 200c for Maps while doing this. After that I go for some farming - I started with breach in 3.15, made some chaos and had about 2 Exalt drops while week 2 passed. I dumped about 10 - 15ex into my character (Siege Ballista Hierophant) and struggeled to get some real currency - as usual. After Week 3 I was bored bc I felt no progress and played something else.

With Harvest:
- League start - Leveling / Questing Phase -
Same as without - we do this bc we have to ...

- Early to Awa. Lv.8 Mapping -
Same here - I spend about 200c each league for Maps and invest about 1 Week of playtime to get to Awa. Lv.8. Also same after reaching 31 Watchstones - pick a currency farming strategie and go for it. Or several - kill Sirus every now and then, maybe some Elder fights and hope for good rng. While week 2 and 3 passed there are now 2 things that could have happend. U got good drops or u don't ... But bc there is harvest I don't have to rely on good drops - I still need currency to buy Items, Uniques but I am always motivated to go further bc there is a chance I can improve without having good drops or without having to interact with trading (fossils, beasts, bases, ...) for crafting purposes. Even tho I got really bad harvest rng and about 5ex in drops I still can manage to improve bc rare items are cheaper and affordable for the "not 1%". Good thing - there is no competiton - so, why not!? Maybe I even start a new character or two bc I see options to get them equipped. While still on the hunt for items, crafts and currency we are in week 8 - 10 right now and I probably quit the league and wait for the next league teaser.

I can understand that harvest makes the game easier. But while the "1%" has less fun the casual player hase more fun. And imho the bigger audience shouldn't have less fun bc the "1%" has less fun otherwise.

And ... just bc u asked if I play PoE or Harvest. PoE, for me, is all about character development. Getting stong, demolishing maps... That's the loop... Harvest is/was a non tideous, motivating and accessible way for me and maybe lots of other (semi) casual players to get access to PoE. I don't care about standard nor the 1% ...

But it's not about Harvest at all. It's about all the other crafting mechanics. I wouldn't care about Harvest if those were good in any way. Powerful - maybe... but not fun. Alt spamming until u hit a desired mod, beast spamming until u hit the second mod and more and more beast spamming to hit the third mod while porting in and out for trades with several people to buy 50 - 100 beasts. After that spending ex for "can not roll X" mods, ginding betrayls for a T4 Aisling just to brick the Item or do it all over again. If I think about crafting and crafting involves beast or fossils and alot of repetition its like "nah ... too much trading involved" Sure - as a casual we are in week 8 now - 2 month of playtime ... Was it fun? Doubt ...

Now thats some good explonation of ur point and love to harvest. Yeah i totally get ur point now. Well, lets see what changes we will see in patch notes. I hope they wont dissapoint u and u'r not gonna skip next league, exile <3
Controller support. Please!
Wow, doing me an excited. much awe.
oh man july 23... ?
This time i will not even try to start league at release because of this streamer priority and poor servers. Maybe, after few days.
Can you guys add to the cash shop to skip the queue please ? thx.
i hope its will be rly big expansive
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Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by TreeOfDead on Jul 5, 2021, 3:38:22 PM
Looks like fun! I'll be there on the 23rd!

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