Our 3.15 Expansion Timeline

starphil7 wrote:

It's all in how you look at it. But I enjoy the passive aggressiveness in your post, it was a good read.

If you're finding that this is creating, or is an addiction, the number one question you need to ask yourself is, what am I trading emotionally, to replace it with PoE.

Good luck with re-assessing goals and more importantly, see you next league.

I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was quite satisfying to write as well. Looking at your comments you clearly understand, it’s nice to see smart people online (no sarcasm here).

I think pretty much all games with as much content as PoE become an addiction. The game is making you to always want to do more and try more. I was so bored in Ultimatum after I cleared everything (took me a month) because I had no more goals. Creating another character for what? HH will take too much time to farm, pushing delve is useless, crafting is too RNG without the deterministic ways we had in Ritual and too expensive now (why crafting an 80 ex wand when 1 unique dagger gives you the same damage?). So I quit the league (created an ele hit raider first). I was able to catch up on some tv shows, go to bed earlier, etc. So when I say I hope 3.15 will be worse actually it’s true. How to get rid of your addiction? Best way is to lose interest in what you’re addicted to, right?

I have plans IRL to get a higher degree, etc (it’s never too late) so I don’t think I’ll be back next league but who knows.

Anyway, cheers man, have a good one. ;)
SlimShady63 wrote:
Thank you GGG for creating Ultimatum league and curing my addiction to PoE. You destroyed a lot of things in the game (delve, solo farming delirium maps, Harvest, crafting, etc) and you made some fun items/mechanics obsolete or very hard to get (self curse, Headhunter). I cleared the endgame (all 12 uncharted realm points, Sirus A9, etc) and then I just didn’t know what else to do so I stopped. Because, no more goals, it’d be too time consuming to have fun. Basically you destroyed the things I really enjoyed in this game. I was a bit sad at first, but then I got used to it. I turned off my computer and did more things IRL, and it’s great.

So please, do better in 3.15. Nerf more things, don’t buff anything, and don’t add any new/old content. This way I can skip the entire league and feel even happier. Thank you again. :)

EDIT: and please one more thing. Please ban people who call Ultimatum “Ritual 2”. Ritual was one of the best league when Ultimatum one if not the, worst. Stop the blasphemy people, thank you.

Have a nice day everyone.

I skip this league (just try it for moment, but ultimatum is rly boring) and its great. So much time for other things as you say.
I play only HC and Ritual was rly one of best leagues for me. Great reward with fun.
But you know. GGG hate fun and love money. So hope they fail again and i trust them rly hard in this way :D
Droch_Rendger wrote:
tkots8080 wrote:
Proven WRONG. inspect Chinese server

Chinese client doesn't have auction (and never had). They have automatic trading (clearing).

Fortunately GGG is smart enough not to add that shit (auction) into the game because the average delivering time for the buyers will grow up significantly. RMT has nothing to the automatic trading but to the local laws.

Played Chinese server a few months here how it works :)(this changed a bit.)
only downside is its chinese and have terrible lag. some ppl find it p2w but you cant use coins after make yourself 100. you will get around 100 coins when you finish act10.I dont know others but I didnt use any.
Last edited by tkots8080#1608 on Jun 12, 2021, 2:02:33 PM
Seeing this coming very unfortunate of poe. It was all good just before Harvest league then all changed and people started to leave the game one-by-one. Even I don't hyped or want to play the game anymore didn't played in ultimatum either.In short , maybe you should listen to those people who wants some change rather than a new expansion maybe?
Maybe it's time for PoE 2..
tkots8080 wrote:

It is NOT auction. It's in-game trade platform, "market" or "shop". It has nothing to competition between the buyers. There is no reason to call the regular SHOP as auction.

People here ask to implement auction for pumping the prices because buyers HAVE TO WAIT till every single buyer of specific item will offer their prices. It is fucking terrible design for the common buyer. We don't need it.
Last edited by cursorTarget#1174 on Jun 12, 2021, 7:45:08 PM
Looks awesome !
Can your writers please keep the wording consistent. Is it a league or an expansions or both. Echos was an expansion with the league ritual. So what is this?
Instead of you guys being judgmental, you should list all things you enjoy so GGG knows what to nerf next.
I have being playing (and enjoying) Poe for a few years. This is the first time i see so many negative comments in an expansion announcement.
improve currency drop rates and bring harvest back. not everyone have or want to spend 1000 hours every league to have some OP items or to fully inprove his build. everyone should be able to craft or buy good items without spending all his time in poe.
Last edited by xerailas#6537 on Jun 13, 2021, 2:49:10 AM
xerailas wrote:
improve currency drop rates

Why? You already stomp content in 2-3 weeks after the start. And then you quit.

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