Our 3.15 Expansion Timeline

my vacation starts july 23 so i think that would be a good time to release the league... just saying
"Like any Path of Exile expansion, 3.15 contains a new challenge league, new rewards, game-wide balance changes and more. The scope of the 3.15 league is a bit larger than Ultimatum."

At least we get warned this time, that another nerf-festo is coming...
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " ~ Hunter S Thompson ~
It's unbelievable.

I read most of these 28 pages of comments.
Only five of the comments (not pages) - are supportive.
All other (28 pages) - are from disgruntled people.

My prediction - nothing of QOL will change in a new league.
Because we have a TOP manager(s), who do not willing to change their wrong decisions or just lose interest to sincerely cater to their users.

Unfortunately, I don't know yet what $50 mln of yearly dividends is doing with people.
But seems something changed.

Why nerf all?
Why not a trading platform?
Why the Flasks piano?
Why I can't craft in predictable ways?
Why need 100500 clicks to get all small items from the floor?

Is this a normal desire to make all inconvenient for me?

You are remember?
You - are responsible for those you have tamed!

All of these inconveniences are need for me?
Or you sacrifice my fun for your revenue?

I understand - it a very easy.
But I don't see a desire to do something for users.
It's only about the decision.

Therefore - I promises do not spend anyone $ until you do the game comfortably.

I spend my time writing this message because overall - POE - is one of the best.
Сame a long way.
I wish your team good luck to be wise and fix most of the QOL-suggestions.
Last edited by SantaClaus1024#2640 on Jun 10, 2021, 10:21:10 AM
This is pretty much my last holdout for POE, I really hope you guys get your heads out of the sand on this one. As of right now I immensely regret purchasing this year's supporter packs, and certainly have no plans of getting any more.
Last edited by SirDeeps#6770 on Jun 10, 2021, 9:56:28 AM
Seems to need to create a trade union of the POE-players.
SantaClaus1024 wrote:
Seems to need to create a trade union of the POE-players.

It is not trade sim. We don't need AUCTION because SELLERS will get even more advantage over the ppl playing PoE for the GAMEPLAY. So fuck that shit in the ass. I support Chris in that decision not to make trade easy. Even more I'd limit the trades per day (or net worth per day). Keep in mind it is fucking videogame, not the second job.

PS For GGG I planned to spend some money on you: wanted to buy the new doggy and Celestial Hideout. But only at the end of 3.15 because I must be sure it's not nerf league again. Tired of reducing my QoL step by step, summoner's domination (they must be nerfed to the hell or even removed), a lot of garbage unviable builds, nerfing defences on HC (SC players don't care about defences anyway).
Last edited by cursorTarget#1174 on Jun 10, 2021, 7:57:23 PM
im so much not excited at all...

should i mention harvest? i better not...
Larger than reward rework ? PoE 2 ?
Droch_Rendger wrote:
I support Chris in that decision not to make trade easy

trade don't need to be easy. but trade does need a massive overhaul. i started a necro build a few days ago. needed to craft my flasks and didn't have enough alts to craft 10 flasks. 5 for me, and 5 for my daughter doing the same build. 2 out of the 12 messages i sent, i got invited to party, went to their hideout, they went to their stash, then, kicked me from the party as well as leaving their hideout. no trade, no reply... nothing at all. the 13th person i whispered completed the trade. and it was a 4ex trade so it wasn't like i only wanted a few alts.

trade needs an expire date on items. at least on every new league we need a trade reset. this will also remove the players that have items listed for a price, then, when you try to buy it, they change the price and simply ignore your whispers instead of having the decency to tell you the price has changed. spineless losers is what they are.

harvest either needs to be a little better or removed completely. harvest is my absolute favourite part of poe and even i find it almost depressing when i see it has spawned. no, it don't need to be like it was in 3.13 so the economy dictators, price fixers, whiners, crafters, and cry babies don't complain about it being too powerful because casual players can get good items. but at least better than it is now. if you think harvest is too powerful, then don't use it as it's not for you. it's for people that like it, need it, or want it. i hate heist and don't go on complaining about the amazing items and currency that drops in it that are super easy to get. 2 members of the guild i'm in have had a mirror drop in heist. i don't like heist, don't care what people do in it, i just don't use it and ignore every heist item that drops by filtering them out so i don't even see them. simple.

and please, start spending more time fixing the game instead of starting a new league. if GGG announced that they want to spend an entire league solely on fixing the major problems instead of releasing new content, i'm sure 90+% of all the players would support that. but actually fix things. don't just throw crap in like texture streaming without ACTUALLY testing it on multiple platforms and server loads.
poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
excited for this, hope there are more new contents and less nerfs

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