Game Mechanics Q&A Answers

willeke wrote:
Thanks for all the answers ... but I'm still here wondering why Fanaticism's more cast speed doesn't apply to Flamethrower Trap. :'(

Fanaticism applies to spells you cast yourself. So not to totems/mines/traps.
I wish there was Turkish language support :(
Does generic AOE affect modifiers such as the Ignite Spread from Berek's Respite?


Note: This answer has been edited as the original answer was incorrect.

They literally don't know their own game, fml
Sadly no one asked about how armor/physical damage reduction works. I've heard that armour is useful vs low hits, but it doesn't reduce a lot from big hits.
No offense but a lot of these questions have such obvious answers and are easily understood by checking the wiki. Ask better questions people
Australian Summoner-Main
Last edited by Cyan101 on May 19, 2021, 12:29:06 PM
"Does your Animated Guardian get Avatar of Fire if equipped with Vulconus?


Follow-up Question: If you are also using chains of command, can the animated Vulconus weapons gain avatar of fire? If so, will they gain them on separate timers based off of when they were created?

I'm very curious.
Disappointed my question about reverse chill didn't get answered, but still fun to read all the answers.

Thanks GGG.
nice reading =)


Your minions are not you...


So stuff's weird because they have no concept of logic and have too much time invested in absurd systems to rebuild them even if they wanted to. Besides, like the league's name implies, this entire world is take it or leave it. I'd like to be able to turn off the forced notification of these posts at my login screen. I keep clicking expecting something maybe useful and optimistic and basically all I get is another opportunity to get in trouble for being honest "needlessly negative."

I've paid money for this product, I'm tired of being treated here like I'm not allowed to review it as I see it and speak it as I feel it. It's not enough that I adhere to every reasonable standard of civil discourse in the developed western world, I also have to mange some ephemeral idea of whether or not my "tone" is conveying too much "negativity."

But then again I guess we are talking about a chinese company now. And they aren't exactly champions of free speech or consumer accountability are they.
Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities.
Last edited by Innomen on May 19, 2021, 3:13:22 PM
Innomen wrote:

I've paid money for this product,

You didn't though, the product is free. You of your own volition opted to support their efforts in a monetary fashion. You can certainly speak out if you disagree with their business practices, but you didn't buy the game. And that does change the conversation, even if only slightly.

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