Uoykai wrote:
DieAbolicaL wrote:
if an exploit exists its on the devs not the players. bans are too harsh
If you find exploit you should report it and not use it anymore.
But not use it to your heart's content.
I agree but DieAbolicaL also makes a fair point. The ban up until the very end of the league is overkill and somewhat irresponsible. At least give them a bargain like clearing their inventory/stash clean and play the league fresh or something
GKPlight wrote:
Judaspriester wrote:
Just as an abstract example: if you run around a chest 2 times clockwise, then one time counterclockwise and then 3 times clockwise again, open it and you get an ex, this could mean an exploit or just luck.
If you repeat this for the next 10 chests and every time you get an ex, it should be kinda clear that something's fishy here.
I would more assume that GGG has banned those that have exessively used the exploit, in stead of everyone that is stumbled into this.
When you sell gem with the tag fire with a total of 40 quality, with a wand, it give you a wand with +1 to level of fire gem.
May-be we should ban everyone that used excessively this exploit it.
Este pibe es un mogólico.
Posted byGackuto#6431on Apr 20, 2021, 9:13:44 AM
I hear the drop rates have been lowered for solo players, is this going to be fixed back and when? I don't like the idea of 'missing' drops while playing because of a temporary tweak.
Posted bykaterinafm#0537on Apr 20, 2021, 9:23:32 AM
katerinafm wrote:
I hear the drop rates have been lowered for solo players, is this going to be fixed back and when? I don't like the idea of 'missing' drops while playing because of a temporary tweak.
Err.. do yourself as well as the community as whole a favour and don't spread rumors/claims like this without source. Stuff like this is one of the main sources of false information.
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
Posted byJudaspriester#5334on Apr 20, 2021, 9:38:49 AM
@chris make sure you get their alt accounts/traders that they moved the loot to before the ban......
Posted bymoocowheal#5041on Apr 20, 2021, 9:39:22 AM
Judaspriester wrote:
katerinafm wrote:
I hear the drop rates have been lowered for solo players, is this going to be fixed back and when? I don't like the idea of 'missing' drops while playing because of a temporary tweak.
Err.. do yourself as well as the community as whole a favour and don't spread rumors/claims like this without source. Stuff like this is one of the main sources of false information.
It has been confirmed by ggg (bex) on reddit, it's not a misinformation.
You should check it out regularly, before discrediting other people.

Posted byNormbrecher#0912on Apr 20, 2021, 9:49:00 AM
"justice shall be swift and biddle"
Posted byzyndarius#3787on Apr 20, 2021, 10:05:05 AM
i'm waiting on the "caring" about community post that talks about harvest and the complete destruction of it -
OR how not a single question or statement has been asked or said about the outcry on how bad harvest is
OR how you continue to shove MTX's down our throat with huge sack after what happened at league launch, you didn't even wait a week lmao
OR how ultimatum yellow guys are harder then most bosses in the game....
yet post something about banning 20 accounts like anyone cares
Posted byLBGxValor#7553on Apr 20, 2021, 10:06:04 AM
ban only for one league ? In my opinion it should be for this and next league or maybe even perma
Posted byMalThoro#7683on Apr 20, 2021, 10:07:53 AM
Zarine wrote:
Should be permanent bans, like any other game. Removing it at the end of the league would be a suspension, not a ban. 3 month suspension is pretty much a slap on the wrist, and isn't going to make people think twice about exploiting or cheating.
Cry more.
Posted byMonkeyNutz69#5908on Apr 20, 2021, 10:11:02 AM