20 Users Banned for Exploit Abuse

Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
You should update the original post with the proper way to test and report an issue like this from the player side of things.
20 users were not banned GGG, they were just suspended for a few months... Should've wiped their guild stash too
1989lexican wrote:
When can we expect the drop to be increased to normal drop rate after this fix?

Thank you!

No wonder Ultimatum yields a lot lesser drops even full clear after this evening lollll. So when could we expect the loots amount will increased to normal again?


Bex_GGG wrote:
tvinkkk wrote:
why drop so low now ?

This is because of the hotfix to prevent the exploit from happening. We aim to fix this up as soon as we can in the morning.

ok mb just found it should be done in "the morning"
Last edited by williampwq on Apr 20, 2021, 11:46:26 AM
That's just smoke and mirrors to save face. So you banned 20 people out of 150,000 you caught exploiting a bug. Including some well known faces no one is crying for. All to prove your integrity. Yet all you have is another reason to restart the league.
"Into the Labyrinth!
left step, right step, step step, left left.
Into the Labyrinth!"
GKPlight wrote:
Judaspriester wrote:

Well, just because you're able to do something, that doesn't mean that you have the right to do it. With playing the game you have agreed to the ToS, which forbid this.

in order to say it with another example: Just because you notice a suitcase full of money in a non-locked car, you still aren't allowed to take it, even if the owner has made the first mistake by not locking his car.

Was it an exploit to target craft exploding body armor with harvest ?
When you exploited the tag system, where you taking money in a non-locked car ?

I haven't played in harvest, so I can't join the discussion in detail here. In general, I think we could spend the remaining day in order to discuss what is a exploit and at which point you as player should be able to identify one as such. My thumb rule for this is "if something seems to good to be true, it probably isn't".

It's not like I expect everyone to know all details of every mechanic so that it's glass clear what's intended and what's not, but is it already to much to expect people (especially experienced ones who have already played sereval seasons) applying common sense?
You say Prison Cell, I hear 'Holiday'.
Last edited by Judaspriester on Apr 20, 2021, 11:43:24 AM
so the only advantages allowed at league start are the one GGG hands out (Streamer Q)?? if you find your own you get a Ban HAHAHAHA classic! Tuff love Poe community... it will make you a better person in the long run ROFL.
umm... why hasn't this been done before? xD when someone abuses an exploit? like when [Removed by Support] did the winged scarab crazy drop rate thing last league... he even streamed it so it's even worse :D he's a cool guy and i love his streams otherwise and content and i disagree with the snowflakes who hate on him for the comment he made this league but that exploit with scarab farming last league was weird for me... he made a video even on teaching people how to do it as much as possible before you guys hotfixed it...
Last edited by Ian_GGG on Apr 20, 2021, 11:52:01 AM
GKPlight wrote:
If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you.

The usual problem with it :
We are suppose to use any mechanic of the game for our benefit.
How to know if something is intended, or is an exploit ?
It is the responsibility of the game developer to not have bug/exploit in their game.

In this case, it was blatantly obvious this was unintended. You can't use that claim here.
Even double checked and that streamer's account is now banned wow. Great work on this GGG.

(orc voice) Looks like MTX are back on the menu

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