🎄Friendly and Active🎄 <Maven's Realm> recruits for the new PoE 1&2 season! (1k+ players, Discord✅)

BestialWargoat wrote:
Is the guild for challenge league players only? I am mainly a Standard player and would be interested to join.

We have a great deal of players who either exclusively play standard, or both.
Ign: Nanozzz
possible to join?
Hello, i would like to join the guild with a casual role.
I'd like to join!
All posts replied to via pm. thank you :)

Hello, I would like to join:

IGN: @Karameline
can I join? I am ForPromise ingame
I'd like to join, with the casual role. I'm playing the league.

IGN: ExplosivePidgeon
Interested in the casual role, and eventually progressing from there. Playing the league currently.

IGN: Poedin

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