🎄Friendly and Active🎄 <Maven's Realm> recruits for the new season! (1000+ players, Discord✅)

IGN: RunSetFreeze
Account name: rundmc1
Role requested: casual

Would like to join your Guild!

Im pretty active and friendly! Playing only Casual League!

IGN: EsQuuZmiii_CycloneOfT
Account Name: PathOfExileLatvija
Hi, I would like to join your guild
Looking for a casual role
Account name: bomzpack
I just want to join a guild and cant find your discod here.
Im new/casual player
my carather : ShadowSlayerX
acout : ShadowX0
hi guys, returning player here. bin playing on and off since league 1 but could not make it into the real endgame (make it only to t15-16~ any time xD) iam looking for a friendly guild to maybe help me get there :D. if u still got slots, i would be happy to join you!
ingame name : MortisUmbra
all posts have been replied to via pm

Thank you,

Hi, would like to join.
Currently a casual player.

Account name: michsen
IGN: Chryden

EU player
Is the guild for challenge league players only? I am mainly a Standard player and would be interested to join.
IGN: NebsmZoo
Account name: Oofy
Role requested: casual

Thank you!
Hi, I am very interested in joining your guild. I have been playing for the last two leagues and i am active and friendly.

Account name: JADEMAGE9988
IGN : ADash
Level : 88
Role : casual

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