Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Why can´t I left a dislike?`
I didn't see any overpowered amount of crafting options myself this league. But maybe 80 hours per week is the level GGG is optimizing towards?
All the comments about only 1% people being targeted by the changes and then 99% of playerbase being hit. But it's not only people who use the crafts and items who abuse the system. It's also all the players who buy the items in trade leagues.

Well, anyway, it seems like yet another simple balance change. There are many, many of us who don't ever perfect their items or don't purchase these for 20 exalts.

We'll continue to enjoy the game and other aspects it has to offer. The price of slightly less control over crafting isn't that high to consider the game has gone haywire.

With how the game grows and expands, I'm sure new powerful crafting options emerge in some future system. Not as deterministic, I'm sure, but possible to combine with what we have now. - Polish info hub
GGG, please, create the Path of Exile "Classic" client alongside with the current one. Don't prevent people and the game from evolve. You need to accept what childs always grow up.
nice, good luck getting more players next league, lol
This is a massive mistake.

This fixes nothing for the top 1% of players, they will still get perfect items because they have the time and currency to do so regardless. This changes nothing for the bottom 1% of players either who doesn't make it far enough to even reach the point where you need to use this. What this does change is the funcap we as 98% of the players have to adhere by.

Let's face it, your crafting systems sucks tremendously. If you want a good item you have to suffer through weeks of wristpain due to altspamming. Nobody in the 98% is going to actually slam an exalt either once they finally got this item so using harvest as a 2nd roll on a bad mod, not gonna happen. This just turns crafting back into a stale diceroll rather than the actually quite enjoyable puzzle harvest made of it.

That isn't even accounting for the fact maybe, just maybe, your player retention this league wasn't because of your abysmal performance not being so abysmal at all, because it truly was. Now I can't speak for others but I can tell you that I only kept playing because I really enjoyed the harvest part of this game more than I got frustrated by the countless DC's and death by lagspikes and sirusbugs (yes there are still so many we have to discuss cmon GGG that guy's been in here for over 3 leagues now you got bigger fish to catch here than people having a bit too much fun).

I could agree that harvest right now is extremely powerful and it should probably be far more rare than it is at this time. The problem with harvest isn't in its power, that's the very thing that makes harvest so enjoyable. The problem with harvest is that it's easily farmable so we can spamm a million crafts in a matter of weeks and create perfect items through sheer will. Make harvest a rare delve node for example, much like a lich tomb. We get maybe 20 harvest crafts per league or we're forced to buy them off others for like 5-6 ex a pop? Definitely still a very enjoyable mechanic but now it's not overpowered. Nerfing harvest crafts into the ground makes it effectively useless to those that needed it the most ruining every strong point it had going for it. Just nerf the availability and you'll find people playing longer and harder just to get those crafts, striving for that juicy powerful deterministic slam so they can elevate their item, but not too often because it'll be expensive af now.

I don't understand why you'd want your game to be 100% about 1/12000 odds crafts letting us suffer through every single click of it. Last time I tried to craft an explody mod without harvest I had to ice down my wrist for 2 weeks, never again. I'll rather suffer through the shitshow that is trading in this game and buy it off the people that got their synthetic wrists already from playing this game too long.
Good thing GGG. Harvest should have never gone core in the first place.
While harvest crafting was very deterministic it wasnt like I could just load up on crafts and bang out a mirror item a day. My wand this season cost 30ex to craft even with being forced to buy crafts from a discord and I needed 2. This change takes crafting your final gear pieces from an expensive purposeful endgame journey to straight up impossible. Am sad :(
been playing since 2013, started going on ps4 at its launch, i NEVER slammed an exalt.

Why? Because I can't play 6H+ per day, I don't get to drop exalted every day, I can't reach endgame during the first week nor I don't drop headhunters. I'm what you could call a casual player

I usually stop 1/1,5 month after league start cause i'm bored or poor, but this league thx to harvest I hit endgame quicker than usual thanks to annul, remove/add and the few times I find them , specific mod exalt craft (GGG sound like you fnd good crafts every harvest lol)
Even chaos roll gave me a good T1 life, +1 level dex amulet ( i wanted chaos damage oTime lol)

Harvest is what casual players wants : ways of craft without risking your in game wallet. I'm getting an average of 50ex per league, but 75% of them are spent on jewels/fossils/frags and already crafted stuff.

I DONT HAVE TIME to farm 10 ex/day but I DO have time to run some proxima/haewark maps to have a small/average chance to find a grove :)

Twisted logic ?
Last edited by Bleaukhead#9036 on Mar 11, 2021, 9:35:17 AM
By the way, this is a funny thing to light up the mood and laugh at GGG decision.

So this is basically the intended way to craft by Chris Willson:

Video by Nervyr, all credits goes to him.

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