Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting
" I like this idea. |
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that nerf was worst response from dev's in past years. they finally add something to do except "league mechanic", some ppl that was struggling with communicate with other players finally was started to interact with them just by selling harvest.
in my opinion harvest need a little rework but not being nerfed to that point that i was dont want to interact with him ever again. if GGG want nerf harvest better nerf essences, fossils and beast crafting too. dont do the same mistake like Blizzard and start ruin a game from core. stop look at those 1% players that was abuse your system every league its not good for rest of ppl trying to survive in this game, we starving more and more every league, harvest was feed us but now you just take that plate from us. |
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I've been playing for several years and I've never been moved to post about something. Even though this is shouting into the void with this thread's post count, I just have to voice my opposition to this.
As much as I've always loved PoE, I've never been as engaged with a league as I have this one. More importantly, I've never been so engaged with a character as the one I'm playing now. I'm still motivated to improve it. Like many players, I usually get to end game and quickly realize that there are no more reasonably achievable improvements and then I'm either rerolling (1-2 per league) or I'm done till next league. I just came off my first very extended break because the cycle finally got dull. Just yesterday I was telling all my gaming friends to give this game another try because with the harvest crafting there is a realistic way to get your character to where you want it. Now this. It is such a gut punch because this is has been my game for years. I don't see how anyone can be this far off on assessing what harvest crafting means to the game to most players. What would be even worse is if this is just all about addressing the super top end players that play 10+ hours a day. Those people will be unfazed by these types of changes. There is so much about GGG and PoE that I really love, but this statement just reiterates that they will not change on this philosophy that the game should be about playing 10 hours a day or you can limp to mid 90's and quit till next league. I just regret that I bought a supporter pack a few days ago, because unless they do a 180 on this, Ritual will be my last league. |
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Such a bad job GGG, congratulations!
Instead of focusing on improving the graphic performance of the game, wich sucks by the way, you ruin it even more with an unnecessary nerf. I'm very disappointed. Last edited by Arkannes#2631 on Mar 10, 2021, 10:20:58 PM
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" Try reading all pages and pay attention to nicknames. mods started delete spam just from kinda 90+ page.... literally those 3% trying to spam all over to make that vision of "masses agree" and ruin the game, to keep making RMT as they did before harvest league. |
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"Using currency items like Exalted Orbs or Chaos Orbs on your gear is a powerful, risky and exciting way to improve it."
99% of the player base doesn't actually does this because 99% of the time the ex will be trash. Harvest adressed this by actually making items easier to make for the avarage player that does not have 100ex to actually make a decent "end-game" item. It's easier to just hoard exalts like a dragon and just exchange for some decent gear you need. "With Harvest integrated into the core game with 3.13.0, players still made ridiculous items. Even the crafts we made quite rare felt pretty common when the entire community was pooling them together and using them on the right items." What the actual f you think people would do if you make a resource scarce? It's beyond obvious that this would happen. "Players also expressed frustration that the most effective way to get the best items in Path of Exile was to join a discord channel and try to trade for these incredibly crucial crafts." Also your fault for trying to balance harvest by making it more scarce. "Why would I use a regular Exalted/Divine/Annul Orb when I can get one through Harvest that has a deterministic result?" ALl of them still have their specific use. Starting an item that can't be targeted by harvest, either ex or annul is used. Both of them never were the best choice for making a good item better or a bad item usable by the avarage player, as it would almost certainly be rendered useless without a proper way to be remade. "At its core, Path of Exile is a game about the acquisition of powerful items." Powerful items on PoE are, 100%, made. The powerful items we acquire you keep nerfing to the ground(RIP starforge). "We feel that the current state of Harvest Crafting runs against both of these important philosophies." Then you fail to understand your own game. Patch by patch, expansion by expansion, the game is being made into something that is ever harder to understand and even harder to play. If you make no progress after 1 entire day playing because all the currency you amassed went to the trash, will that REALLY make you want to play another day in the hopes that another day will be diferent? There is NO fun using 3k alterations to get one hard as fuck modifier to simply have it deleted by an annul, doesn't matter how much you wanna mask it as an "important philosophy". Either remove harvest completely or don't bother with bullshit excuses to try to explain something you clearly don't understand yourself anymore. Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
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i feel that we are being manipulated here, i am sorry for my bad english but i will do my best.
"When we were designing Path of Exile, a critical aspect of item acquisition is that it is through random (rather than deterministic) means." Chris says, now hear me, back then there were challenges appropriate to that philosophy... *There were no 1v10 bosses in a yellow map *There were no a8 or a9 sirus *There were no Maven Secondly, not everybody can play all day long, or even some people are having hard time even though they play long enough, no shame in it... I hate to burn my hard earned currency on RNG and i am that kind of player who decides to buy items. Even with harvest mechanic, i am not a crafter but what is good in it for me? i sell it and in some rare situations i use some deterministic craft on items, did it only a few times. Unfortunately for players like me, there are not enough crafters who craft and sell... As far as i can see, most pro crafters craft only for themselves and i believe they earn it, so i don't agree the part: "With Harvest integrated into the core game with 3.13.0, players still made ridiculous items. Even the crafts we made quite rare felt pretty common when the entire community was pooling them together and using them on the right items." To make a "ridiculously good item" you need to work a lot, it is hard even for good crafters. As long as i understand, Chris considers a very small elite group (3-5%?) as the majority... I have bad news dear Chris, 99% of us can't beat bosses with shit items like Zizarian or Mathil, we are competitive up to a certain point, we are here to enjoy, we run away from a god damn real life, why would we torture ourselves here? |
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Harvest it's cocaine Chris, once you go in you can't go back.
I am a casual player ( yes even with a lvl 100 RHC character i played this league for 1 month and im done ) and I enjoyed tooo much this league exactly because of Harvest. Going crazy in crafting system just keep me in the game for weeks. I was never that excited throwing exalts and gambling like a retarded in a casino with my items. Really don't. And I play this game since 2014. 3.13 was probably the best league for me because of EoA patch and harvest system. So don't tell me you are done with the fun and going back to the old boring poe. That's really bad news. I will probably take a break from this game now. "oh close your eyes and slam a item with a exalt". No dude, this isn't fun at all and you and me knows I'm getting a +157 accuracy rating with that exalt slam while playing my caster build. I go play dota2 instead, gambling exalts its shit. Exalts need be used to craft powerful items together with harvest. Thats it. Thats why we have a solid 70c price on exalted orbs in RHC now for months (past leagues exalted orbs used to worth like 25c) thank you. bye My end, it justifies my means, All I ever do is delay, My every attempt to evade, The end of the road And my end.... Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Mar 10, 2021, 10:38:21 PM
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Literally don't even want to play this game anymore after this stupid post. Nice going GGG
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This is what you get for not sticking to your guns originally. If you didn't want deterministic crafting, perhaps you shouldn't have added it. Still, you were only adding it for a league. You said in the reveal interviews to play the league because it wasn't going core. Well now you made it core so it's going to be a bumpy ride to take that dopamine away.
You really have to be decisive. This might not be enough. |
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