3.13.1b Patch Notes
I've gotten 2 harvests in 137 maps.
At least I found my 6th ascendency trial today. |
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" itll take me weeks! im at level 99 with my char, at 59%. ive already died twice thanks to the game crapping out on me in the middle of a delve i'm terrified of crashing this far into my leveling. i swear if i die because of this patch, i swear i'll rage quit for good this time. it would be too much for me to take. every time i come near death i swear i can feel my heart skip a beat. its too god damn nervewracking with a death penalty this steep. and i aint even playing hardcore, that takes a special kind of crazy! ive been running the game in vulkan - borderless windowed mode just to get the game to run without crashing and having the textures looking like ass. in DX11 it just crashes out at random with some dumb error message popup, even when i'm literally doing nothing in my hideout and then someone wants me to trade them an item i just installed the patch and now i'm praying to kitava that the game doesnt fuck me. im getting my nerfed out MS jugg to 100 if its the last thing i do. i rage quit the game for nearly two years after that nerf, and then i come back to finish what i started, and this what i get? at first last week i thought it was just my pc having an issue. thought maybe the shader cache or bad gpu drivers or something. then i go on google and the forum and it turns out everybody under the sun has been having issues with the game now can we just go back to the way it was before, where not everybody and their dog was complaining? i mean if youre going to force this texture streaming bullshit upon us, you could have gotten a guy to test it out on more than just a toaster oven. otherwise give us the option to use it, or keep the old way? you know? the little engine that ran. leave it to these guys to come up with a way to wreck their game. i doubt anybody ever even asked for this texture streaming crap in the first place. maybe my 2080 and 16 gigs of ram isnt enough to run this 8 year old game anymore? or maybe somebody needs to get their shit together. Last edited by idrankyourbeer#1700 on Feb 2, 2021, 8:01:46 PM
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" Haha, it took me 3 tries to get it running, the wheels were spinning for minutes and then it just crashed again and again. I have not crashed once during Heist and Ritual, with steady 60 FPS and no loading times. But this patch is an absolute nightmare that I dont want to bother with, may GGG and the reddit crowd have their joy, I will come back when things are back to where they were. Good Luck folks! Last edited by Ygidua#3074 on Feb 2, 2021, 7:49:51 PM
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Please give an option in the menu to players who prefer the texture streaming before this patch. I don't want loading screens 5x the length just to avoid some low quality textures. Texture streaming was working just fine on my PC.
I don't use predictive step, should it be removed from the menu then? No. I don't need long loading screens just to save "my precious sensitive eyes". Give me my PS2 graphics back please. |
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" The frustration you describe is the same kind of frustration I and many others have felt for the last few weeks. It's not about things looking blurry for a few seconds, that is an embarrassing but minor annoyance and it's not game ruining. It's about the game client tripping over itself as it loads and reloads and reloads and reloads assets which causes severe performance problems, the very same kind of performance problems that you are now experiencing. Every transition to a new area would be a sluggish mess of stuttering and hitches for minutes at least. Sometimes models just won't render at all, and it is infuriating to die to something you can't see. I haven't had a chance to try the patch for myself yet, but it's not a "one way or the other" thing to be addressed. The texture streaming system needs to be fixed AND the game should not rapidly leak memory. It's not about appeasing some vocal minority of players, it's about fixing the game so that it works properly. That is the baseline expectation that anyone should have for any game and it's disappointing to see it get this bad. |
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" This change has resulted in loading screens that are way (!) longer than before. The average loading time is completely abyssmal now and not only worse compared to last patch but also WAAAAAY longer than last league or anything ever before. (playing since Closed Beta !) And the worst thing is that I recently upgraded my SSD (now playing on a "970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD") - so I should have faster loading screens compared to anything prior but somehow this new texture streaming with the current setup makes loading screens take like a whole minute ?! |
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" And yet, they should not have destroyed texture streaming but offered the option to disable it on high end PCs. The lower end PCs were having a great time since Heist, the game was running so smooth in my case without any FPS drops, loading screens or crashes. A simple button yes / no and everyone would be happy. Same stunt they pulled with bloom or shadows, I just dont get this company at times. Last edited by Ygidua#3074 on Feb 2, 2021, 8:08:54 PM
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Anyone else having issues with the Syndicate encounter (Research) with the Members not spawning?
I figured it was a one time glitch, perhaps maybe something I did, but it happened 3 times, all in Tirn's End Region. Hoping it's just me, but perhaps may be a thing worth checking in on? |
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Everything was great for about 45 minutes into your new patch. Then something new occured. Instead of crashing to desktop without any message at all now thishttps://imgur.com/a/eRCLu5q appeared.
I don't think you guys are going to solve this in the near future. Any user feedback on how to solve those issues is appreciated. GGG obviously can't fix their own engine for modern mainstream hardware. Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
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