3.13.1b Patch Notes


Since the last patch 3.13.1b, i have this issue (even with hotfixes 1 & 2).
FPS drops from 60 to 5 or less for a little time (maybe 1 or 2 seconds) when a new visual artifact is diplayed in the map I run : new monster, new skill (from monster or me).
For example, even if I walk with caution to let the game load the textures when i am kind of safe, I can run on a boss/rare/magic pack and then its "new" skill may not let me a chance. FPS drop -> death.

I did not have this issue before the patch 3.13.1b (I had client crashes and back to windows in the 3.13.1 instead :) but this issue is ok now )

I tried to put all graphical options to low, tried to adjust the framerate limit, tried to run in the lowest resolution i found, uninstalled /reinstalled several times (on HDD, SSD, steam / not steam ..) but it seems there is nothing i can to do, always the same fps drops.

Anyway, wish you all have a good day !

Edit : AS this is related to 3.13.1b patch, i thought this was a good idea, but maybe technical support would have been a better choice to post this ?
Last edited by Deir#4304 on Feb 5, 2021, 2:46:39 AM
NIKOvbn wrote:
Texture streaming:

It was great - everything was loading instantly, I didn't give a fuck that shit was pixelated for a few seconds. I literally forgot that loading screens even exist, it was saving so much time... Now I'm fucking sad and disappointed, because they are back. And it's painful to go back to them. Shit was so fast before...

Thnx, random fucking reddit crybabies. That's why we can't have nice things.

Make it an adjustable option in the settings, like everything else important - everyone wins. I don't understand why you didn't yet... Just do it.

i would like to second this, please make texture streaming an option (if technically possible) these long load times lead to disconnections and lost map portals due to the loading taking too long so the game simply cuts the connection and send me back to loginscreen, i admit, its not as bad as before you introduced texture streaming, but it still happens albeit somewhat rarely
Last edited by ThoragTheWarrior#4606 on Feb 5, 2021, 3:56:54 AM
"Texture Streaming is no longer relied on for the initial loading of textures. Instead the loading screen stays up until the scene is ready to render, with Texture Streaming used where necessary to keep frame rate high when loading unexpected assets during gameplay."

Or make it as option, hate it!!!!
New patch , same errors, fps 0.

Ryzen + nvidia 1070 TI.

NIKOvbn wrote:
Texture streaming:

It was great - everything was loading instantly, I didn't give a fuck that shit was pixelated for a few seconds. I literally forgot that loading screens even exist, it was saving so much time... Now I'm fucking sad and disappointed, because they are back. And it's painful to go back to them. Shit was so fast before...

Thnx, random fucking reddit crybabies. That's why we can't have nice things.

Make it an adjustable option in the settings, like everything else important - everyone wins. I don't understand why you didn't yet... Just do it.

Pls do. The loading screen takes ages now and makes the game crash. It was much better before this 'fix'
"Texture Streaming is no longer relied on for the initial loading of textures. Instead the loading screen stays up until the scene is ready to render"

Oh nice, I can play again. The texture streaming on first load made my laptop go into instant reboot several times until it finally loaded. All settings on standard, Vulcan Beta. (ASUS G752VS, 4 years old, in case anyone should care.) Now it's fine again and running decent.

Thank you!

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