⛵☁️[3.25] The Arachnophobia Allstars| Chaos Guardian CI|The dirty Scorpion-tail|Herald of Agony 150M+

Kenavru wrote:

swap to CI.
get helmet with enchant, second ring, etc.
swap to lords.
annoint ur amulet.
that all should be ~1ex

lvup, then large clusters.

Thanks for the advice. I've been looking for a decent helm with the enchant but haven't found any with good ES on them yet.

Problem with swapping to lords is that all of my gems are not corrupted yet, and didn't think I could afford to upgrade all of them and buy the lords.

I did just get a lucky drop, so now I have 7ex to spend so should be a little easier to find upgrades.
Sirus a8 - deathless.
Much better than first time with 5 deaths.

But now I met him with IR, Grace and +2 chest instead of +1...

Philey wrote:
Man i cant kill the Maven, all the degens and that memory game just fuck me up :(.

My gear is pretty good, but is their anything specific to help with the Maven fight?

Take a militant faith jewel glorifying maxarius, activate doomsday for transformated keystone transcendence and you can facetank all her spell attacks. But you still need to place her degen-groundeffects in the center of the arena and pass her memory games. You find the complete tipps in spoiler "boss-hunting" and page 50 "more tipps against bosses".

She is tough, you need to know the mechanics to deal high damage facetanking her weak spellhits and raise spiders between the sequences of the fight.
Hey guys, feeling a bit stuck with where my build is at the moment.

These are the things i'm currently working towards in no particular order:

First large Minion cluster
Uncompromising, Self-Control or Sublime Form small clusters
Medium Pure Agony + Cult-Leader so i can have another jewel socket for an anti-corrupting blood jewel
Determination Watcher's Eye
Alternate Quality gems to keep pushing my HoA higher
Golden Rule or Watchers Eye with corrupted blood immunity
Skin of the Lord - currently have ghost dance, but not set up very well to use it, so will either swap it out or rearrange the build, probably the latter since the former is very expensive
Stygian Vise with better stats
Some kind of amulet upgrade
Annoint Charisma oils to apply charisma after amulet upgrade
Split Personality jewels maybe

However, I am also trying to farm xp while i farm currency in mid-tier maps to get more skill points, and I feel like I'm losing more XP than i'm gaining due to random oneshots. Corrupting blood/bleed immunity aside, is there anything else you guys can see that i can do affordably to increase my survivability?

I think part of my issue is that I currently can't have grace, determination discipline & HoA running at the same time currently and grace seems required if i'm going to keep using ghost dance, so i'm forgoing determination to keep my ES high, but that seems like it's probably making me a lot more squishy. I'm working towards some of the manamanagement suggestions as you can see above, I'm just trying to figure out what gets me across the line most efficently with Ghost Dance in mind. Would it make sense for me to find something like an alpha howl/replica alpha howl with HoA mana res enchant to lean into ghost dance even further, or would a rare helmet be better?

I also can't swap out my amulet currently due to the stat requirements of my gems, so i feel a bit stuck when it comes to that, but that can perhaps be solved by finding a new helmet+amulet+belt combination that gives lots of Str and Dex, unless there's some other stat source i've missed.

Do i just need to buckle down and add sublime form and charisma or does it make more sense to completely rebuild my belt/amulet/helmet at this point first? It feels like quite a daunting task since farming currency is slow for me, but I really want to be able to start juicing my maps a lot more as i find it way more fun than speed-clearing with alch and go.

Apologies if this comes off as a "i haven't read and am asking for advice" post. I have read, just wanting to make sure there is nothing i missed, because I do sometimes so this is more "Am i of the right thinking in what i need to do?".

Thanks for your time! :D
swapped away from vault to this helm, and no major dropoff, but did gain some more resist (need more tainted scraps to get the quality up to at least 20% though)

still can only run hoag, determination, and discipline. dont have enough unreserved mana to fit in grace yet. not sure if its just about more levels now so i can get more skill tree progression, or if theres actual gear/gem upgrades to make
Last edited by Soulstrike628 on Nov 13, 2021, 1:41:49 PM
Soulstrike628 wrote:
swapped away from vault to this helm, and no major dropoff, but did gain some more resist (need more tainted scraps to get the quality up to at least 20% though)

still can only run hoag, determination, and discipline. dont have enough unreserved mana to fit in grace yet. not sure if its just about more levels now so i can get more skill tree progression, or if theres actual gear/gem upgrades to make

You need a small cluster jewel w/increased mana reservation efficiency with Sublime Form on it. From the messing around I did in POB, at level 87 you can fit it if you replace one of the medium clusters with a large. Put your small cluster with Sublime in one of the sockets, along with another of your smalls that has reservation (either determination or discipline). You lose out on one Pure Agony, but that isnt a huge deal atm IMO>
Last edited by fievelgoespostal on Nov 13, 2021, 2:19:21 PM
Soulstrike628 wrote:
swapped away from vault to this helm, and no major dropoff, but did gain some more resist (need more tainted scraps to get the quality up to at least 20% though)

still can only run hoag, determination, and discipline. dont have enough unreserved mana to fit in grace yet. not sure if its just about more levels now so i can get more skill tree progression, or if theres actual gear/gem upgrades to make

You need a small cluster jewel w/increased mana reservation efficiency with Sublime Form on it. From the messing around I did in POB, at level 87 you can fit it if you replace one of the medium clusters with a large. Put your small cluster with Sublime in one of the sockets, along with another of your smalls that has reservation (either determination or discipline). You lose out on one Pure Agony, but that isnt a huge deal atm IMO>

i'll look into the swap.

i'm also starting to feel a bit less tanky now that I'm consistently in red level maps, cant just sit there and facetank everything...

my POB https://pastebin.com/UDz2LMGe
So I'm a bit confused. Why is a Slower proj/faster casting glove BIS instead of a gravebind? Does the Stacks for HoA stay up longer?
OK, so I just hit level 100 with the build in Scourge. I wanted to share my gear and talk about build and guide.

First up is my gear.

The chest I made myself with luck, I think it was the 5th one I used a blessing on.

I want to talk about the build a little bit, and I want to up front say it is a good build but I feel I'm going to rub some people the wrong way with what I have to say, and I don't mean it in a bad manner, it's just my opinion.

I actually don't think I need to talk to much about the actual build, since the OP does a great job of it. Most of what he says about it I can get behind, most of what I want to talk about is the guide, though before that, I came in thinking this was a minion build, but it honestly feels more like a spell caster build, you are always active.

Now once again, I want to reiterate, this is a good build and I think the OP of the guide is very active and helpful to people asking questions.

With that out of the way, I've done 40/40 twelve times, and I'll most likely do it again this league, I've played a lot. This is not a league start build. It feels terrible as a league start build, in fact, it's my least favorite league start build ever. It is a good build, when you have all the pieces, and it does feel good, but until then, the struggle is insane. This is a great build for your second build once you have money. I knew looking at the items it would be hard to start with but I kept seeing "league start build" thrown around so I got sucked in. I only have two grips with the guide and that's one of them, Vortex is a league starter, Toxic Rain is a league starter, builds like that you CAN invest in a lot to make them feel amazing, but they also feel great with junk you pick up off the ground and equip, and that's IMO what is a good league starter, something you can take to being great with investment, but also functions fine with no investment, this build you need that investment.

The only other thing about the guide I don't like is that there is so much info in different places. I know OP does not want to lose this thread because of the discussion, but having all the info in one place would make everything better for everyone.

I don't mean to rub anyone the wrong way with my opinion on the guide, I just really don't think it should be said this is a league start build. It is a good build and the OP does a great job of helping people, but it should be a second build.

To end on a funny note, I was in deleve around 500 depth, I got stun locked for basically the entire harbinger fight. Took forever, and could never get spider summoned because stunned, but after like 5 mins I was still alive and the encounter finally ended. I think my tempest shield might have been keeping my crawler up, because I could not cast anything due to stun.

Oh one last thing to end on, I like that OP says stuff like let's crawl, let's sting. I think it adds character to the guide.

Take care everyone, gonna play on this for a bit longer then I'm going to try squire spiders. Have a great league everyone.
If we have a lot of unreserved mana, what auras we can use?
For example 2 of these, but with a decrease in the reserve of mana and damage:

On poe trade:
Agony Crawler deals 93% increased Damage
Herald of Agony has 96% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
Last edited by Leliil on Nov 14, 2021, 1:16:18 AM

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