I've made some changes which I had not tried before, so figured I'd share.
First, the current gear:
And then the Off-Hand setup:
So, what is going on here?
Well, as you can see, I dropped Emancipation belt + Rage Support for Ryslatha + Multistrike + Off-Hand Brightbeak setup.
What this does is give us much more reliable baseline damage from Ryslatha + Multistrike, while still keeping Berserk for single-target fights, such as Maven/Sirus and any bosses where you have a bit of time to prepare before starting or in a phase (such as Maven memory game phase).
To use the Off-Hand setup:
Swap weapons > Cast Hydrosphere > Attack with Frenzy till 3 Frenzy Charges > Attack with Chain Hook until 55 Rage > Swap weapons > Blood and Sand > Attack Boss (Popping Totems + Banner + Berserk + Flasks)
Here's what that looks like:
And here's what the DPS looks like pre-loading Rage/Frenzies:
Believe it or not, that was a slow kill... ;) Here's Phoenix in 1 second (video resolution is busted in this recording, sadly):
There's also the option of using Rage Support, instead of Multistrike (since Multistrike increases the mana cost of Bladestorm to the very limit of our mana).
I currently sit at 31 mana and the skill cost is 30 with multi, but doing this would, for example, allow you to pre-load max Rage/Frenzy at the start of a map and then somewhat sustain it through Rage Support, though at the cost of a bit of DPS as we all know Multistrike is a lot of DPS.
I also added CWDT Armageddon Brand + Combustion to take advantage of the Cinderswallow damage bonus on Ignited enemies
Finally, pay close attention to the alternate quality gems I've chosen, as I've picked each one for a specific reason. For example, Divergent Culling makes it so that when we Cull mobs with Leap Slam, we gain 2% life, which is very nice to have.
Anyway, this is all part of the min-maxing game, so it's just something you can try if you're looking to optimize as must as possible.
Here's the PoB with all these changes: https://pastebin.com/Rdmfgbzt
EDIT: Added PoB export, and updated setup to match latest changes.
Last edited by corosou#7048 on May 19, 2021, 11:44:40 AM
Switched to swords now, not the best rolls and still missing some stuff, need to see how it goes now.
Ive started to play 3 weeks ago after few years of break. account is public now.
Looks fine to me. You'll be alright once you get 20/20 gems/anointments, etc.
Actually, I did notice one issue. You have both Ancestral Protector and Ancestral Warchief. What you want is Vaal Ancestral Warchief, which you can have active at the same time as Ancestral Protector. We don't use regular Warchief at all.
Last edited by corosou#7048 on May 17, 2021, 2:45:49 PM
So i have been going over the PoB, and i have very similar gear, not quite as many levels but even if i spec ahead im not getting anyware near 24mil dps, what am i doing wrong?
So i have been going over the PoB, and i have very similar gear, not quite as many levels but even if i spec ahead im not getting anyware near 24mil dps, what am i doing wrong?
Did you edit your Saviour in PoB to say "100% more attack damage"? This is done to calculate Reflection 20, which basically says each Mirage is 50% of your damage, so x2 that's 100%. I believe this change is going to be implemented into PoB's calculations at some point.
Also, check how much the Ancestral Protector enchant on helm adds to DPS. The one you have does not get calculated into DPS in PoB.
And finally, your Ryslatha's "Less Minimum" should be in the 30s.
You're doing fine though and nice gear!
Last edited by corosou#7048 on May 19, 2021, 11:40:53 AM
Sorry, forgot to include but i do have fuel the fight too but i only have 7 mana left lmao.
You're missing "Mana Flows" in tree. With it your mana should be 30.
Sweet, thank you. That was it. For Ult since i'm not sure which is more up to date would you recommend getting 2 skill points from Bandit or sticking with helping Alira? I'm assuming you recommend the skill points as the extra resistances don't mean much when you have more currency?
Last edited by Ruptur3d#0027 on May 24, 2021, 7:48:57 AM