[3.15] Bladestorm Jugg - Fast, Tanky, Fun, Cheap to Start, Mostly Uniques, Maven Down!
3.13 Boneshatter Viability Update!
Hi Guys, So, how does this variant compare to other Boneshatter setups? Well, check this out: ![]() https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds?skill=Boneshatter&sort=dps **Note: Depends on how the snapshot captures me, I will either be ~6M (Ruthless) or ~4M (Ancestral Call) Finally beating most of the STR stackers now hehe. Take THAT Pilar of the Caged God! ;) Yes, that one guy is beating me, but he's wearing Abyssus, has Tailwind boots and other crazy expensive gear, so that's expected. I could get a sizeable boost from an enchanted Abyssus myself, but then I'd have to get more Resistances on tree and really, this is not the league to be running around with +40 to +50% more damage taken... Shit is already rippy enough! Anyway, not that any of this means much, it just feels good to see that all the effort did yield results comparable to that the most popular Boneshatter variant and with a completely different approach. Modesty aside, I've seen videos of the STR stackers and they're kinda meh... Kinda slow; really not impressive looking, but they do get a shitload of life. 9k+! Yikes... I don't think I've ever made a build that went above 6.5k lol GL Last edited by corosou#7048 on Sep 3, 2021, 7:36:08 AM
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I'm having some difficulty dying quite often in 9 to 10s. Definitely trying to progress past 13s. Most commonly I die to the Expedition zones. I try to steer clear of Cursed Maps but dying at least once per map is pretty demoralizing. Do you mind giving me some pointers? https://poe-profile.info/profile/saiyanjesus# |
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" The most likely reason is the type of Life flask you are using. "Flagellant" doesn't instantly refill life; switch to a "Seething" Divine Flask. Make one of each: You'll switch between each depending on the Conqueror. The Warding for mapping is a good idea, since our Warcry removes an ailment. Also, if it already isn't, make sure your Warcry is set to your Left Mouse Button (Yes, right over your movement button), so that it auto casts as you move around and try to remember to keep it pressed as you are fighting stuff. It's a bit tricky to get right, but with some practice it's no biggie. Just make sure you DON'T enable "Always Attack Without Moving" on it. Besides that, try to get a Shaper Ring with some #-# Phys Attacks. You can use Essence spam to craft on a Shaper Two-Stone ring for more res. Lastly, your Ryslatha's numbers are reversed. It's supposed to be High More, Low Less. So, a perfect roll is 40% More, 30% Less which at 20%Q is 48% More, 36% Less, like this (btw, that is the belt enchant you want to go for, once you get an Intimidate Watcher's): Otherwise, you look fine! Keep it up! GL Edit: Also, make sure you have Patheon Solaris + Ryslatha or Shakari(when doing Hunter) Edit 2: Don't stand around. You basically wanna get 1 Multistrike in (3 hits), then move, Multistrike again, Leap, repeat. Also, Leap Slam on Full HP mobs is a guaranteed Stun, so use that to your advantage to Slam in and quickly decimate packs. Last edited by corosou#7048 on Sep 4, 2021, 6:27:43 AM
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Hi, i'm new sorry, how you cap mana? i have so much problems with mana regen. Im using potion of mana and i cant use buffs. Thanks a lot for answer and help.
I don't have enough mana, what do I do? Annoint "Spirit Void" and turn off "Precision" or "Herald of Purity", until you can get Enlighten 4, Fuel the Fight Cluster Jewel and/or -mana cost jewel/jewelry/chest. You can grab in the tree "Life and Mana Leech" right below "Vaal Pact". You can also get a Jewel with Mana Leech like this: I see this but i have enlighten lvl 4 and i cant use, because i have 73 intelligence Last edited by ICrysysI#6796 on Sep 7, 2021, 8:56:10 AM
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" You either need jewelry with %mana leech: Or a Cluster Jewel with "Fuel the Fight". Or annoint "Spirit Void" on your amulet. Or travel 4 points in tree to "Life and Mana Leech" Easiest is the regular Jewel GL Edit: I just saw you edited your post and I don't know which you're talking about now. Are you talking about mana reservation, if so, do you have "Mana Flows" in tree? or are running out of mana killing things? In which case the solution is what I listed above. If you need more Int, well then you need more Int in jewelry/tree etc. This is normal. I have to do a lot of moving around of gear, buying the right things to fit Int/Dex requirements. Last edited by corosou#7048 on Sep 7, 2021, 9:00:45 AM
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" yeah i talk abot mana reservation, my english is bad, i dont have mana flows, because i was following your profile tree Corosse, now i see pastebin and you have it. but you put "mana flows" a point without connection, how you do that? |
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" No problem, English is my second language as well. I can allocate mana flows because of the "Thread of Hope" jewel you can see center below Mana Flows. You need a "Large Ring" one, preferably with "-10 res" max. |
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" Ok very thanks mate, because im newbie just question what pastebin i need to follow or profile for do the same what you do? just for check Tree thanks |
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" If you're talking about Boneshatter, that build is still in development and I am testing a lot of things all the time. The latest PoB I posted is something you can reliably follow. What I am doing with my character can change from one minute to the next as I am testing things. Next time I post a new PoB, you can compare to the previous and make the changes, if you want/can afford, if not you stay at what you can afford. GL |
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3.15 Boneshatter Update: Cluster Jewels and other expensive goodies...
Hi Guys, The build is in its final stages, there's nothing but expensive min-maxing to invest into, so that's what this update is about. Here's the latest gear: Each Cluster cost ~1ex, Transcendent ~2ex cuz I had the temple so just combined items myself and the Watcher's Eye was 30ex. If you read previous posts, you can see neither are necessary, but they do make you feel like you're cutting through content like a hot knife through butter! Totems now give us Onslaught and a significantly augmented buff. You can def notice the difference after dropping your Protectors now. And when you pop them along with Vaal Warchiefs, Berserk, Flasks, Banner, nothing lasts long and it feels amazing! I also spent several EX buying Divergent Boneshatter and Temple Corrupting until I scored a 21/20. Took me ~5 tries I think... I bought several at lvl 19 for around 40c and used self-farmed Tora Research to quickly level them to 20. Temples I bought for around 60-70c each. I'm still not sure if Divergent worth with the added damage taken. DPS is already enough where I feel more AoE from Stun Duration on regular gem might be better. For mapping I recommend you give Behead + Ancestral Call a try. For bosses Melee Phys + Ruthless/Close Combat. Here's a full Veritania Challenge Juiced run: Youtube: 3.15 Boneshatter Jugg - Veritania (Full Run, Challenge, Juiced, Deathless) And the latest PoB (Setup for Max Potential Single Target Burst DPS - Behead on low-life mobs): https://pastebin.com/0yD0qDUq **IMPORTANT NOTE** As you can see from the PoB, Behead DPS is RIDICULOUS! BUT it's only on low-life mobs (under 50% life). I have tested it and regular map mobs just get decimated by it! It feels great! BUT tankier bosses will feel a bit chunkier until you get below low-life. Which doesn't take long... At my level of gear I can pretty much do all content with Ancestral Call + Behead, including Sirus 8/9, if I wanted to, but for someone just gearing up, Melee Phys + Ruthless/Close Combat is the smart combo for bossing. Either way, point is I left the insane Behead DPS enabled in the PoB, mostly cuz having almost 100M DPS looks pretty cool ;) but really you should probably switch that to Ruthless. GL EDIT: Also, here's a good guide on how to craft a good chest piece for this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nau10WtgjO8 (thx lolcohol!) Last edited by corosou#7048 on Sep 9, 2021, 10:38:41 PM
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