[3.13] Divine Ire Igniter Elementalist | 30 Million Damage Pure Lightning Ignites
" That's what I've been looking in this thread. Although I also made few changes in your version. Instead of Shaper of Storms and Bastion of Elements I chose Elemancer route and Golem Commander on a tree. My reasoning behind it is that it grants so much utility - huge Regen, Cast Speed and Elemental Ailments Avoidance. Additionaly, I'm not even sure if Master of Discord is really that necessary (when you already have a lot of -% fire res on gems and EE). So instead of it maybe take Bastion of Elements as well for some more tankiness. Last edited by Pawuloniarz#7206 on Jan 13, 2021, 6:00:24 PM
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" I'm kind of leaning towards a tree like this though I think, defensively, Bastion of Elements is better than a 3rd golem. I'll take that repeating 3K elemental shield pls. Sometimes you get the bull, sometimes the bull gets you . . .
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" only reason for taking this is ailment immunity tbh maybe early i will try bastion and decide |
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" Primary reason is cause I'm planning on life stacking and based off my own way I plan to eventually sit I should be somwhere in the 6.2-6.7k health range. So I really want the shield with how many notables are on the tree and the life leech. Not to mention the reflect immunity will be nice early on to prevent one shotting myself cause I won't always be able to afford re-roll on maps since we already have to avoid the ailment status crap. But theres quite a bit of ways to run the build I mean the flexability of this build with the new ascendancy nodes is huge. I was able to squeek 10-20M ignite without clusters and the shit gear in my PoB by reworking the tree some. Try annointing or moving over to pick up the ele node right next to the shadow start point. Huge boost over there. |
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Fairly inexperienced player here. This build is a bit more complex than I'm used to playing and I'm not sure how to build it through leveling process. What nodes should I be working towards first? Do we go straight for ignite damage nodes, or work towards the more neutral nodes (e.g. elemental & lightning damage)?
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" Usually I aim towards the life nodes first. Then I pick up the damage nodes that I pass on the way after I've reached the nodes. If you want I I made what should be a decent leveling path for you to follow in this. PoB: https://pastebin.com/4xMXUgGY Now this isn't perfectly calculated but if you use the drop down in the bottom it shows you about what your looking for point wise by 20, 40, 60. You should have more points at each of those levels then I showed. I was conservative in case you skip gods and such like some people do on your play through. You'll notice the first damage node I aimed for was the one that gives the 25% lightning conversion. Thats so at level 40 if you've gotten a pair of stormchargers you can have 100% phys to lightning damage conversion. Biggest thing will be picking up resistances after act 5 and 10, and upgrading your health every time you find a good item upgrade for your armors to swap them. Thats going to help you the most early on for survival. If you find yourself not having enough HP then try running steel guard early on as its free shield every few seconds. Also if you die to bosses a lot run a decoy totem to help out. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to PM me, or respond on this thread since I'm watching it cause the discussion for this build is super interesting. |
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" Depends on what you are leveling with. You don't get Ignite Proliferation until Level 38, which is a massive QoL to speed up clearing. Luckily there isn't actually that much specific ignite damage on the tree and a lot of it is just fire or elemental, so I'd move towards the Templar tree on the left for Divine Judgement, Divine Wrath, etc first. You can level with any Physical Spell or any Fire Spell...or frankly any spell you want. Once you get Shaper of Flame and Ignite Proliferation you can permanently focus on ignite. As HiresX said above, getting full elemental conversion is important when you switch to Divine Ire. You can stall with a Physical to Lightning gem until you get that 25% conversion from an item (Stormcharger Boots or Veiled Mod on Gloves) Last edited by SoupJoond#5983 on Jan 13, 2021, 7:07:01 PM
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Why have combustion in the links? if Shaper of Flames gives us 100% to ignite. Wouldn't swift affliction be better? or is there any other dot multiplier we can use?
Last edited by HeManNZ#1098 on Jan 13, 2021, 7:44:03 PM
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" I actually replaced Combustion with Ignite Proliferation. I hope the PoB was updated. |
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Can anyone post POB with realistic day2-4 gear?
cause this +1 +1 +40FireDotMulti wands are so irrelevant at the league start. Explosive chests,tailwind boots, cmon people. |
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